The Swarthmorean, 1949-05 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2025)

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THE· SWARTHMOREAN AT ,8 P. M. TOMGHT VOLUME 21-NUMBEB 18 COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY NIGHT Dog Situation Discussed As Citizens. Protest Catchers Action Twenty Borough citizens, accom­panied by two kibitzers and one photographer, arrived at Council Meeting Monday night to protest ~, SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. MAY 6, 1949 DENTAL CLINIC BENEFIT MRS. FRANCIS FORSYTHE The Dental Health' Center of ':entral Delaware County will hold a benefit performance "The Ca­nary Murder Case" tonight" at ~ 8:20 p.m., at the Swarthmore Play-ers Club. The proceeds will go toward the support of the Dental Clinic next scliool year. Children from the Swartlunore schools have been treated at the clinic and it is hoped they will have the same opportunity next School Receives Pro;;ector A recent m~ting of the officers of the "Adult Night, At School" voted to present all existing funds to purchase a new sound projector for the 5warthmoJ;:e School Dis­trict. It was felt that this equip­ment was sorely needed by the schools. The new machine, a No. 400 R.C.A. Motion Pictur~ Projector with sound, was presented last week and was greatly appreciated by the school authorities. • " $3.50 PER YEAH CHORAL CONCERT TONIGHT 8 P.M. H. s. Choru~es To Sing 7th Annual Event', ": At Clothier the actions of the dogcatcher. Be- y~ar. The amount of the gift was $351. This evening's concert at Cloth­ier Memorial marks the seventh annual Chora~ ,Festival presented by, the vocal organizations of the Swarthmorfl Jumor and Senior High Schools. Beginning at B p.m. with a group of sacred composi­tions by Bach, Handel, and Lewan­dowski, the mixed chorus of the senior, high school will be heard in three groups of numbers. The last group Will highlight three in­teresting lesser-known negro spir­ituals: "Climbin' Up de Mountain " ginning at 7:45, 'discussions of'the Anyone wishing to sUpport the dog-owner-catcher situation last- Dental Clinic and enjoy an 'ex­ed an hour as citiZens aired their cellent' play should contact Mrs. views to an interested council The Francis H. Forsythe, 410 Thayer general complaint centered around road, Swarthmore 2523 or 3498 the wholesale rOWld-up Utat the for tickets. Tickets may also be dogcatcher seemed to be conduct- obtained from Michael's Drug ing, and several testified to the Store or' the Community Healt'1. MYSTERY AT PLAYERS CLUB "Canary Murder Case" Closes Club's Season catcher's calmly coaxing dogs off Center in Borough Hall. Newly elected president of the their own property. Although Woman's Club who will be install- "S o. on-Ah Wi.l. l Be Done," .. ,an'd Council reminded the group that MOTHERS TO ed Tuesday at the Inaugural complaints against the dogs had ' ,Luncheon. Complete with corpse, upturned :;£::.!~~~~ . ELECT THURSDAY TO INSTALL NEW ~:':~I:~~:~~:E~ ,"'l'here Is a Balm in Gilead." In this last number, AIin Curry, so.­prano will sing the solo parts.' The Junior High Girls' Giee (Continued on page 8) was that those ,dogs on public, , field and Morrison's "The Canary grounds as well as cli.ronic offend- Well Known Child~en's CLUB' OFFICERS' Murder Case." Scheduled to play 'ers around town slwuld be dealt S k T B eight nights at the Fairview road with as individuals and that the pea er 0 e theater, the' mystery is based on" On display Tuesday, 'May 10 GARDEN OPEN HOUSE , H d will be the gardens and' grounds of canine po.pulation as a whole ought ear Women's Inaugural s. s. Van Dine's most successful not to be persecuted. The group novel. Swarthmore College. An all-day fUrther asserted that the dogs were Dorothy Waldo !'hillips, not~d I,tlncheon Next Director of the play is J. William open house; Under the auspices of ~ept as companions for themselves lectu:er and .contnb~tor to chil- T~esday SimmonS, and the cast of 13 in- the ArthUr Hoyt Scott, Founda:" and their children, as well as ,dren s magazmes, WIll speak. to cludes:', 'Caroline Ruppenstein as tion; has been planned for the watchdogs for their property, and the Swarthmore Mothers' CI~b on On Tuesday. May 10 at 1 p.m. the "Canary," Joan Pic card as the information and interest, of local it ,was felt that this "purge" of ~hUrsd~y evening, ¥ay 12, 1D the the inaugural luncheon will close maid, Don Piccard as the night gardeners. dogs was an unfair procedure. ' , ~oma~ s CJ~ at 8 p.m. H~r sub- the regular meetings of the Wom- deskman,' Willard G. Reese as Apr'unlng exhibition,' demon ... 'i'he discussion ended. about 8:45 lect will be Has Your ChIld An an's Club year. Mrs. John Michael Sergeant Heath, Richard G. Haig strating the right, arid the wrong when ,the delegation returned to Educated Heart?" will give her annual report and the as the D. A., Harry Co' Cafferty, way to'trim'flowering shrubs, will , their homes as t4e Cowicil turned. Miss Phillips accompanied by new officers and board members Jr., as' the arch-sleuth Phil.o, be', the first event, scheduled' 'fax ,to the problem at hand. After her popular puppet Samuel Spif- will be inducted into office. Mrs. Vance, Grace E. Yeaw as the 11 a.m~ on'the front steps of Mar .. mqch meditation it was'f~ has. spok~ . to ~undreru: of Stoyan Russell, music chairman, janitress; Mr~ simmons will play. ~!n. r:.~b_oratory. II Following a 'Instruct thedogcalcher regarding children on good habIts; hygiene will pr'esent th~ Club Chorus and ele .Boston friend Sheri Horlon brmg It yourself box luncliin "his methods and prooedure in en- and childhood ,problems •. ' Sh~ has Isabel Martin Prickett and Kath- Alys La Fosse; N~t Dougbty th~ the Scott Outdool' Amphitheatre at ,forcing'theiaw. wqrked ,with groups of childl'en ~rine Huber Knox, duo-pianists. New York character, Stafford W. 12:30' (Bond Memorial in case of On recommendation of Dr. ,John ranging in, age from .the very Mrs. :r:rank ~romley is taking re- P~rkeT. the New York friend, Fred rain);Harry Wood actiJ:ig Sup erin­Pearson, chai~ of the Borough young to the adoescent m schools servabons for the .lunche?n. A. Hardesty, Pop Cleaver, and tendent ilf Buildi~gs and Grounds Highways, it was decided to re- and at summer camps. The Art Section will meet George Spelvin the police officer. at' Swarthmore will discuss 'quest' permission from the State A short business meeting will Thu~sday, May 12, at the home of Stage managers for' the produc- Swarthmore's' outstanding fiora:! Highway Departinent to install precede the speaker, at which time Mrs. Mabel Talley, 415 Elm av~ tion are David and Francis Sey- colleCtion, using kodachrome slides signal lights along Chester road at the club will hQld its annual elec- nue at 2 p.m. \ mour with Alice Connelly proIript- to illustrate his lecture. This Michigan, Yale, College and tio~ of officers.' Mrs. D. Mace On Saturday, May 14, there will ing; Samuel Bigger and Dr. J. Les_ WiU begin at 2' p.m. in the Martin Swarthmore avenues. Th~ estim-.cowing chairman of the nominat- be Open House at New Hope, Pa., lie Ellis are the electricians 'and lecture' room. 'ated cost of these signal lights is ing committee has announced the under the auspices of the Public Ann Chandler is in charge of The climax of the day will be $6000. ~:, following candidates for election: Health Nursing Association for the music and SOund effects. ' ,the guided tour at 3' p.m. when Council passed the ordinance President, Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs~ benefit of the Gymnasium ahd Mrs: Harry S. Toole and Mrs. R. visitors will have a chance to Bee for'the laying of sidewalkS pn'pal't 'WaRer N. MoJr; vice-president Auditorium Commuruty Fund. Ten T. Bates, are co-chairmen for stage all the important collections then of Swarthmore avenue, the w~~lt ,and program chairman, Mrs. Rich- houses in or near New Hope will decorations anc! properties with in bloOlp,.' 'to start at once. Bids were ac- ard Enion, Mrs. Edmund Harvey, be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.rn. Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Alden ------ cepted for the paving of Strath Mrs. E. H. Pyle, Jr.; secretary, Mrs. including old houses' and Artists' Q. Davis, Mrs. Kenneth Dough- WILSON'V. SIDBE Haven avenue from Chester ,road Leonard Dart, Mrs. George Her- Studios. There will be several erty, Mrs. John L. Good. Mrs. J. Wilson V. Shibe of 915 Wes!- to Mt. Holyoke, Place. . schel, Mrs. Thomas Prather; treas- small exhibits of paintings. fos- 'H. Gordon McConechy, Mrs. Wil..: dal~ avenue died Wednesday in SPONSOR MAY FETE The 1949 May Fete, sponsored by the Penn State Clubs of Phila­delphia, will be held at 'Penn .State Center, ,HMvard avenue, tomorrow afternoon and evening, May 7, from 4 to 11 p.m. Members of the Philad~phia Alumnae will assist in sueb.' ac­tivities as swimming and games, handicraft demonstrations. and and wil~ take charge 'of the various booths. ' . A barn dance will be held' in the evening with Chris 5andersen in ch~rge. 'Supper will be served in one of' the Center's buildings, and home-made baked goods and candy 'w~ll be sold throughollt the dC\y. Penn State Alwnni and their friends are cordiaiIy invited' to attend the May Fete, whose pro­ceeds will be used for ,a scholar-ship fund, urer, Mrs, W. J. Askew, Mrs. Bruce sils, shells and foreign curios, as liam Simkins, Betty Van Nest and the Chester Hospital., He was 93. Smith, :Mrs. Burton Williams; CQr- well as the attraction of many Anne Wright to assist. Associated with the baseball tesponding secretary, Mrs. W. G. beautiful gardens. Tea will be business all his life, Mr. Shibe Jackson, Mrs. Charles Martin, served at Salisbury School. Those Marriage Talk At Trinity joined his father;s company, the Mrs. Leroy Peterson; membership from Swarthmore interested in The third confdtenct! on, Mar- old J. D. ,Shibe & Company, manu­chairman, Mrs. Charles Gerner, making the trip call Mrs. B. F. riage Problems being held at Trin- facturers,of baseballs, in 1876 later Mrs. Robert Gilfillan, Mrs. Charles Schwalm. ity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore, ~ecoming its president. He retired Spencer; hospitality chainnan, ------ will be held on Wednesday, May about 35 years ago. 'The comparo' Mrs. Caspar Garrett, ,Mrs. Theo- NICHOLS' WINS 11, at which time, four parents dissolvEd around' the' time 'Of dore Purnell, Mrs. Joseph Schu- will discuss the general topic World War I. He was a nephew bert, Mrs. Albert VanHouten; "Parents Look at Marriage." of Benjamin F. Shibe, founder of board 'member, Mrs. Edmund PULITZER PRIZE The speakers include Dr. Vin- Shibe Park and a former owner Jones, Mrs. L. H. Shay, Jr., Mrs. cent T. Lathbury of Walnut ,lane; Of the Athletics. Joseph Walton. W. Newton Ryerson of ~ ave- ,Mr. Shibe is survived -by a, Oberlin College alumni of the Philadelphia area held their an­nual dinner Thursday evening in the Central Y.M.C,A., Philadel­phia.. Those attending from Swarthmore were Dr. and Mrs; Leroy E. Peterson" Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Dart, and Mrs. James H. Hornaday. Dr. Dart was caller for square dancing during the evening's program. Dr. Roy Franklin Nichols of nue; Mrs. Robert E. Sessions of daughter Mrs. Elva':M. ,Burke' of Riverview road has won the Pul- Ogden avenue, and Mrs. Herbert Westdale avenue. itzer award in history for his Spackman of Westtown. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. book "The Disruption of American The chairman of, the meeting today at Oliver H. 'Bair's in Phil­Democracy." Announcement was will be Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, adelphia. Ip.termentwill be in made in New York on Monday. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church.· Hillside Cemetery. . " ' , Dr. Nichols who is professor of history: at the, University of Penn­sylvania, is teaching American history at Trinity College, Cam­bridge, University, England ~his year. mGH SCHOOL CHORUS IN CONCERT Some Protestinlf : Doglovers at the' Council Meeting Monday The book which won the $500 award is one of several Dr. Nichols has written on American history, and is a study of the causes of the Civil"War. ", Born in Newark, N. J., 53 years ago Dr. Nichols graduated from Rutgers University in 1918, earned his Ph.D. degree at Columbia Uni­versity in 1923 and his LUt.D. at Franklin and Marshall in 1937. His wife, Dr. JealUlette Nichols; also teaching in England at present, ,has collaborated with him. on sev~ral books on economic history. . " " '

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'M~'{ 7 1M' dwnrthIaore Library Swnrth more, Fa. FESTIVAL THE SWARTHMOREAN AT 8 P. 1\1. TONIGHT VOLUME 21-NUMBER 18 COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY NIGHT Dog Situation Discussed As Citizens Protest Catchers Action Twenty Borough citizens, accom­panied by two kibitzers and one photographer, arrived at Council Meeting Monday night to protest the actions of the dogcatcher. Be­ginning at 7:45, discussions of" the dog-owner-catcher situation last­ed an hour as citizens aired their views to an interested council. The general comp'.aint centered around the wholesale round-up that the dogcatcher seemed to be conduct­ing, and several testified to the catcher's calmly coaxing dogs off their own property. Although Council reminded the group that complaints against the dogs had been made by their own neighbors as well as the schools where dogs had been congregating. the feeling was that those dogs on public grounds as well as chronic offend­ers al'Ound town should be dealt with as individuals and that the canine popUlation as a whole ought not to be persecuted. The group further asserted that the dogs were kept as companions for themselves and their children, as well as watchdogs for their property, and it was felt that this "purge" of dogs was an unfair procedure. The discussion ended about 8:45 when the delegation returned to their homes as the Council turned "to the problem at hand. After much meditation it was decided to instruct the dogcatcher regarding his methods and procedure in en­forcing the law. On recommendation of Dr. John Pearson, chairman of the Borough Highways, it was decided to re­' quest permission from the State Highway Department to install signal lights along Chester road at Michigan, Yale, College and Swarthmore avenues. The estim­ated cost of these signal li~hts is $6000. Council passed the ordinance for the laying of sidewalks on part of Swarthmore avenue, the work to start at once. Bids were ac­cepted for the paving of Strath Haven avenue from Chester road to Mt. Holyoke Place. 'SPONSOR MAY FETE The 1949 May Fete, sponsored by the Penn State Clubs of Phila­delphia, will be held at Penn .State Center, Harvard avenue, tomorrow afternoon and evening, May 7, from 4 to 11 p.m. Members of the Philadelphia Alumnae will assist in such ac­tivities as swimming and games, handicraft demons~ations, and and wil~ take charge of the various booths. . A barn dance will be held in the evening with Chris Sandersen in charge. Supper will be served in one of the Center's buildings, and home-made baked goods and candy -will be sold throughout the day. Penn State Alumni and their friends are cordially invited to attend the May Fete, whose pro­ceeds will be used for a scholar­ship fund. • SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. MAY 6,1949 $3.50 PER YEAR DENTAL CLINIC BENEFIT MRS. FRANCIS FORSYTHE School Receives Projector CHORAL CONCERT TONIGHT 8 P.M. The Dental Health Center of ~entral Delaware County will hold a benefit performance "The Ca­nary Murder" Case" tonight at 8:20 p.m., at the Swarthmore Play­ers Club. The proceeds will go toward the support of the Dental Clinic next school year. Children from the Swarthmore schools have been treated at the clinic and it is hoped they will have the same opportunity next year. Anyone wishing to support the Dental Clinic and enjoy an ex­cellent play should contact Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, 410 Thayer road, Swarthmore 2523 or 3498 for tickets. Tickets may also be obtained from Michael's Drug Store or' the Community Health Center in Borough Hall. MOTHERS TO . . Newly elected president of the Woman's Club who will be install­ed Tuesday at the Inaugural Luncheon. A recent me~ting of the officers of the "Adult Night At School" voted to present all existing funds to purchase a new sound projector for the Swarthmore School Dis-' trict. It was felt that this equip­ment was sorely needed by the schools. The new machine, a No. 400 R.C.A. Motion Picture Projector with sound, was presented last week and was greatly appreciated by the school authorities. The amount of the gift was $351. MYSTERY AT PLAYERS CLUB "Canary Murder Case" Closes Club's Season H. S. Choruses To Sing 7th Annual Event At Clothier ELECT THURSDAY TO INSTALL NEW Complete with corpse, upturned chairs and a bit of organized con­fusion the curtain rises at the Players' Club tonight on Butter­field and Morrison's "The Canary Murder Case." Scheduled to play eight nights at the Fairview road theater, the' mystery is based on S. S. Van Dine's most successful novel. This evening's concert at Cloth­ier Memorial marks the seventh annual Choral Festival presented by the vocal organizations of the Swarthmorf' Junior and Senior High Schools. Beginning at 8 p.m. with a gmup of sacrE.-d composi­tions by Bach, Handel, and Lewan­dowski, the mixed chorus of the senior high school will be heard in three groups of numbers. The last group will highlight three in­teresting lesser-known negro spir­ituals: "Climbin' Up de Mountain," "Soon-Ah Will Be Done," "and "There Is a Balm in Gilead." In this last number, Ann Curry, so­prano will sing the so~o parts. The Junior High Girls' Glee (Continued on page 8) Well Known Childrcn's Speaker To Be Heard Dorothy Waldo Phillips, noted lecturer and contributor to chil­dren's magazines, will speak, to the Swarthmore Mothers' Club on :rhursday evening, May 12, in the Woman's Club at 8 p.m. Her sub­ject will be "Has Your Child An Educated Heart?" Miss Phillips accompanied by her popular puppet Samuel Spif­fens has spoken to hundreds of children on good habits, hygiene and childhood "problems. She has wQrked with groups of children ranging in age from the very young to the adoescent in schools and at summer camps. A short business meeting will precede the speaker, at which time the club will hold its annual elec­tion of officers. Mrs. D. Mace Gowing chairman of the nominat­ing committee has announced the following candidates for election: President, Mrs. Peter Coste, Mrs. Waiter N. Moil'; vice-president .and program chairman, Mrs. Rich­a}: d Enion, Mrs. Edmund Harvey, Mrs. E. H. Pyle, Jr.; secretary, Mrs. Leonard Dart, Mrs. George Her­schel, Mrs. Thomas Prather; treas­urer, Mrs. W. J. Askew, Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mrs. Burton Williams; cor­responding secretary, Mrs. W. G. Jackson, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. Leroy Peterson; membership chairman, Mrs. Charles Gerner, Mrs. Robert Gilfillan, Mrs. Charles Spencer; hospitality chairman, Mrs. Caspar Garrett, Mrs. Theo­dore Purnell, Mrs. Joseph Schu­bert, Mrs. Albert VanHouten; board member, Mrs. Edmund Jones, Mrs. L. H. Shay, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Walton. Oberlin College alumni of the Philadelphia area held their an­nual dinner Thursday evening in the Central Y.M.C.A., Philadel­phia.. Those attending from Swarthmore were Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Dart, and Mrs. James H. Hornaday. Dr. Dart was caller for square dancing during the evening's program. CLUB OFFICERS Women's Inaugural Luncheon Next Tuesday Director of the play is J. William Simmons, and the cast of 13 in­cludes: Caroline Ruppenstein as On Tuesday, May 10 at 1 p.m. the "Canary," Joan Piccard as the the inaugural luncheon will close maid, Don Piccard as the night the regular meetings of the Wom- deskman, Willard G. Reese as an's Club year. Mrs. John Michael Sergeant Heath, Richard G. Haig will give her annual report and tha as the D. A., Harry C. Cafferty, new officers and board members Jr., as the arch-sleuth Philo will be inducted into office. Mrs. Vance, Grace E. Yeaw as the Stoyan Russell, music chairman, janitress; Mr. Sinunons will play will present the Club Chorus and t!le Boston friend, Sh~ri Borton, Isabel Martin Prickett and Kath- Alys La Fosse; Nat Doughty the erine Huber Knox, duo-pianists. New York character, Stafford W. Mrs. Frank Bromley is taking re- Parker the New York friend, Fred servations for the luncheon. A. Hardesty, Pop Cleaver, and The Art Section will meet George Spelvin the police officer. Thursday, May 12, at the home of Stage managers for the produc­Mrs. Mabel Talley, 415 Elm ave." tion are David and Francis Sey­nuc at 2 p.m. mour with Alice Connelly prompt- On Saturday, May 14, there will ing; Samuel Bigger and Dr. J. Les­be Open House at New Hope, Pa., lie Ellis are the electricians and under the auspices of the Public Ann Chandler is in charge of Health Nursing Association for the music and sound effects. GARDEN OPEN HOUSE .On display Tuesday, May 10, wIll be the gardens and grounds of Swarthmcre College. An all-day open house, under the auspices of the Arthur Hoyt Scott" Founda~ tion, has been planned for the information and interest of local gardeners. A pruning exhibition, demon­strating the right· and the wrong way to" trim flowering shrubs, will be" the first event, scheduled for 11 a.m. on the front steps of Mar­tin Laboratory. Following a "bring-it-yourseH" box lunch in the Scott Outdoor Amphitheatre at 12:30 (Bond Memorial in case of rain) Harry Wood acting Superin­tendent of Buildings and Grounds at Swarthmore will discuss Swarthmore's outstanding floral collection, using kodachrome slides to illustrate his lecture. TIlls will begin at 2 p.m. in the Martin lecture room. The climax of the day will be the guided tour at 3 p.m. when visitors will have a chance to see all the important collections then in bloOlp. WILSON V. SIDBE Wilson V. Shibe of 915 West­dale avenue died Wednesday in the Chester Hospital. He was 93. benefit of the Gymnasium and Mrs. Harry S. Toole and Mrs. R. Auditorium Conununity Fund. Ten T. Bates, are co-chairmen for stage houses in or near New Hope will decorations and properties with be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Alden including old houses' and Artists' Q. Davis, Mrs. Kenneth Dough­Studios. There will be several erty, Mrs. John L. Good, Mrs. J. small exhibits of paintings, fos- 'H. Gordon McConechy, Mrs. Wil­sils, shells and foreign curios, as liam Simkins, Betty Van Nest and well as the attraction of many Anne Wright to assist. Associated with the baseball business all his life, Mr. Shibe Marriage Talk At Trinity joined his father's company, the The tbird conk.:ence on Mar- old J. D. Shibe & Company, manu­riage Problems being held at Trin- factu~ers" of baseballs, in 1876 later ity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore, becoming its president. He retired will be held on Wednesday, May about 35 years ago. The company 11, at which time four parents dissolved around the time of will discuss the general topic World War I. He was a nephew "Parents Look at Marriage." of Benjamin F. Shibe, founder of beautiful gardens. Tea will be served at Salisbury School. Those from Swarthmore interested in making the trip call Mrs. B. F. Schwalm. NICHOLS I WINS PULITZER PRIZE Dr. Roy Franklin Nichols of Riverview road has won the Pul­itzer award in history for his book "The Disruption of American Democracy." Announcement was made in New York on Monday. Dr. Nichols who is professor of history at the University of Penn­sylvania, is teaching American history at Trinity College, Cam­bridge University, England this year. The speakers include Dr. Vin- Shibe Park and a former owner cent T. Lathbury of Walnut lane; of the Athletics. W. Newton Ryerson of Elm ave- Mr. Shibe is survived by a nue; Mrs. Robert E. Sessions of daughter Mrs. Elva M. Burke oC Ogden avenue, and Mrs. Herbert Westdale avenue. Spackman of Westtown. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. The chairman of the meeting today at Oliver H. Bair's in Phil­will be Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, adelphia. Interment will be in Pastor of the Presbyterian Church.· Hillside Cemetery. . fiGH SCHOOL CHORUS IN CONCERT Some Protesti~ Doglovers at the Council Meeting Monday The book which won the $500 award is one of several Dr. Nichols has written on American history, and is a study of the causes of the Civil War. Born in Newark, N. J., 53 years ago Dr. Nichols graduated from Rutgers University in 1918, earned his Ph.D. degree at Columbia Uni­versity in 1923 and his Litt.D. at Franklin and Marshall in 1937. His wife, Dr. Jealmette Nichols, also teaching in England at present, has collaborated with him on several books on economic history.

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THE SWARTHM~REA~ MAy,'I_ Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock In of orange blossoms and she carried NEW'S NOTES . Trlnlty Church.,· a casc'lde bouqeut of_ white lilacs, Mts •. Robert H. Wilson 01, Har- The ceremon,y was performed lilies of the valley, an~ stephan­' vard avenue entertained Brownil! bi the Rev. Gibson Bell, recto.r of otis tied with loops of IVOry tulle I . mothers of Troops number 85 All SaInts Church, Wynnewood, caught with clusters of lilies of ,and 18 at a tea Thursday ~n assisted by the Rev. George Chris- the valley. , , to Introduce Mrs. DanIel Bowden, tian And~rson, rector of Trinity Miss IT ean C. Blaklston. acted as ,. a. newcomer to Swarthmore, who Church. maid of honor for her ~18ter, and . has been appointed Fly-Up leader The bride, escorted by her uncle, the bridesmaids were Miss Ann N .• for. the troops. Mr. Paul Jaeger of Aberdeen, Md., Cochran of Kenyo.n avenue and; , Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert, Mrs. Car- wore a gown of candlelight satin Miss ,Tessie W. GIlbert of Park ron P. Streeter, and Mrs. Pllter fashioned with fitted bodice, long avenue. They wore .gowns .of SAVE TIME! . , LET US SERVICE YOUR' CAR WHILE YOU SHOP "RIGHT IN THE GENTER OF TOWN" . RUSSEll'S E. Told of Swarthmore who sleeves aod full skirt with traln. apple green taff~ta fashioned WIth motored'to Salisbury, Md., ThUl'll- Her veil of illusion edged with, fitted lace bodlce~ buttoned .up day were overnight guests of Mrs. Brussels lace was draped from a the back, round h,gh necks, hny wIlliam J. Kindley and visited cap of the lace, and had been worn sleeves and full taffeta skirts. gardens of Talbot County today. by the bridegroom's mother on her Tney ""rrled bouquets ~f yelloW,' Nine members of the ThImble wedding day. Her bouquet was of tulips, snap~agons, d~'ses, and Group were present at the all-day white lllacs lilies' of the valley, purple panSIes tied wIth pansy I lewing held Monday at the home gardenias, ~d fleur d'amour. cOlored ribbon. The streamers of ~.~ ... . ~...~ ... ~.. ..~ .. .~ ... . ~... .~ ...~ .. ~.. .. ~.. . ~...~ ..~ .. ..~ .. . ~... .~ .... ~.. ~.. .. ~.. .~ ... .~ ...~ .. ~.. .. ~.. .~ .~.,.. ...:~..~ .. . ~.. Of Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of Mrs. Oliver Rickson of Middle- the maid of honor's bouquet w~re ~.T'+"""""'.,+,+"~. , North Chester road. bury, Vt., formerly MIss Bonny caught with clusters of pansIes. Mr and Mrs. J. David Nar- Jean Morse of Swarthmore, as ma- They wore matching cornets of beth • of Yale avenue entertained tron of honor wore a model of daisies and pansies in their hair. Mr. Narbeth's brother Rev. A. B. hyacinth taffeta featuring a tlght- Carol C. Kelly and Joan E. Narbeth, Mrs. Narbeth and their fitting bodice and full skirt. The Kelly of Seaford, Del., twin nieces children Gwen and Tommy of bridesmaids, MIss Mary E. Heis- of the bridegroom were Hower Ashland, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. ler sister of the bridegroom, Miss girls. They wore Kate Greenway Octavius Narbeth Of The Harvard ~ne L. Link aod Miss Ann A. dresses of white organdie over' at a family luncheon Saturday. Argyle, both of Scarsdale, N. Y.; apple green taffeta featuring Rev. Narbeth and family spent a Mis. Alice L. Robertson of Glen square low necks, short puffed few days here prior to th.eir mov- Falls, N. Y.; MIss Nancy Louise Sleeves, with ribbon sashes of Ing to Binghamton, N.Y., where Casey of Pittsburgh; MIss Patricia green. They carried small baskets Rev. Narbeth wJJ1 be WlSlstant E. Milestone Of Lakewood, Ohio; of daisies and pansies and wore, rector of the TrInIty Episcopal Mrs. Roger F. Woodman of Port- matching wreaths in their hair. CALL 0440 DARTMOUTH &- LAFAYETTE AYE~. The Bouquet Church. land, Me., and Mrs. Dorothy Rog- Mr. William C. Piper Of North Mr •. and Mrs. William McInroy ers of Park avenue, were attired in Chester road served as best mao, and sm!lll daughter Patsy of Can- gowns of yellow taffeta. Ali the and the ushers included Mr. Ralph ton, Pa., are visiting Mrs. ~cln- attendsnts carried old-fashioned T. Downes of Wynnewood, Mr. roy's parents Mr. and Mrs. William bouquets of yellow :md purple James B. Vosters of Secane, Mr. H. Thatcher of College avenue. pansies and wore headdresses of Allyn T. Sayre, Jr., of Bradford, Mrs. McInroy will be a bridal at- the same nowers. and Dr. Frank D. 'Burns of Park tendant at the weddIng of Miss ,Mr. Edmond' Heisler served as avenue. Kitty Weltz, Saturday, May 14. best man for his brother, and the Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes of Ober- ushers included Mr. Edward B. lin avenue, Mrs. W. E. Dungan of ·Irvlng, .Jr. of New Haven, Conn.; Swarthmore HI\ls, and Mrs. Stuart ·Mr. George S. Rohrer, Mr. David Smith of Wallingford sPent last H. Kinley, Jr. Mr. David T. Mat­weeic visiting gardens around lack, Jr., all of Germantown; Mr. Richmond and Wllllamsburg, Pa. Allan W. Myers of Jenkintown; Mr. and Mrs. ~ J. Self of Mr. Roland B. Graham, Jr., of Rutgers avenue entertained as Chestnut HIll, aod Mrs John H. their weeic-end guests Mr. 8ild Hanson of Wynnewood. Mrs. William R. Argyle and their A reception at the residence of daughter Ann of Scarsdale, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of IIormer1:v 01 Swarthmore. Mtsa Harvard avenue followed the cere­Argyle was a bridesmaid at the mony. The bride's mother chose a HetsJer-Downing weddIng Satur- gown of aqua crepe with hat .of day.. . white and/lavender. Her corsage Dean and Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow was of lavender orchids. The of Butgers avenue, Old Orchard, bridegroom's mother wore a gown had as their week-end guest Prof. of sheer brown crepe with match­Claude Fromageot of the Sor- Jng hat. Her corsage was of green bonne, Paris. Professor Fromageot orchids. ' A reception followed the cere­mony at the home of Mrs. Joseph E. Way of Bowling Green, Media. Mrs. Blakiston. wore a gown 01 light brown chiffon with lace bodice and green hat with match­ing light brown trimming. Her' corsage was of green orchids. Mrs. Brogan wore a slate blue sheer gown with matching hat. Her corsage was of purple orchids. , BmTHS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Francis Butler, Jr., of Penn Valley are re-' ceiving congratulations upon thel birth of their second son, Jon Crowther Butler, April 27 in Ly­ing- In Hospital, Phila<:lelphia. i The baby is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Butler of South Chester, BEAUTYSALOl!l The heart remembers Mother's beauty Call Swarthmore 04711 9 Chester Road STRATH HAVEN INN THE INN WI'rH PERSONALJ'lT SWARTHMORE, PA ON MOTHER'S DAY Treat her to one of our f"moUs old-fashioned Family Dinners and delight her with a walk through OUI' spacious g"rdeDB FOR RESERVATIONS, TELEPHONE Is a distinguished French biochem- Following a wedding trip to 1st travelling In Ihls co~try to Bermuda, the young couple, will vIsit biochemical and medical lab- live in Lansdale, Pa. oratories under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation. BROGAN - BLAKISTON Swarthmore 11680 road. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers ofl~ Drexel Hill, formerly of Swarth- i more, announce the birth of a i FEATURE. OF THE WEEK ENGAGEMENT , at Mr. and Mrs. John Greser1S of Philadelphia announce the en­gagement of Mrs. Grasen's daugh­ter, Miss Betty Kepner, to Mr. John H. Craemer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Craemer of Harvard avenue. The wedding will take plaoe this summer. The Rev. and Mrs. H. Lewis Cutter ot Boonton, N. J., former1:v of Swarthmore, announce the en­gagement of 'thelr daughter, Mtsa E. Elizabeth Cutler, and Mr. John H. Wilson, son of Mr. Edwin C. Wilson Of New Castle, and the late Mrs. Wilson. HEfSI- DOWNING MIss KalharineMargaret Down­Ing, daugq.ter or Mrs. Hugh W. Downing of Riverview road, be­came the bride of Mr. Charles Cornelius Heisler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Heisler of Haverford, The Swarthmore PLAYER'S CLUB presents' "THE CANARY MURDER CASE" * OPENING TONIGHT BAY 7, .. If, 11, U, n, If, The marriage 01 MIss Roberta daughter, Janet Virginia, on May I' Wirz Blakinston, daughter ot' Mrs. 2. ' Joseph Barry Blaklston of Elm The baby Is a granddaughter of I avenue, aod the late Mr. Blakls- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers of' ton, to Mr. Charles Carson Brogan, Jr., son of Mr; and Mrs. Brogan of Guernsey road, took place Sat­urday. April 30 at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. O'oseph P. Bishop per­formed the ceremony. Cornell avenue. A daughter, Laura Louise, was I born to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S.· Kent of Quincy, ill., on April 22. The new baby is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent The bride, given In marriage by her uncle, Mr. M. Herbert Panl of p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, NaVIes, Fla., wore a wedding gown Of light Ivory satin made with a of Riverview road. FOR fitted bodice, off-shoulder neck- MAGAZINE line edged with point de Venlse SUBSCRIPTIONS. lace, long tight sleeveS, and full Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman skirt with train. . Her long tulle Swarthmore 2080 veil was attached to a headdress !;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;~;::;;;::;;~ MEDIA' Last Two ,Daysl FrIday and Saturday Jeanne CraIn - Linda Darnell Ann So.them "A LE'I'lfi TO THREE WIya" 4 (ThIs Feature Will Not Be Shown Saturday Matinee) OK KIDDIE SHOWI Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 Errol Fbnn ''TIlE SEA HAWK" CongO Bill No. 7 All Children 20 rents Sunday, Monday, Tuesday David NIven - Eftlyn ~ "ENOJIANTMENT Only! . " College Thea~re Friday and Saturday Jack Carson Ronald Reagan "JO~ LOVES MARY" Feat. Times Sat. Nite Only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. Sat. 1 p.m. Special Children's Matinee Roy Rogers "Under California Stars" Cartoons. Last chapter of "Jungle Girl" serial. First chapter dew serial "Son of Zarro". Monday and Tuesday A. I. Cronbt's Best SeUer "'~rl'ER'S C~. .James Mason Deborah Kerr Wednesday only ''(JOUNT OF MONTE CRISTO" StartlDg Thursday flA LErrER. TO TURn WIVES" RUTH IZUMl DRESS SHOP 631 South Chester Road Theatre Square Plaids - Stripes - Sotlds - SHERRIE CLASSIc _ Sanforized Co'ton in a Dan River Fabric """"""'" sizes 12-10 $8.85 Nationally AdverUsed Dresses In Sizes 9 - 15, 10_- 18 $5.98 and up sssss We also carry Bryn. Mawr ~loUBes, Reasonably Priced Dresses for Children and Teens -'-_.- DE'PENOABILITY " • 'l'IIia b wi III of ClCllIIIIIIP.:_.''''. It NQUirea 1mowJe11" .... ...a • high depee of. z. M &1' wodt DRIIt be nt • : I Certabapowerfld _eliciT .1 qenta must be measured to a r.: •• \."'Q 01 •• : Wh.en JOu briac;,our ptGcdptiuilitD.,... ... , ~ tile =:auce that aD of .... I'd _ "II ..... cm'Cientiaudy oil ,cd. Year _ &II 3 S , , - wm verify this atatern.en,t. ... !iii'''. "J .~ College Pharmacy ON THE COBNEB I $ 8 ,- is 5 S jS $ $ * $ , $ S $ S 5 / • MAY·, I_ ' THE S WAR T HMO Bil A N , . - - - - -- - -= -- - - --- THE 'SW ARTHMOREAN .mu..sHED BVIIllY FlUDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA TIlE SWAR'1'IIIIIOREAN. INC., PtJBLlSHEB Pbone IlwarUlmore '"' PETER E. TOW, EdIto~ MARJORIE TOW, HAJlBARA KENT' EAdssiotchta teW EhditIatkeresr Rosalie Petrsol Lorene Mc Carter , Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, :8~ ,e far:. OffIce at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act 0 , DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PA.. PlUDAY, MAY 8, 11149 ------=-=-=----==-==--==-----'--=- . ----- - - ------ Methodist Notes ,The Sunday School. meets at 9:45. The Young Adult's meet at 10 o'clock in the Ladles Parlors. A't the 11 o'clock service the topic of the sermon is "Preserv­ing our Inheritance." This ser­mon was deliv~red some weeks ago and by request will be given again on moming. The youth Fellowsh~p will meet at 6:30. The Church Nursery is during the morning service. Mrs. John Hamilton and Priscilla Al­len will be in charge. t I Mr and Mrs. J. Roy Snape at The ushers for the day are G. Presbyterian No es 'the Harvard avenue entrance and Shubert, E. Alston, W. D. Dickln- 'Sunday morning at the 11\ Mr and Mrs. J. Frances Taylor at son, P. Murray and P. K. Paulson. o'clock service Mr. Bishop wJJ1 the' driveway-transept entrance The Young Adults have thell' preach on the topic "Our Best 1\ will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting montnly meeting and social on Hope For Tomorrow!' the congregation after the service Monday evening at 8 in the chapeL The Sacrament of Baptism wJJ1\ on Sunday morning. The Woman's Society will meet be observed. We will have as our· ,Anniversary Day at the Pres- for dessert luncheon on Wednes­guests the Chorus from Washing- byterian Cbildren's Village, 58th day at 1 o'clock. The, regular ton and Jefferson College. The and Kingsessing avenues WIll meeting will follow, at WhIch, time Chorus will present music for our be celebrated on Thursday, May 12- Marjorie Penny of the Fellow­service and a short program Im- from 11 to 8 o'clock. A cordial ship House, Philadelphia, will be mediately after the service in the invitation is extended to every- the speaker. All women .of .the Church. one to go to this celebration. ' community are cordially mVlted All departments of the Church The High School Fellowship will to attend. ' '11 S h 1 and the Adult Bible Classes meet on Sunday evening for sup- The Annual Conference w. c ~o t 9'45 on Sunday morning. I per and game night, .starting at meet at Allentown on Wednesday meTeh ea Ch.u r"h Hour Nursery, m. 'lI a. , I ck . _ 1'30 It will be in seSSlQn un- 0 co. . ' f th' Wo- ~, . . The Con-e of Kathryn. Sunpers and '£he May meetmg 0 e \oil lVlonuay morning. charg G d' Clark will meet from I man's Association will be held .on Ierence W,S.C.S. will meet at the M11 rst.o 1o2r oo'ncl ock Su. nday morning Wednesd ay,. M ay 11 . . Exe'ccul bvke' .6eat of the Conferenc1e0 3o0n 2'l 'uaensd-in tlie Parish House. ThIs Nursery Board Meetmg at 10.30 0 oc, day. Sessions are at : , f children· from 1 to Worship service led by Mrs. f. 7:30. takes care 0 T Flaherty at 12 o'clock in the 7 years of age. .u eet Church' Luncheon prepared by ·The Board of Trustees WI II! 8 C' cle 8 Mrs E W Crosby, chair- Tuesday evening, May 10, at If Mr' s B'ir~ey' K. Morse, co- . affi man,. in the Church ceo chairman, at 12:30; an original Notice Is hereby given that th~re program with ,Home Talent en­will be a CongregatlOl~al Mee~ titled "No East Nor West" will on May 15 immediately f~lIowmg follow the luncheon. Co-authors the morning worship serVlce. . of the skit are committee members The Junior High Fell~wShi~ Mrs. Morris Bowie, IMrs. E. J. Heads Affairs' Council John. W. Nason, President of Swartbmore College) was elected president of the newly-formed World Affairs Council at a dosed meeting held in Philadelphia last wrek. Mr. Nason was also electedd a four-yea~member of the boar ';vill meet on Sunday eveniIlg F ulkner Mr's. Warren, of directors. '11 b "The a t 5 p.m. The program WI e and Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell. • A' r other Gang has B.O." led b! Jane The Evening Circle of the Wo- Legion wx JarY Patterson. Jo~e Alle.n ~~ IMe":, man's Association Mrs. F. T. Rans- The Woman's Auxiliary of the the worship serVIce. VUgJ.DJ.a b g chairman will hold a covered American Legion will offer pop­gee is in cha~ge ~f re~reshments. d~h supper on Tuesday evening, pies to th~ Swarthmore Commun- The Junior Choll' will rehearse May 10, at 6 at the Church, A ,ty next week. Members are re­Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and the rdial invitation is extended to quested to call Mrs. Alban Rogers, Chapel Choir will rehearse Thurs- ~l business women and young telephone 0634-W and give a few day evening a t n. :4 5 . t mothers to attend tho1 8 meet i,n g . hours of service .in the interest of . Boy Scout Troop 2, meets. a . A dessert meeting for the the, Disabled Veterans. By' pre- 7:30 at the Presbyterian Church workers for the new Building senting poppies for donations, vol­on Thursday evening. Fund Drive will be held at the Wlteers may help support these Church at 7:45 on Wednesday eve- veterans' families. Chu'rch Services ning, May 11. , --==-~-;;;:;-;:;;;;U:Mn;m:--'1 The Young Adult's Group WIll PHI BETA KAPPA AWARDS SWARTHMORE meet at 6 for supper ~unda! eve- The Swarthmore chapter of the PRESByTERIAN . C~CH ning, followed by a d.scussiOn.. Phi Beta Kappa society today an- Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, lI4intster The College Age Group w,ll nounced names of the winners of sundaY'ChMaurcY h 8 9:45 A. M. - 'BSc'bholoel, ineet at 8 on Sunday. edv ~nCinogu...p les ,'ts 'annual awards. These awar.ds Women's and Men S I The YOUng Marrle are given to the student~ ma~n- Classes. . Mr Club of the Presbyterian Church taining the highest academ,c aver- "l1:00 !'-. M.~ur~a~irvlce. . w\ll hold a'1 old clot~es party at age for their first two years of 'O~~~ -Jr. jtgh Fellowsh!p. the' church this everung. A cor- study at Swarthmore College. I 56.: 00 P.. M·'.. .'..g.r HighA dFuelUtso' wCshluipb.. dial invitation is exten.d.e d . to tahlel Normally, two .tudents are I 6 00 P M Young interested couples to lorn lU honored by Phi Beta "'"ppa eaclt 8:.00 p'. 'M·.-College Age Group ..... . will meet~. fun. yeTahisr y.ea,r four stdu dCe nts, tied for the award: Gerar as- METHODIST CHURCH Friends Meeting Notes pary of poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Al- I Roy, N., Keiser, I!,D., ~ As the Bird Walk was held M.a y bert' Ross Eckler, of Washington,' Snnday, Mal' School ed d f Urbana 9:45 A. M.-Cyh ~~ Adult Fe!- 1 in spite of threaten ram, D, C,; Louis N. Howar 0 .' 10:00 A. M.- 0_ . First Day School classes will be Ill., and Jerry Ravetz of Ph.la7 11 '001~~~The minI*r WlOur'U held as usual on Sunday. . delphia. h · prea. ch on uPreserv:iDg Swarthmore Meeting's ACmOI IlIlll. t- The four awards are of $35 eac . Ii Inheritance."· hi tee on the work of the erlcan 6:30 P. M.-Youth Fellows p. Friends Service Committee is hav- PLACES IN RELAY TlUNlTY CHURCH ing a "Covered Dish Dessert Party" Swarthmore College's one-mile Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector in Whittier House at 7:30 on. Sun- relay team placed twice in the 8'00 A SMn.n-Hdaoy1,: vM aCo7 m 8m u nion ~ay preceding an open meeting m Penn Relays at Franldin F. ield r H t 8'15 when Middl 9:45 A' M.-Church School. th the Meeting ouse a. last week-end, winning the e 1I~00 A: M.-Morning Prayer:'Th: Eleanor Stabler Clarke will show Atlantic Mile on Friday and plac- Rector will preach o~ pictures in color and make com- ,'ng third in one of the Colleee Church as Interpreted. ments on places in 'Europe where , ds Miles on Sat'!1'<iay. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY work of the America~ Fri~ The Garnet quartet, composed of S~!d~ 8 Service Committee is bemg carrIed Bill Tietz, Bill Battin, John Spaul- 9'45 A M.-First Day School on. ding and Al Van Dusen, turned 9:· 450 AA'' MM ' MAdeeutlitn gF oforur mw.o rship. N t .'n a tun'e of 3:26.7 in winning .the 11'0 .. f' Whit- . Trinity 0 es local mile, but was out~ed · (Children cared or m. 'ill be cele- d b H ard Ho1:v Commun,on ~ by the 3:23.1 registere y ow tier HO~) red DIsh Des- brated at 8 a.m. Church School University in Saturday's race. 1:30 P. M. ove w',ll meet at 9:45 a.m. At the 11 re on sert PMa rtyP i''c lures in oolor The Swarthmore aces we 8:15 P. A·.F S C work is done a m service of Morning Prayer hand to oppose Delaware at ho~e iwnh erEeu r-oPe.. , 'Comments by the' sermon topic wteidll be "The on Tuesday, and are in preparatlon n t d Eleanor Stabler Clarke. Church Misinterpre . for the Haverford meet Sa or ay Wednesday, .Ma7..!l Quilt- Choir school will meet on Mon- at Alumni Field, 9:30 to ~:3O--SWhi·~ House. Box day and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Ltnugn cmhe on. All ._.". ........ '...n..._. .,.-.- There wI'1I be a meeting of the Vestry on Monday at 8 p.m. vlted. Choir rehearsal will be held on FlRliT CHURCH O! Th"--'.- evening at 1:30_ p.m. Artist To Lecture Arthur M. HInd, keeper of the Department of Prints and Dra,,:,­' ings of the British Museum m CHRIST SCIENTIS~ ~......, OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue ~ H8a rvard Sanda7, .... 7 11'00 A. M. Sunday Schoo~ 11'00 A. M.-Lesson - u._ " • "Adam and ;.!?t::t .......... ~~ Wednesday e . mee ...... et.k, 8 p.m. ReadIng room each ":!aily except Sunday and oHpoelind ays 12 to 5 p .m. WaeDdndr r9d 8to7 evenipp 7 to 7:50 pm. II:SO. ehri tian Science Notes Londo,n W'I1 1 speak on. .D urer antd-s ". th R mbrandt at the Friends Mee "Adam And Fallen Man. IS i: in~ House at 8:15 p.m. on T~un­subject of the Lesso~-S~ont is day May 12. His lecture wJJ1 be all churches of Christ, Seien t, .t1u~trated and Is spausored by on Sunday, May 8. The. Golden ~he Benjamin Wes!, Society and Text is: "As in Adam all die, even F' Arts Department ofl SO In Christ sball all be made the me U alive" (I. Corinthians 15:22). Swarthmore Co ege. NON.SECTARIAN .. Our larg. clientele embraces those of aU faiths and creed.. We have a staff which I. thoroughly famillor with th ... rvIc~ and rituals of all religious, denorainotions ond fraternal orders. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlRICIOR. 0. FVNnAliS 1820 CHESTNUT STRE'ET TeIaph~ RJ 6-1581 MARY A. lAIR, P'odd .... ' A'l'TENTION ' SWARTHMORE KYW's NEW TWIN TOWERS BRtNG TOU NEW PERSONALITIES NEW PROGRAMS-LISTEN! WESTfNGHOUSE KYW NBC ~lIATE --. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SAVE MONEY Illll)IftS I-STROMBERG CARLSON was $39) NOW ONLY $292. . " I-STROMBERG CARLSON was $325 NOW ONLY $243.95 . ... . I-WESTINGHOUSE was 'S99.95 , NOW ONLY $49.95 I-WESTINGHOUSE was $139.95 . r:<0W ONLY $79.95 3 WAY PORTABLES REDUCED I-SINK Double Drain Boal'd 54 incheo; WAS $149.95 NOW ONLY $109.95 ELECTRIC SUA VERS 200/0 OFF IDEAL FOR GRADUATION GIFl'S ROOM HEATE,RS and VACuuM CLEA.NF..RS REDUCED .. -.' ' . .' .. ' . I ...... .- .... .' .. , , , ' "

---------- Page 4 ----------

• SWABTBMOBEAN MAY·"lHt PIAN CHORAL the program as well 88 Under the dln!cUon of AlIce E. . composItions and Negro NEWS NOTES STWHEAR CTOHUMNOCRILE 0D1O" ETSH OE RBDOARINO:U OH aertro raa~ ld-,'. .."D o8Ibltui tt!'b?e. alIIrId~e buJ ' Outstanding tenor Na- Blodgett, director of vocal Dickerson of the Marln- B I G Willi A. McCul I. PubU. the Bo ...... b without In_ wltbIn r g. en. am - 01 thlrt,. ('0) dar. after compJeUOD Of the i~~~~~~~[~~~~~~~~~~~ the proper Bo ...... b 01l'1cen, Pti_ in the Swarthmore Schools, era Quartet on the Arthur' God- to 1M18endt iath Feeilrl oswecshonipd C abnoIn'UuSa lw illconprt!-cert I frey program will be guest 8010Lst. loch and Mrs. McCulloch ot River- work. An,. e. mug rema'nln. uDpaJd view road have returned from a ;:i.-a,;!d ~~~~F I olofr C1O0m0"p,l etthioann, IthbaJrUt, . bdeaarp Ifnrtoemre stth oa tt itmhee on Thursday, May 19 at 8:15 p.m., The concert Is open to the public. . . Members of the chorus from iIunm th. e Media HIgh .S chool Auditor_ Swarthmore are: Mrs. Helen Bun-tr · to N rth d South Carolin ,.. rate of 0% pet BOQum from. the date tbd 'p 0 an a. work Is completed, and.1t Dot paid wllhI. At Chapel Hill, N.C., they vLslted ave months after c<>mpleUoD. the Bo ..... b their daughter MIss Flo.rence Tur- Solldtor _II co... II.... to be Dod ner McCulloch who is doing grad- atoprl nthset athmeo urenstp eocftJ vsaei da bJu"tetIJID)e8C'l l"Pt'ne JIPUeJrIteiUeoi dick, James H. Cleaves, Corlease En~I'h music from the ElJIza-1 Hassell, Hany McGilberry, David uate work in French. At Harts- omfe ncUom. pwleiUtho Da, cctcru:weedt heIrn tewrietsht cfor:odm.t. d»eante-bethan period will be featured L. Thayer, Ruth Trauger, Mr. and ville, S.C., they were the "guests of alUes and sttorae,-. tee. &I allowed bJ Mrs. David Cokert going down cJaowlle. ctT bsea idB oer.oUu8ahO 'erneetlei~ 8DI(r oththee rr falabwt ftuol WHAT-Mrs. E. Stanfprd Waters; AlIce Puinam, Jacqueline Moore, Mrs. Harold March, M.Yrue Mc:eallin, J. David Jackson, Leonard Dart, Alberta Blankenahlp. especially to see the lovely Coker 10 the dlBcr<tlOD 0' 80 ........ gardens, "KalmIa", Section 5. Repealer. An,. OrdJllIIDCe or Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Knabb .p10a1r1t8 thheer,e..e't hCe OaDndt lletI\'. thIse .bpernobvly. Of Pr,'nceton avenue will entertain repealed 110. far .. MIlle oondJeb with. this ordinance.. , with an at. home tomorrow after- Passed tbl, Ind day of MaJ'. A.D. IN •• WI WOOD snu aJlII'AIl' r..-..-.cJ;li r p : tn 'a. , Book In Translation Dr. Arthur J. Jones of Dickinson avenue has received word that the U.S. GovernmeJlt has arranged for a Japanese-Korean translation of his book "Principles of Guid­ance." , ":' ~~. SPRINGFIELD POOL . OPENS - SATURDAY. MAY 21 fnroieonnd sf roOmf th4e itro d6a ufgohrt etrh eB ayrobuanrga pthoo_"~ ,.-~"" .~OU~~';.;: §:;;~~r~r.::;'I~~~ (SRAL) BOROUOH OF SWA RTHMORI! and Mr. Edwin' Hanord whose en- lO cause By W. H. OBHRlNG gagement has been annuonced. flout of . President of Council formIng to the • _ .;;,_": Pro. Tem. dcaUOll8 Ole Dr. and Mrs. T. Leigh Williams oug" Attest, ELLIOTT RICHARDSON of Harvard avenue entertained at (ront ApprovM: this 2nd dBaoyr olllh Stcretary a dinner party in honor of the B ot May. A.D. lIJ". wedding anniversary of Mrs. Wil- J. PAUL BROWN. ~~Imy'dse pOaf rSenwtsa rMthrm. oarned aMndrs .O Sg.d eDn. ~~~;u211 ~~D~u~r~geos~i:it;iiic:ii;t;;t;;.;;s.;;n;;iti avenues. Tish Lee of Harvard avenue and her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentz of Leola, Pa., and Mr. Clayton Tay­lor of Swarthmore College spent ::::::::=:;;;;;;;;;;;===~============:; I r atht e Awvaeleokn-,e nNd. Ja. t the Lee cottage Everything· a tire can do ••• t5"~r~ does beHer! STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE CBES'l'EB and FAIRVIEW ROADS PIlon SWARTHMORB 9791 ...... - The ena~ }'QU dIOOIe wID have oitIy O1Ie opportunity to Iettle your estate. No second .... nce. If you name lIS as your executor, you will provide the groUp experience and con­dnuing1ifeso necessary to carry out your wishes CO¥ering your family's security. We invite you and your lawyer to discuss your estate plans with our trust oIIicer at a time convenient to you. Swa. rthmore Nati.o nal Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Now You can b~ U. S.~Savinp IIoocle automaticallT I tbro1IIb the new J!ond-a-Month PluL Aak at this Bank Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Fair­banks of Rutgers avenue are en­tertaining Mrs. Fairbanks' niece Miss Jeanne Kelly of Buffalo, N·Y., who is here on a week's Tisit. Mrs. C. H. Jeglum of Hillborn avenue sPent the week-end in New York City. I alwa,.. depend on Arduion Window Cleaners to remove my storm windows, baD&" the awnings and pat. UP . tile 8Cn!ens. -their' service Is SO 'satls­factoryl . Marian Karns of Wellesley road was in charge of the decor­ations. at the Smith College Junior Prom, held last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue entertained ·for a few days ot last week Mrs. Gil­be.;' s nephew Mr. L. H. Wilcox, Jr., and Mrs. Wilcox of Sewickly, own.", ~~~~f~~j~~~1 PllMed this Snd day of May, A.D. IDU. You too can have thIa de­. pendable service by p1 .... "DI' Ardmore 2320. ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANING 00. Pa. BOROUGH OF SW ARTIBIORII: (SEAL) B. W. H. GEHRINO 135 Dresel Bo6d.Ardmon Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Barnes Of GradyvlJ1e, formerly of Swarth_ more, entertained 14 guests at a dinner party, Sunday, April 24 following the christening of their grandson Paul K. Johnston, son President of Council I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pro. Tem. I: Attest, BLLlOT!" RICHARDSON Borough Sec£etalT Approved' this Snd do, of Mal'. A.D. U.I. J. PAUL BROWN. of Mr. and Mrs. Preben K. John-I. _________ --'-_ ston of Wallingford, at the Pres­byterian Church, Wallingford. UUr&eQ Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lee of Harvard avenue visited Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Sta,yer of Carlisle for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. John McCoubrey of Chicago, m., Mr. and Mrs. Wil­fred Bailey Brown of College Park, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver DOUOUGH OF SWARTHMORE OItllINANCE NO. 016 Rickson of Middlebury, Vt., who ;!i~~; '~::~~~~. were here for the Heisler-Dow- 1'HE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH ning wedding Saturday, spent the SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: week-end wi\h Mr. and Mrs. Bir- Scctfon 1. Lines and Gradu. Approval ney K. Morse of Harvard avenue. is hereby given to the Jines. elevations and grades as set forth for said section Dr. Leroy E. Peterson of Vassar of Strolll Haven AVeQue upon the 1'140 avenue attended a three-day meet... ooaf Jeteh eo fB othroeu gBho roEungghin Seeerc.r eotanr yI.D e In the ing of the American Physical SOciety in W:ashington, D. C. last week. l~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE An OrdOinRaDncINe ANauCtEh orNizOi.n g5 13p reportor, :~~~~~¥;~~~f snail CAR SA'M CHICK-UP ....... .$ work ot gmdlng a sidewalk strIp along the WesterJ,. sJde of Swarthmore Ave­Due between Beniamln West Avenue and North Princeton Avenue. In the Borough of Swarthmore, at Borough expense; ratifying and coDOrmlng the letting ot a public contract for the dOing of liuch work; the giving ot the required noUces to owners of "butting propertiesi and providing that In the :;:'ip~rtli;' :eq~,"f1 event said owners do not cause said !~ sidewalk to to be laid within ao days ~. or.. to take core of our own" ..... ~HRY5U;P.PI.YMOUTH -c. that maldl .. '--:-:"-, CHII\'$W: PLYMOUTH engl •• ering ot the giving or official noti~. the ii~~~:[::;. BorollBh shall caUse the same to be P done at Ule expense ot said owbers. Section 4. A,sessmentl. Upon comple­together with casts and peDotlles, and tion 01. the work and the ascertainment authorizing the oollecUon ot the same. of the portion ot the total cost to be , . Clean Rugs Last Longer SUMMER RUGS CLEANED 9d2 '5.00 81ZB .... • II_ .r:='", l'rI<* Clea.nfq prola_ the ute at lb"eDcIJ'Sd ebde e_a use I1!&lI dg e_l s om tebma­t 70ur da.Oy vacuum cleaning cannot: rem 0 v e-embedded grU tbat digs Into lb. rue with oyery VeacI. '.12 $600 DeMESTle· ... CJea _ lklw '. - ... .,. Auls"" t"mr.e~, UI ,. /we., Swwtln'Nile, "- Is! .... 0" 8730 • 0SI9 - a..oof; .. up nMdclicntlnt EVaY '""~ _ ". _'" & WAITE YALE and ~ lIDS. • MAY t, 1N8 THI: SWARTHMOREAK JR. AS'SENBLY nlDg. To uWize the later hours get In sufficient quantities for the of the dancing teacher and orches- parties. Dancing instructors tra on these short evenings, the joined the. armed forces or took MAKES REPORT i pa:;:ts ~:g:=:!an~::: ~:~d~b:.,~~ ::e:h~::' p::::e Scout Day Camp ()pens JURe 20 Indian Orchards Girl Scout Day Camp, one of six Delaware County scout camps, will open on June 20 for an eight-day session on the Herman Cope Estate, Middletown road, near Media. A bus will transport the campers from Media into camp. The cost Is $2 per week, which Includes milk and part of the campfire lunch. Girls are grouped In units according to age, and are superv1sed bX trained adult leaders In such skills as campkeeping, outdoor cooking, crafts, outdoor dramatics and na­tu~ e study. Applications should be sent to the Delaware County Girl Scouts, 6910 Market street, Upper Darby, at once, as the camp is rapidiy being filled. . i confidence and knowledge, the the same personnel for bIB orches- As the time approaches for the i price of the classes waa continually tl1l. But In spite of these diffi­annual meeting of the moth"rs of lowered. By 1934 it was down culties, each committee worked the Swarthmore Junior Assembly, to $i for the series. Requests were hard to have the classes 'conducted the committee reviews the reasons coming from children Of surround- in the best possible accepted social for Its beginning, the aims and I' ing towns to join the classes. Traf- form.' Ideals of the early dance COmmlt-, flc was a problem on Park avenue. "Changes have been made In the tee:' and the c~anges through i The committee was enlarged to six. number of classes and in the num­whIch the. assemblies have passed. One of the dutl"" ot the commit- ber of meetings. There are now in 20 years; . . I tee was to see that all little girls' five classes with eight meetings "In 1929 the Idea started but were properly delivered to their fO!' the Junior Assembly and six it was not until 1930 that It be-' h<>mes. for the Senior group. The cost of came a reality., At that time a j "The minutes of the committee admission has been raised to $6.50. group of about 20 mothers met at: Of 1934 read that Herbert Mich- The responsibility for planning and the home of Mrs. Dorotl:y D. Jones: ener (the present teacher) was ca.Tying on the classes Is shared to discuas a ''Community Dancing: hired as an assistant 'to set a by a committee of 10 now, instead Class" where the mothers ~f I' standard of condiIct for the boys of three as in the beginning. But members would manage the ri- and to see that all girls had part- the basic plan, after 20 years, is nances, e'Ftend the invitations and! ners,' the same .. Mothers interested In hire a teacher of experience and! "Through these years an effort providing an 'experienced and force to do the actual teaching: was made to include" all Swarth- forceful teacher' to instruct their of ballroom dancing and etiquette. I more children whether they were children in 'ballroom dancing and A committee of three, Mrs. Doro-I going to the public school Or to etiquette' and who are willing to thy. Jones,. M~. William R. Main,! private scbools. During thJ. holi~ 'manege the finances and extend and Mrs. Fra"k Warren was chosen; days children h<>me from schools invitations' to children of the com­to make the necessary arrange-! and colleges were invited to the rnunity, meet to discuss plans and ments and direct the classes. i Christmas party. Where cost might choose a committee to make defi- ·"There were ~ classes that I be a hindrance scholarships were nite arrangements for them." first year: 8 to 11 years old, from! given. Often boys delivered invi- The annual meeting of the Jun­• to 5:30 p.m. and two older groupS I tations or did other work to pay ior Assembly will he held on in the evening. There were 13 i. tor all or part of their admission. MWoonmdaany',s MCalUy b9. atA 8l lO 'mclooctkh earts thoef dances during the winter. The. in these years when there was a charge was $10 per child unless' surplus of money at the 'end of children Who are members of the there were several children in the the year, it was given to welfare. Assembly are invited. same family ,when "a special rate, "In the war years came new and Was made. Parents were sucb a' greater problems than the i>eren­problem at these early dances that; Dial ones of providing enough boys formal dress was made mandatory, and keeping gum at home. Changes and $1 admission was charged.: came too. The French and­The orchestra was in the south- lish children living in Swarth­weSt alcove on the floor with the: more during the war were invited dancers. The committee and chap-! to the classes as guests. There erons sat on the sta8e. At the end 'was a ban on pleasure driving of the season there was a surplus I' which complicated transportation. of cash so tickets for the next year. "Short party dresses were some­were .r educed to $9. Enrollment:, times worn. Dancing shoes b.e came increased 90 much that there were! scarce. Once the committee sport­' four classes, three on Saturday' sored an exchange of party dresses night and one on an alternate eve-I and shoes. Ice cream was hard to BROWNIE PARTY AT CLUB MAY 7 Brownie Scouts of Delaware County will hold their annual Juliette Lo\v celebration at the Woman's Club, Saturday, May 7. Two elected girls represenling each Brownie Troop will present their troop's contribution to the Juliette Low World Friendship fund in memory of the founder of Girl Scouting. The money wlli be used to promote international friendship. Let Us Take eare of Y.o ur Winter Clothes "-' Cleaned Pressed and Returned to You . I In a MC?th Proof Bag HARRIS and CO. Swarthmore 0504 11 Park Avenue ~~OYCE LEWI'~=~==!Il::\I::!~~= DRESSES COATS BATHING SUITS Representing Swa r t h m 0 r e troops will be Vicky Willis and Randa Roess (Troop 95), Carol Williams and Connie Russell (Troop 225), Susan Allen and BettY.Ann McCorkel (Troop 266), Alice Carroll and Mary Leigh El­more' (Troop 19), Dorothy Rogers and Janet Lynch (Troop 227.). The program will consist of a fonnal flag ceremony, the singing Of Brownie songs, presentation of Juliette Low bags, and a talk on foreign. dolIs by a speaker from the International House in Pbila­deiphia. Refreshments will be served with Mrs. Robert Hilkert the neighborhood chairman for Swarthmore and Mrs. A. P. John­son, Juliette LOw chairman pre­siding. Over 65'ers Open House The clOSing open house for older people in Swarthmore will be held at \he Strath Haven Inn at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Florence Magilton will be host­ess. MrA. Walter Magee of South Chester road is co-director of the camp. Mrs. Colin Keller of North S~arthmore avenue is secretary of the camp committee and direc­tor oi reunion programs. DON'T LET TIlE LAST MINUTE SCARE YOU Come To Buchner's TOGGERY SHOP Park Avenue Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Haverford \ avenue has returned from a three-week trip to Miami Beach and Naples, Fla. IIIWHIUlIIUWIIMIHHlAlll!I ieFaeshlng ocean dips ffom I :;!!;.-~~~~ may ba!he direct ""'" '" eKtro cost. Relo>< on spacious -. kHng sunshine and solt _ breezes. ~:=:.:=~ - In two \II .. ing rooms. Voried h --& I ment nightly. eenh'Ol" 10 ,~ at Pori< PIoee. THE WILMINGTON. DIL. PlayhOUSe :-ALL WEEK May 23 to Z8 SIX DAYS - MONDAY THR()UGH SATURDAY . Matinees Wednesday and Saturday PLESE GIVE AT LEA$T ONE ALTEBNATIVE DATE ' ( . . - "FrE:tsh . As A .Daisy!" Still Gloriously Triumphant!· THEATRE GUILD _ .... , MATIOHAL ........ ~, ,,-.... CGMPANY 0' ::--.!. - .. RICHARD RODGIIlS ....... _ .. OSCAR IlAMMliRS1'llN 2d ... ·-........ ROU.IN MAMOUUAN - .. AGNES de M1W .c11.f-t...,.. ..",I Mi• .v_I MIIII wa. .. ~ ................ .. ... U_H ....... ... lAW.INCI UN""- MAIL YOUR ORDER NOWI Enclose Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope with Remlttanae Eve._x.ept FrI., Sat.: Orcb. $4.20, bale. $3.60, $3. Gal. <_­reserved) $1.80. FrI .. Sat., Eves.: Orch; $4.8<1, bale. ~'. p ... Gal. (unreserved) $1.88. Wed. Mat.: Orch. $3.60, ltalo. ,,., n.M Gal. (unreserved) $1.20. Sat. Mat.: Orcb. $4.20, balo. ,1.611. P-Gal. (unreserved) $1.80. .. All PrIces Include Tas Bo,. Offl""Sale ()pens May lau. BRAS STOCKINGS For thrift as well as sfJrle ..• JEWELRY BLOUSES BAGS LINGERIE· AND MANY OTHER DELIGHTFUL GIFI'S I Lovely wearables for suburbia 13 S01lTB·-CDESTElt ROAD, SWAKTllMOBE PHONE SWARTJiMOBB 3170 Studebakers the ~9 buy word , THE c:lean.line4 look of a 1949 Studebaker 'tella you this car h .... the right build for thrift.. .. You doo't lee. traee of cumbenome excess bulk in those trim, graceful bod, contours. Thet'e"1 00 gao.waning ""'pllli poundage io the rogged Studebaker ch"".i. nnderneath. This Is motoring' • molt advanced kind of desl,nlng-srop ia and find nut how it can cat coats for J .... FUSCO and ALSTON . "BiSIBB and I'AmVUW ROADS-I •

---------- Page 5 ----------

• '" "" ·t o.r. , .. , '" ".;' . THE 8W~A-BTHMOBEAN Book In Fifth Edition I Dr. Gemmill who lii~esr~on:=~1 SCHOOL 8P1RIT AWABD8 The:- pUblication of Ute fifth I er road Is professor of edition . o~.· Paul F. Gemmill'. I at the University of Garnet-School Spirit .Awarda "FUndiupentals of Economics" has and has been a member of established this year by editor of just been announced by Harper Swarthmore Public Library Board. the high school newspaper Phil and Brothers. ThIs college text- Markowich, were presented in book on .economic principles, first Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. hes- three fields to students of .out-publlB~ in 1930, according to the coin bave returned to their standing endeavor. publlBhers has been used in more in Walkersville, Md., following a In the executive field, including then Ji&ven bundred American col- short VisU with relatives officials of the more important or-lei: es aad universlUes. Another of friends in Swarthmore. ganizations and class officers, Dickinson ranked top. The presi­Dr. Gemmill's books,. "Econom- Mrs. W. Edward Medford of . I d,mt of Cabinet this year, Don has Ics: Principles and ProbleIl\S," South Chester road spent a few contributed not· only to this stu­appearlOd in Its third edition last day. of this. week in New York dent government organization but year. City. 3 ftavorfal Quality Coffees AJ·L BEAT-FLO , ROASTED A quality blend for every ta.te. If Y"" Ilk. a par­tlallar bcMIled blend, _ have a bl.nd that's sure III» plea .. you. Chao ... your preference •. lISCO COFFEE~. 44e ""·bod!od tlno Soulh _coo __ 5 to< $s.Z7 WIa.Crest CoHee.!'.. 4Oc: 3 to. f115 _" b""dod. A It~t.r ~ ~!.~Ith vigorous I':~.:~' A U ... GOVERNlIENT GRADE "A" BEEF ciiici~ROAST': 43e 1'. elM,. Gioomul RamllUq I~ 45C 11..er_RI~PIa~te!!JB~-o~"~ll!i~n~I:...B~r~rl~ _ ~110~ Z5C 'GMt" Grade A·Fresh-KUled FRYING CHICKENS = Ib 3ge _ \ Squ""'~t5l.ou_ , Lncb's!berllo 49c Veal Romi!. 49c ..... CIIe.,.MHIIc. BUCK SHAD ·13c _Shad • with • Roe Ideal F-.. Callfamla Ib 1SG Ib 7SC Frail Cocktail N~~ 35e ,.. ..... ""'V '"'" co_u .... - _.,.. .,.,... - Mil I'u utoae PeeellF' HaI~~::lt", N~\\ Z3c Mee'. F.-rib PlgSM Ifts~' N~~\\ ZZG OIenwood CkoapeSl'Uit .JuiceG,.do ~%Z5C II« a'. AqNl.-ap. Soup 10~ .. so ~Carn '= 2 M!;'!37CjPlnaapPle ,., .. 2 •• .... 23c AlflaraguaAn:;-'-':19c Peache. . lOe ~ .._ ..., :. ... 2~~ Peache. 29c FOI MOTBEI'S DAY ..... __ for iMtMr. Somedtlnv .... 11 appredole. VIogWa Lee ~ClteI, Dacorated LAYER . CAKE-75C 00'" CQke fiUed and Iced with vannla Iring. plM; aKOOnUi sld ..... ......,lIh large pink heart on top wUh word "mother." Golden Macaroon Cruach Bar ..... 3Sc .,.pple Fined CoHee Cake ""'" 39C'SRIII . Quality CAKE MIXES ChoIce of 'W11ite. 5pltod.. Devil'" Food or Chiffon. Ideal Peach PRESERVES I: 17. Mild Cheese t·45c Sharp Cheese 1·69c Haney Butter ..... ,.. ... 29c Oleomargarine p",. 2 1"·41 C CHI pkll Cheese 'ood 8-01: pltg ace GLENDALE CLUB f~ 75c ....... New Jersey Ihlck Grelln Spears ASPARAGUS ~4~ Celery oii... ..:... - - 19c I .... -.... Orang• • "'1,.:,: : 'omala II ...... tk' 19c lamoni o.Ilf .... ........... 63c ...... . ,901: PINEAPPLES "'-. - 25e to all other athletic and scholastic programs as well. In the entertainment field June I Reynard was chosen as the student who had contributed most' to the entertainment of th,J> scbool body. She has been active in Blackfriars, the school's dramatic club, held i the lead in the 1949 senior class : play, and has been a member, of : the mixed chorus for two years. ! June's name has also ranked high : scholastically, and her art work ,and poster projects have been an ,addition to school programs. i Candidates for the spor:~man­ship award were'so many that good citizenship, qualities of leadership, scholastic merit and sincerity : w.r. added to outstanding ath­; letic contributions. Franny Pear­l son, captain of the girls' basketball 1 team and a member of the Na- I tional Honor Society, an9 Av~ ,Blake, 1948 football captain and president of the Varsity Club were recipients of the Spirit Award in this field. Dana Swan, active in athletics also received this Garnet School Spirit Award for his sportsman­ship ani! good citizenship. A mem­ber of the junior cl.iss, Dana was the only underclassman to receive such an award. An award went also to Ed Ga­vetti, who in sunnounting phys­ical handicaps succeded in per­fecting place kicks, so that de­spite a knee injury, was able to kick-off in the football games and pick up extra points' with his con­versions. Ed. received a Garnet-School Spirit Award, Most Courageous Athlete of Year. NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Camp­bell of Dartmouth avenue are en­tertaining Mrs. Campbell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Hutchin­son who arrived last Thursday a two-week visit while en route from Orlando, Fla., to their home I in Hamilton, Mass. ' Sidney Johnstone of Do,ug·t<os·tQn" I N. Y.,. formerly of Swarthmore, spent the week-end as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. David McCahan of Strath Haven avenue. Mrs. Herschel'Smith of Walling­fore, regent of the D.A.R. of Dela­ware County, and Mrs. Edward T·. Pittock of Moylan, delegate, attended U,e D.A.R. Congress in Washington, D. C. recently. Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place attended the D.A.R. Congress in Washington, D. C., recently as a delegate from the Philadelphia Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Collins of North Chester road entertained their bridge club at a dessert­bridge Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burriss\vest Benjamin West avenue have re­turned home following a trip Norfolk, Va. They were accom­panied by their oon and da:ng;Illter-1 in"law Mr. and Mrs. Newell w .... t I and baby son Newell who here on vacation. Their son a student at William and Marv I College, Williamsburg, Va. Langdon Elsbree of W',llil"gfoI'<11 a freshman at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind" has been elected a member of Ye Anglican, Earl­ham college honorary literary organization. 'Mrs. Gwrge L. Armitage of South Chester road left last week for ten-day visit with her son-in-law and ·daughter Lt. and Mrs. Gwrlle H. Troltell and of Urbana, Ill. Mrs. Armitage later go to the west coast Dr. Armitage who will attend American Urological in Los Angeles. , MAY !I iNt DEW DROP INN • nelda.' - £a.a_ - Dlnne, , Closed Every Sunday Monday ThrU Saturday Open 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE DAILY DINNEIIS SSe 10 fl.80 Special Children'. Platten ORANCE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue ~warthmore, PelUlB. INSURED STORAGE, FURS and FUR-TRIMMED $2.00 WO()LENS • Plain, no fur (cleaning extra) $1.50 INSURED AGAINST FIRE, THU'l', MOTHS Men's Sport Shirts .. 3ge Men's Felt Hats ,. .• 4ie BeautlfuUy Cleaned May 9 to May 21 Comforts • Bed Pillows Recovered Slip Covers Blankets Cleaaed . • _ _ _ '.1 ,_ •• ,_ _ _ Rm Roast Beef ... SHOULDER Lamb SLICED Bacon FRESH KDJ,ED Fryers Ib 59c Ib 49c pkg 29c Ib 49c - .. - __ c .... Fruits and Vegetables • I __ t_ - Asparagus bu 39c TENDER Beets 2 Ibs 19c Celery Hearts' 19c NEW Potatoes 41bs 2Sc The Swarthmore . Co-op WHEN CO·OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICES' ARE DOWN FOR MOTHER'S DAY­Roses of Snow Cake 69c Rich. creamy coconut Icing on· a colden eake Dependahle Quality, and Satisfactory Service of AU Meats at 'I. Ute Co-op. You'll find them . reasonable, too! • ,JUST TRY CO-OP Apple Juice BLUE LABEL SERVE ICE COLD qt 2Sc Peas ~~,: 2 for 25c CO-OP Shortening Seed 31bs can 89c Sibs $1.75 You have your spring- ('leaning needs in YOUR store. Why CO elsewhere? CALIFORNIA Carrots bu 6c CALIFOBNIA Pascal Celery YOUNG TENDER GIlEEN Beans Ib 19c . , ·,lMt •• Letter. To The Editor .J08I!PBGEOBOB" SOl'f. 8 CL' TASSIFIED W~fuPrnolswil:edo arpfaritmveenrt oono mgruonun­d l'I!IDtJu&-, P~ ____ -;;;;='===.-_'---''-Ifloor or with elevator, In Swarth- To the Editor of the Swarth-· 8tucco, PJaater BepalnDc . PERSONAL more or vicinity. llA, 345 E. 57th morean: 23 YEAB8 .ExPBJUBN. CE = ____ --=:.=====----ISI., New York 22, N. Y. 'I do not know ·wbat aU the PElR!K>NAL - Handfnade baby . . :. REFERENCES, I things, girls' dresses and under- WANTED - Young couple, small duties of a police force may be, . J1 AN ALEN BROS. , Vall 'Trlnlty 7-.,.7 'things, sweaters and argyle socks - . child, desire 2-3 bedroom unfur· but ! ·shonld 1i1te to thank the i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I mcoalodres toy oyuo uwr aonrdt.e r IAnn tyh ed sriezaems a nodf DhoIsuhseed. aBpaersttm erenfte, rehnocuesse., o&r mgasetet Swarthmore Police tor' being my a handmade gift you have In mind 7138. first lrlends 'In· time of Stress. Swarthmore 14148 can be fulfilled. A new service WANTED _ Will be married In I have an adventurous son itoing CoalQRd Fuel'Oil' ~ .. WILLIAM BROOKS. '!}>Onsored by the women of Trin- June, but no place to live. .Have on two and a half, and since he ~~===~~~~~::=;:; Ashes &. Rubb1lh Removed 1ty Church. Phone Mrs. Hall, you a small apartment (ut!L, ilvt. has been able to scale his wire pen. ; , .. Lawns mowed, General SwartluJl.ore 1078. bath) for rent? Responsl,ble 001- which was buUtto· be childproof, . . . . . . HauUng PERSONAL _ Financial emer- lege students. Please repl,t to Box we have had a problem. Three A. Mercer Quinby, ... . geney? Credit union loans are P, The Swarthmorean.. . I'UNERAL DiRECTOB:" " ~~.~.23~6~HardIn~~~g~A~V~.~M~0~rto~n,~P~a.~~1 obtained quickly, confidlen'ally Wanted-Collapslble crib or lGd- times I have called on the Swarth-' ~'ormer''''of.'MedIa;;.''';':!. I.and at low cost. For particulars·' .die-Koop, eltceJaent co. ndition. 'more police when he has strayed Y caU . Swarthmore 3463-R. The CaU Swarthmore 1073-J after beyond tlie boundaries and out of 1125 W. Leblgh Ave. .. ·l'hIJioc" ,Swarthmore Co-op Credit Union. 5 P.M. . . .. sight and sound, and each tillle .. PbolleBalIi~J.l1o,·, ,.-" . ' A Prlee·to Moet Every . Famlb"s' Need PATTERSON FUNEBAL HOME Wm. T. PaUenoD; DIrector _hteea Yean ~enoe. PHONE MEDIA 2588 "-lUI, • ._ ••• 'JCII •••. " .. .' ,.. ,-- .• W,,& ... n ••• (tVIII ... •••• ' .. n .. " ... · '.IUHAfIH .... U;'''' aTIIS'aOnIl~~ 1M. a.l~l. .c.., .,. ",' w....,.'._. 'LI·, .,.- . ·M '11 Phone: llieala· 8-4&.81 MORE· BEAT FOR "E~SMONEY , _; :' '.' -:: .1".,: PREiInuii' AN'1'IIRACITE 381 Darimouth Avenne 8warUunore SwaJ1hmiIrt!· OMS : c Ma!lOn BuildeB Supply ... Company , MIU,WORK - LUMBER . B~~9,~~ \ ::. .,' ~ . A. WAYNE MOSTELLER . ELBCTBICAL . OONTltMlTOB All Types of Electrical In­stallations and Repairs. Serving Swarthmore and . . Vicinity' tor past . Twenty Years No additional charge. til! .,,, 'PERSONAL _ Vacuum Cleaners W A1{TED - Woman to Share .they have come immediately to: suburban calls . irons, toasters and radios re~ S~arthmore woman's kome. or my rescue. I;~~~;~· ~.~. ~;.'~~~~."~".~ paired. called for and delivered. ~efmed housBkeeper to lIBSUlIle 0 th h d j t ecel ed ' .. " Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore light household duties. ReplY to nce ey a us r v a 1548. Box M, The Swarthmorean. Phone call from a thoughtfnl ROOFS . (lUftBflS"", PERSONAL _ Electrical wiring WANTED-By young Helicopter neighbor who though she could not REPAIRED ANn···' " . and installation, residential and engineer and mathematician commercial. Water heaters, ran- wife. t'?'o or four-room aparbnent, ge5, dishwashers, dryers. Burglar unfurnIShed or p~y furnished, alann systems. All work done to for permanent resIdence. June Fire Uuderwriters' s~ifications. occupauC'".{. Please write Box 4, Service on washers, vacUum clean- The Swarthmorean. identify him and found he re- INSTALLED ". ;;" ,"';' sponded to every boys name, knew . Furnace .Repatra &. ·Clea!l!ng~ . , that he wonld soon bave a worried Call ~ ., ~f· .. : ', . .l mother. Twice they. sent a car GEORGE:MYERS :. . .. Of. crnlsing in our vicinity, and last, 409 . Michigan ANe, .,Sw. 2266 ers, ranges, iron~, toasters, fans, WANTED - Apartment, furnished lamps: Call H. Hausen, or unfurnished by young mar­Electrical Contractor, Swarthmore rled conple. Bolt Q, The Swarth-week they recovered my tow head I ~~;;;;;;~;;~;;;;~;;~~ three blocks away in five mlnules·l, time. - •. 1, 2850 - 335 Park avenue. . morean.~ It gives me a comfortable feel-· ing to kIiow that instead of becom-' ing panicky, there is help at the other end of my telephone. . And I am sure I am not llIe only JIloth~ who has appreciRted our Borough, police for recovering wanderini children, and on numerous other FOR SALE FOR SALE - Greenhouse fresh flowers for any purpose. Carns Flow .. "", 650 Baltimore PIke, Springfield. Phone Swarthmor~ 0450, FOR SALE-MUSHROOM and TOPSOIL, cinders and fill dirt. . J. C. Stilwell & Sons, Swarthmore 3400. WANTED - Collapsible crib or Klddie-Koop. Excellent condi tion.· Call Swarthmore 1073-J aft"" 5 P.M. FOR RENT FOR RENT .- In Wallingford, large room, private bath. Gen­tleman. Cail Media 6-1028. occasions. -----------.--. I AnoUter example Of their effic.- Post Office Examination ieney and kindness occured a year FOR SALE - Teen-age girl's bl· An examination for Substitute and a half ago during. the poli~ Sw~:::mo~og856~nditiOn. Call Clerk-Carrier for duty at the season. An. older <laughter woke FOR S~Power Cultivator _ Swarthmore Post Office was an- me at 3 a.m. to say she had a DAVE WOOD.· Painting Paperhanging Never Grows 'OldH . ;: ,PHONE Media 6-0755 : '. 2'h H P Wisconsin air cooled nounced today by the Director splitting headache and ooI!Sider~ Will take plow attaclunent. Call Third U.s. Civil Service Region: a?le pain. 1 discovered she bad a Media 6-3384. Application for this examination hiJ!h temprature and so called .the FOR SALE - Ten acres, 'h mile must be on file with the Director, doctor who among other things Media Court House. Good in. t Id t . h tabl ts vestment· or development. Swar th- Th•'r d U. S. •C'V 1'l Se· rv.•c e Re'0"..0 . n ·, u0s ualmlye ca0r rgie.vde .i n ehro sm.oem me ed .e, '..., .......... -HHM?HH,....!.:-.....'.. He.-s-. more 0644. Room. 103-A, Customh~use, Philli- cabinets. 1 assured him I had it!· . • lO· O· "II.N· 6 ·~OD FOR SALE One overstuff.d delphla 6, pennsylvawa, not later b t h' Itt 1 k 1 . sa. MtoN£ S·. N .'" club chair with slip cover, $23; . . u w en wen 0 00 remem-one pineapple top solid mohogany ~a, n19t~ge. close of bnsmess on May bered.· I bad loaned mY bottle to YOUl lIO'PERTY ·four-post bed, $30. Call Mrs. Hayes, ghbo Swarthmore 1933-M. . Interested persons may obtain a nel r. FOR SALE Improved lot, Old further infonnation and the neces- The drug stores, of course, were Orchard, . Swarthmore. Near sary application form frOI!l· the all clqsed. Every home·in the town, schools, stores, transportation. was dark. Then I thought of the Reasonable. Call Media 6-1126. Commission's Local Secretary. Swarthmore police wbo' always FOR SALE 1938 Oldsmobile ·Miss McDonnell Service Region, d Room l03-A,· CUstomhouse, 2nd have someone on duty at.the lIta- '. 4-door sedan. New paint an . k tires : $350. Call Swarthmore and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia 6. tlOn. They 100 ed among their O477-M. suppllesbut they. too· were out WI FOR' SALE _ Ten steel drawer Yet they assured me they could card cabinets, various sizes. - Elected May Queen procUre if from the Bell Telephone H· 'I·.N' ... ·'.0· ·R: YO·U single and double. Will sell in Mary Denworth of Elm awnue, office and ·woUidhave some at individual lots. Reasonably priced. daughter of M' r. and Mrs. Ray- . - - . , ~ Call S thmO 3498 b t my home in a tew minUtes. And Y ._< ~oor Real -ta<- ,., war re e ween mond K. Denworth, has been' ac- they did. ..... l' W1·th, ~.. .' 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. FOR SALE-Large dry lot, 70lt160; corded the chief non-academic Good fiiends? I'll sq they are! BAIRD & BmD ,Haverford place. 'Owner planned honor at Carleton College in heing And so I should like .to eXpresS Old 8aJIk BaUdJng ·to .build, but was tr8!1lSferred. selected as May Queen, the exer- publiclY my .~titude to. them ~;=.;' ... ,.:!.O!.;r!~~ .... ;,...' $e1v3e0n11in. gs.C all Swarthmore 0461. cises to be held May 14. In addi- f or the ir u. nme dia te reisponnse ' .... FOR SATE -Canales, cardsJ gifl8. tion to achieving a place on the several ~ergenCies. Carns Flowers, 6~0 Baltimore Dean's list, she is on the Religious Miry S.·Patterson. Pike, Springfield. Phone Swarth- Bodie.. Council, on the Faculty-I--------=-:-.:..::.:.:.:......:.-- lIlore 0450. Student Government Committee; -::::--~.;.LEG=:::::::AL==:-~N:.:0TI::=;;:C:.:E:::8:_:,.:cc--;:: FOR SALE Tailor-top stroller, Assistant Editor of the Yearboo)!: The School DistrIct or Swarthmore· wtll '$5i Em,erson Radi~1 $4; inf~t'S. and head of the Women's Student =:.: ?!~h:tHtt ~:1 °J~dio~';;! Driveway CoIlllil;ocUon Asphalt or Co...,.,ete PETER DI NICOLAi rocking seat, $4; 1?1ngle waillut, Der of College and l"dnceton Avenues. Pbone 8warUunore 25£8· i bed, $10. Swarthmore 3581-M.· Government Association. Mr. and Swarthmore. Penns,lvaoia. up to .. p; m .• FOR SALE _ Vicinity of Swarth: Mrs. Denworth are going to Carl~' Tath uar sdmaeye.U Mnga yo f1.0 t,h 1e "B'.o aaDrdd aotp etuh et hSec bhiodo>l ~~~~~~;;~~~•~ .. ;;~~"~i. more, 3 and 1/3 ·acres, water, ton College to see the crowning of :Dlstrlct 01l'Ice 00. Yay 11. 1040. at 8 p. m., gas, electric, sewer, springhouse, the May Queen.. .or a.t aD adjourned meeting of the SchOol . . .. " small slfeam. No reasonable offer . . ,IB oardS· !.?~ Ctoli·t I• CU.I °be"' • ...r edtDwbeI·.!""'. F. F: ZIMMERMAN ,; refused. Inquire 357 Swarthmore - .. 00.. poo.; 0113 caD secu ..,.,eeo D J 0 'R d' T .• ". m. and • p. m. daily except Satur-. Photographe· r· . j avenue. r. ones n a 10 omorrow· da,., Sunday., and hOUda,., at 11to School ' . O Am • . J f Cr t Dlstrtct office. The Board reserve. the ·"Outsfanding for Qualit):!!,···.} FOR SALE - ' gauge enean Dr. J. Albright ones 0 es riaht to ~ reject aOl or all bIds In whole 1180 lIIablenberll Ave. Flyer - over· 20 feet of track, lane pediatrician and SwarthmOre or In part and to awanl con!racta on . . Media 6.0436 ....• , . 8warthmore 221& NIGHT or DAY locomotive, 3 cars, switches, etc. I . ill n .... 'aD,. Item 0I".lt88lll makln,.up anJ,hld.. . \.. .6 E. FloDt SL";· ::;.~·.-il I '" I~C:;a~U~S';.w~arthm~~!!!!0~re~1:"1~74:;;:.':;-==-==::; Borough Health Offi~r, w spe"'t HIlda Lana Denwonh • .. FOR SALE _ Beautiful sable and on the necessity of periOdic t>!ir-U. IT.HI Secre1Ar7 white AKC registered collie pups cal check-ups for children· at 1:30 for pet Or show, $40 up. Call tomorrow afternoon. • . Swarthmore Chester 5-1869 or 3-4438. Dr. Jones' talk is one of a series of radio talks presented in observ- Disposal Service ,. .., < Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM 'Construction • • . Repairs . High·quality Craftsmanship Call us for an estimate WANTED WANTED - Colored girl desire's . day's work. Experienced, ref­erences. $5.00 and carfare to Chester. Reply to &It 0, The Swarthmorean. ance of Child Health Week, May Rabblah CoUeetecl 1-7. Dr. Harry Tarnoff of South WeeklY 01' lIIontbly Painters .. l'aper Hall&'erB We moult! kDow how Chester road spoke on an earlier Phone Swarthmore 3343 8wa. 3266 M1oh1p.n AvtJ! program in t he ser~·e s. 1~~9~A.~M~.~to~5.~30~P~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HORACE A. REEVEs '-Third Generation Builders" Swarthmore 3450 PE'l'ER E. TOLD All LInes Of Insul'aDoCe 333 Dartmouth Avenue 8warllanore lass .. Builder Repairs and Maintenan iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE. PA. Serving Swarthmore, Mor­ton, Rutledge and R1d1e;, Township since 1918 P,I.-I. ONE: !MllnunuuIlIDWlUDlUURlUURlUWRlIIIIIID I ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Samuel M. Harbison Swarihmore 07U. HAVE YOUR TREES PRUNED NOW AVOID DAMAGE TO TREES AND PROPERTY LATER Call ROBERT HASTINGS Swarthmore 0%65· W , . CHARLES E. .FISCHER Painter SWARTHMORE "'3 "A HOUSE WELL-MAINTAI/ID) IS THE WISE OWNER'S BAIN" , '. Interior and Exterior .. -.. • ... :t-~. ~ ... . ' , .. , , .:.: .. ; .

---------- Page 6 ----------

• Arts Center Plans Children'~ Bolds Membership Week Choral Concert Tonight NEWS, . NOTES· Lt. CoL E4w1n AIken and family Play Th .. Swarthmore Branch of (C ti ed fr 1) !Mr. and Mn!. Earle P. Ye:rkesl of Washington, D.C., arrived Wed_ Needlework Guild of America will on nu om page of Princeton avenUe returned Sun- nesday. io spend a week with the Not since the Junior playa hold its annual membershIp week Clubk l promd i's _e_s to afford much d morning fro Dall T former's mother Mrs. Alexander L_ ay. m as, ex., the Player's Club bas Swarthmore from May 8-14. Any man, Woman spar e an ~=LUesa in their Mr. Yerkes attended a na- Ewing of Dartmouth avenue. IIeeD a play ,wesented truly for or child may join the Guild by Of the program. Among the tional board meeting of the Ameri_ Mary Ellen Slj>rck of Crest lane children, but On Saturday, May 21, once a year, either two bers to be sung by thIs group can Institute of Electrical has received the Simmons Coll.,.e at 2:30 p.m. the curtain will rise garments, household linen, or yoU~rUI voices will be the lively neers held during the Scholarshlp Award for the com-at the Players' Club for a an unspecified sum of money movIng composition, "Russian district convention. Afte:r Ing year .. Mary who ~ to act play, "The Silver Thresd~' further the work. It is a Picnic" fc;aturing the accompany- in Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. enter Simmons next fall, was re- ''The Princess and the that helps other charities by do- ing of Catharine Hider; "Romany Yerkes spent 10 days in New Or- cenUy entertained by Mrs. Ernest wltb. a cast of 40 boys and girls. nating these same garments to or- Life," with David Spencer, violin- leans and Biloxi, Miss. . Votaw, chairman if th Scholar_ The play, under the the gauizations and needy cases in the 1st, providing the added Mrs. F. T. Flaherty of Guerns", Committee, at her home in of Mrs. Stuart Graves and Mrs. community. and a lilting waltz, "U's road has returned from a two. Media. ~ William Price, will be the first In conjunction with the local to set the atmosphere of the eve- visit with her daughter Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. James B. Cooper prOduction of the Chlldren's The- drive, Ted Malone will' devote hIs ning. • S. Winchell of South of Parrish road will entertain at atre of the Commlmity Arts Cen- usual time at 11:30 a.m. (E.S.T.) on " !Leading oU" ":ith the popular Mr. Flaherty new UP a bridge party at their home to-ter, inaugerated last tall May 12 to broadcasting Desert Song, ill which David and returned with morrow evening. Every chlld Wlho bas from the national' annual. Smith and Alan· McChesney Mrs. Flaherty. _____ _ the Saturday morning of the Needlework Guild of Amer- a duet: the tloys' Chorus will Mrs. J. H. Jessup of Haverford MediC'll Sjoclety To Meet classes in diction, pantomime, ica being held in Phltadelphia. heal'li ill a group of varied avenue who has been visiting with The annual luncheon meeting of a-p-ooion through ...... -~ has a bers. A humorous close M J . En I s-pe-·. .. ·-_rt part in the- • The The annual ingathering. of song ent I' Ued '' In Swimming," .r .f et ssup t m b g and, had the th~ Women's AuxlIi.- to the Del_ T -, ......... 'contributions of clothIng and lDlS or une 0 reak her hIp. She aware County Medical SocIet;y second sem-a·ter of class work has money for the S warthmore Branch Th the popular Song is confined to East Suffolk Hos- w·i ll be held ·May 12 at the L1an- been devoted entirely to rehears- ese grOUps, together with 't I' I . _L S ing of the plav and construction will be held in the fall If anyone f eat ured quartet known as PI a m PSWlu" uffolk, Eng- erch Country . Club. AUXiiI-l"o.- , wishes to join before then, or de- S rth . mem bers f~om neighboring COWl-of properties, scenery and posters. I sires any further ~~i~::~ '" wa more t:reble Shooters, have Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lippin- tieS will also be present. Scenery and properties will they should contact Mrs. been rehearsmg in earnest in cott of South Chester road spent effective yet very simple as every- K. Morse, president, I prep arat · f th· . Mrs. Willam J. ·Heydrick, act- Ion or IS major choral the week-end on a motor trip to ive in church and civic afiairs, thi!lg but the costumes is 0602 or Mrs. William F. Lee, sec- e.vent. ~hey will welcome the Skyline Drive, Monticello, and the will speak on the ~pic, "Women done by the boys and girls, under retary, at Swarthlnore 4548. flOe .audience that continues to Luray Caverns in Virginia are People, Too." the supervision of a large volun- follow their·slnging with Mrs. Thomas M. J ks' of teer statf of men and women who. asm. FOlio WI. ng th e concer t, Park avenue entertaineda ac m'ootnIJ ,er-1 heTldh. e annual election will also be Me assisting the directors. When TOPPlNG TO SPEAK ?~rs of the audience are invited daughter group at a tea Thursday n()t busy rehearsing or working on Charles lL Topping of Princeton ldom thetParthticip~ting groups in afternoon iJl honor of Miss Jean mmittee '.L children . ance a e High School B dd f Ph·1 h' II'O. me.. cot t b, e~ed ' avenue principal civil engineer naS.l um. MU81'C for the u 0 t I adelp la whose en- .~ pos ers 0 e us m duPont Company will ill b 'd d gagemen to Mr. Thomas M. Jack- ,- - th 1__ •• W . e prOVl e by the school's J h b ""5. e pAAJ· and show movmg pictures on dance band, the Gamet Serenad- SOD, r., as een announced. . All.of the S.<Il1'day construction of the Trans-Persian Mrs. W. W. Mitchell of Univer-chlldren's classes at the Arts Cent. Railway, and travel pictures in ~eniors making their I t _ place has returned ter are contributing in some way the Near East on Thursday, May pearance with the high assch':l after vacationing since the mid-the production. Porridge bowls 12, at 7:30 p.m. this year include' S . die of ~anuary in Phoenix, Ariz., and p i·tche rs c alled fori no·ne a f The program will be given in Curry, Alberta M.a geoep, raBneotsty. C ~ l·r· d H··' 1 ornla, an awall. Mrs. the acts are ·being made by the Martin Hall auditorium on the Cahan June Reynard Louise MItchell was accompanied on the pottery class; the metal work College campus and Nancy Terry Mto. M il trip by her sister Mrs. Charles in supplying the goblins' picks, is sponsored by the American Achuff (librarian' of c~orusar ,,;;~ Geiger of St. Joseph, Mo. --------- DUCK CLUB DANCE Penn ·State Center May 21, 9:30 - 1:30 Bob Frederick's Orcbeatra 1949 MAY FE'I'E Saturday, Mal' 6 4:00 to 11:00 P.M. Booths,o-, Supper, Barn Danee designs for the scenery and ciety of Civil Engineers . representative to the 1949 All-I i~~:n;it;t;i:;e:n;~t:ii~*:n;liT I grams are being created by chapter) of the Swarthmore Col- State Chorus), Ann Broomall (sec- ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!'!!!!'~~~~!!!! painting class Concert Ani! Entertalmnent = es. lege Engineers Club. retary-treasurer of chorus), Betty sponsored by the all'cc LarL. ct . By Penn State Alumni Clubs Last Saturday thE> finished Townspeople and friends afe Green, Gayle Hodge, Frances ThImble Group D ; ~ posters for the play were on ex- cordiall,y invited to attend. .. Pearson and Betsy Schoenberg. at the Woman's Club t choibmlmt iattte et hOef JAurdtgse sC· aewntaerrd eadn d a The pictures which also show ATelanno rsM: GcCehoergsnee Ay,b eJla, mLaersr yJ~~~II~FrI;d;a;,y~'A~pMar~o~nys~ 6f~oar~ t~S8a:l~e3 ~0~P;M;~ .9 I 5 . the archaelogical excavations In Id I k L 'leI bons for the best work, o,oordilngl '~:~::I Faber McKernan and 0 Dan DUI Inq Q' the ancient ci'- of Ray were to age. "It is inspiring," ~::d~~::' 'J W by Mr. Topping during the 0 Iff• Basses: Bill Frobel, Bruce craves, "to see nearly when he was engaged in that Godfrey, Philip Markowich, Bruce five people all cooperating cality. The pictures of the My\rea, David Smith (president Of the onefinlshed product. Persian' ·Railway will be chorus), and Marvel Wilson. Lewis that Is the best thiag of all paniedby a brief discussion of Izumi, one of the chorus accom-I these Theatre boys and girls are engineering methOl,ls employed by panists, will be heard for the I learning." the Persians in their own work. last time. THIS ,WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY, MAY 8 . 8:00 P.M.-H. iii. Choral Festival .. ......... .. .. ClothIer ---- Gifts For May 7 Babies National Baby Week, this week, again is being observed by the American Stores Company"'s an­nual "Baby Derby." Parents of FOR SALE SAND GRAVEL ( >,j,in. %in. 1 ¥.lin. ) CINDERS ( coarse, medium, fine ) for Driveways and Building call MedIa 6-3688 The Hoagie Hut 17~ S. Chester JIoad ' Swarthmore 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case", Dental Benefit Players Club SATURDAY, MAY 7 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movies, Comedies .......•..... ClothIer 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" .. . . . • . .. Players Club SUNDAY, MAY 8 11:00 A.M.-Morning WorshIp . . ..•.....•.. Local Churches 1b9a4b9i esb ebtowrene no n1 2S:a01tu rad.1alyL, aMnady 172, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~!~~~~~ii;~~~~~~ p. m. will become eligible for a [t:;:(t::::t+""·u ............... __ C. ELDREDGE Phon.n 3118 2:30 P.M.-Folk Songs by J. J. Niles .............. ClothIer MONDAY. MAY 9 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" . . . • • . .. Players Club TUESDAY. MAY 10 11:00 A.M.-Garden Open House ..... • . Martin Laboratory 1:00 P.M.-Inaugural Luncheon ..•.....•... Woman's Club 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" •.• • . • . .. Players Club WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 1:30 P.M.-Track, H. S. vs. Media ...... . .. Rutgers Avenue 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" ... •..... Players Club THURSDAY, MAY 12 8:1/)5 P.M.-. Art Lecture . .. .. ........... Meeting House 8:2 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" .. .. .. Players Club NOTRE.'S DAY MAY 811a U you were in our position. you'd know how much flowers really mean to Mother on this-Ber Da,y. DON'T FAJL HER! BALTIMORE PIKE SPRINGFIELD package. To receive the gift, parents must fill in coupon appearing in the I I !:~~::::rStores or Acme Market 11 advertisement, or make a reasonable· facsimile and mail the to ."Baby Derby Contest," American Stores Company, 424 North Nineteenth street, Philadel­phIa 30, Pa. It is not necessary to make a pur.hase to get the gift. Fathers, Aunts, Uncle's, Rela­tives, Friends, Doctors can help by mailing coupons promptly. The valuaole, useful gift pack­age contains useful baby food items, and willI be mailed after receipt of the coupon. H. S. Relay Places The Swarthmore High School One-Mile Relay team ran on both Friday and Saturday in the Penn Relays during the past weekend. The team, composed of ·Art McCor-1 mack, Ray Denworth, Sam Rey-' nolds, and Gordy Follett, finished I second to Tredyffrin-Eastown in I the Philadelphia Suburban High I School Athletic Association One­Mile Relay Championship, Ciass' S, on Friday and won the mile I relay test on Saturday against: Sronx ville (N. Y.), Darby, Spring-I field (Delco). COllingdale, Coal­dale, Oxford, Bel Air (Md.), and DOwningtown in the time of 3:36.2 .. Gordy Follett ran an outstanding ~chor quarter mile on Friday, being tim.ed in 50.1 seconds. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook and their daughter Ml1!s Mary Ann Hook of Westdale avenue arrived home Sunday following a :four-' month vacation on Treasure is­land, St. Petersburg, Fla. \ FUR STORAGE' TI E Give Y Ol(r Furs Complete Protection Against AU • Summer Hazards Bring Your Fur Coats Now To HARRIS and CO. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE • We Will Remodel, Repair, Re.line and· Keep Them During the Summer in Cold-Storage \ HARRIS and CO. Phone: 0504 Give Us A Call For. E8ti~ate , Fa. H. S. Base..,alI Monday THESWARTHMO VOLUME 21-NUMBER 19 / SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. MAY 13, 19411 MRS. -FORSYTHE ~. ::~:o:eM:~::~=~Of PRESBYTERIANS INAU ~URATED ~:f£K~a:t::, :::~~ OPEN CAMPAIGN New Officers Installed At Luncheon Tuesday Mr.. MacIntyre had been a To Berin Drive .For resident of Swarthmore for over 30 Ch~ch School years and had been aetive in civic affairs preceding her i1iness. May 15 TO. GIVE CONCERT On Thursday, May 19, ~t 8:30 ·p.m., the Swarthmore Symphony Orchestra will give a concert in the hall of the Swarthmore Players Club Fairview road. The program will comprise the following: Rosa­munde Overture· by Schubert, Symphony No. 7 by Beethoven, Concertn in E Minor by Mende!s­3: 30 P.M. Riverview Field $3.50 PER YEAB WM. WARD, III BURIED THURS. Boro. Broker Victim Of Fatal Heart Attack Besides her husband she Is sur- A profusion of spring howers vived by two daughters, Mrs. John On Sunday, May 15, the Swartb- sohn, Nocturne by Vaslleff, Sche- William Ward, 3d, vice-presi-beautified the tables and room at W. Bowers of Wallingford and more Presbyterian Church's cam- ,herazade (The Sea and Sinbad's dent of Sheridan, Bogan, Paul the Woman's Club last Tuesday, Mrs. J. Walter Nicholson of Texas; paign for sufficient funds to make ·Ship, and The Young Prince and and Company, Philadelphia stock when the Inaugural Luncheon five grandchlldren, six sisters, and a total of $200,000 to be used for the Young Princess) by Rlmsky~ brokers, died SUddenly of a heart brought the year's activities to a a brother. a new addition to the Church Korsakov, and Hungarian Dances, attaok early Tuesday morning at close and the following new ofti- School plant, will officiall,y open. Nos. 5 and 6, by Brahms. Arnold his home at 430 SOuth Chester cers and directors were installed: Services will be held at Oliver The hop e i s m. everyone, s h e art Sukonic will be the soloist m' the road. President, Mrs. Frances H.. For- H. Bair's on Satucday. tha t enough may b e secured Violin Concerto h y Men delsos h.n A member of an old Chester sythe; vice-president, Mrs. Birney. through contributions and thr~ugh The concert is open to the pull- family Mr. Ward was the son of K. Morse; second vice-:president, H.S. ORCHESTA pledges to make it possible to lic free of charge. the late Dr. John Martin Broom- Mrs. Ross W. Marriott; treasurer, break ground sometime in the , all Ward and Elizabeth Walsh Mrs. Carroll·P. Streeter; recording CONCERT MAY 20 autnln of 1949 in order to have. the NEARLY $·4000 IS Ward. He was born October 15, secretary, Mrs. C. H. Jeglum, and new adition ready for o'ccupancy 1896 at the old quarantine station corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. when the Church School opens in in Marcus Hook where his father W. Bass. The new directors are: September of 1950. RAISED BY CARE was the doctor in charge for many Mrs. Donald L. Hibberd, .Mrs. R; T. Musical Students Plan The Co-Captains of the te3JllB of ye·ars. He was the nephew of the Bates, Mrs. William F. Uthe, and • Annual Spring solicitors are Allan C. Wood, and late William Ward, Jr., fonner Mrs ... Charles D. Mitchell. The Event Arthur Jones, Frank G. Keenen High School's Numerou8 Mayor of Chester. .' new adJiti.ssions committee consists and Jam ... H. Hornaday, Frede:r- . Events Aid He served in the Navy during of Mrs. Frauk H .. McCowan, Mrs. The Swarthmore High School ick R. Lang and George W. Mc- the First World War and was a Charles Deacon, Mrs. R. J. LitUe- Orchestra, assisted by' the talented Keag, Carro~ P. Stree~r and Hor- Stade member of a Chester Post of the field, and Mrs. Robert Boyle. and growing Elementary School ace H. HopkIns, C. Irwm Galbreath Swarthmore High School reports American Legion... . Mrs. Percy Gilbert was in charge Orchestra, will present the spring and Horace P. Fry, Jr., W1lIia",' -its second C.A.R.E. Drive was a The family moved to Swarth­of the luncheon, Mrs. Robert AlIi- concert on Friday night, May 20, H. Gehrmg and John S. McQuade, huge success; enthusiastically sup_ more from Chester about ten years son, the dining room, and Mrs. J. in the hIgh school auditorium. ThIs Palmer L. Skogl~. and J. Roy ported by townspeople with large ago. Reed Geer the decorations. There is the same group of young musl- Carrol, Jr., and WIlliam Craemer, crowds at.~nding most of the ac- M . . J '" r. Ward 15 survived by his were several guests, including Mrs. cians whIch sponsored I!he highly r. . tivities. Pupils who worked on wife thl> former Marjorie Black James Richards from the County successful District Orch"'!tra Con- ?he Church. School Buil~g the drive are very grateful to the whom he married in Chester in Federation of Women's Clubs and ce:rt at ClothIer Memorial last Jan- Finance commllteed fOCr this drive townsfolk, the college, business M F BI . L cki' cI b includes: !'<'onar . Ashton,. , September, 1922 and two sons rs' . . f rDure tau e, CpoIo nteye r u uary. J oseph P . B1' 8h op, R· eavI s· Co x, •<•=_ 0 • . houses, women s groups, churches, William, 4th, a sophomore at La-woman 0 ware un. Throughout the program there if P Fry J Mr Frank club and all other organizations fayette College and John M.B. Nancy Hoot presented silver will be interspersed special num- GorKace '. D '·d rM·'cCahsa.n J hn and individuals who contributed also of Swarthmore. . . !. eenen aVl 0 sugar tongs as a gift to the club bers featuring talented musicians S McQ .; J H· Lindl 'P I to the success of the venture. The Rev. Peter C. Van der Hiel from the J·uniors, and Mrs. John ·of the school. A trumpet duet with S· Dua se, !th" M' Steuya rteeF , At present .the total ~eached Is t f S P I' . B W II Pr'd t f th M tit h ruce . 1Dl, rs.. . rec or 0 t. au s Ep15copal . e er, esl en o. e. 0 - Charles Hummer and 110 ert Pol- Smith Harold D. Stott and Frank $3701.11. Of this' amount $401.56 ChurCh, Chester, conducted the er's Club gave a beautiful lamp. lard will appear early in the pro- R M 'kl ch' . ' must go to cover expenses Of the funeral services at the Ward home . Following the stated meeting, gram. Later Susan Braun and . ar ey, arrman. Swarthmore mo'vie and other Inci- Mrs. John Michael, retiring presi- Doris Lees will present a· Spanish· The Committee, captains and. dentals, This will leave '3299.55 to yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. dent, read a report of the General dance with orehestralacoompani- sol icito~ are asI e·m g. for. every'one s . buy C.A.R.& packages~ for the Private inteIlnent followed in Federation Meetings, held at Hoi" ment. Ruth Woodward and .WlI- ~ooperation and attention to this school's adopted town Stade, Ger- Chester Rural Cemetery. Iywood, Florida, in April. Mrs. A. Iiam Kirk will present Mozart's lDlll':'rtant need. W,?rk cannot be many. $1378.11 of this amount ,W. Bass, retiring treasurer, gave "Concerto in A Major" as a piano carrl~ on properly_ m the Church was collected. through town oon­her report in the form of a graph. duet. School without additional space. tributions; $754.90 was ralsed at Announcement was made that The string· trio which has ap.. and facilities and the wo~ds. ~ed Activities Night; $556.75 through by action of the 'board, Mrs. J. peared in public on a number of before, ~hen the campalgD first the business houses and· borough Horace Walter was made Honorary occasions, consisting of Dayid stcrled, invest Now in th~, Fu- organizations; $32.65 at the Pres­Life Member of the club in apprec- Spencer, first violin; Ruth Garrett, tIl:"e of the . Y?~ People, .are byterian Church dance; $331.55 iation for her long years of service. second violin, and RusSell S.nyder, .stlli true. Th15 18 still the .go:U for at the Country Dance; $62.13 Mrs.' Michael then read ·her presi- viola-'-all pupils Of Lucius Cole- the future of the· Chuxch 15 10 the ··wough the Eleventh Grade cake dent's report for the year, recount- Will present Dvorak's "Terzetto in young people of today . sale; $268.31 by showing!> of the ing outstanding events and activi- C Major". Jerome Goodman, who Swarthmore Movie; and over $40 ties of the various sections. has delighted Swarthmore audi- PLAN MEMORIAL from other dances, cake sales and (Continued on page 4) ences with his 'cello in the past, varied benefit events. will present Frescabaldl's "Toe- . DAY WEEKEND $85.16 was received in contribu- SILVER THREAD cato." with Judith Goodman as tions •. collected at the College . accompanist. The final feature Theatre while $155.41 more was will be a violin solo, "Scene de .realized in ticket sales to the TO· PLAY· MAY 21 Ballet by de Serlot, by David SRA Sets Registration pictures. It Is expected at least Spencer with Mrs. Alhert Gwinn Day For Summer $50 will be received from the Children's Theatre To Give Production At Players' Club as accompanist. ~ young vio- Activities Blackfriars' play and another $50 ltnist will be remembered as the from the J. J. dances which we:re concert-melster of the Southeast- An exciting Memorial Week- scheduled too late to have their ern District Orchestra. end is in store for Swarthmore returns included in the present Robert Holm, instrumental music children and their parents, accord- tabulation. A play for children Is coming director of the Swarthmore schools ing to plans now being made l;>y the Soap, scrapbooks and clothing to Swarthmore on Saturday after- is working hard W'Ith the young Recreation Association. Full de- are being sent to Stad. >e by differ-noon, May 21, when the Chlldren's mUSi·cians and expresses the as- tails will be announced in the ent groups in addition LO th~ above, Theatre of the Community Arts surance that ~e concert will be next issue of the Swarthmorean, in the second year's outpouring Center. will present its first pro- of the· highest caliber ever at- but advance information indicates of aid and friendship across the duction, "The Silver Thread" or tained hl" this orchestra. Excellent there wlll be a hoUy-contested ocean. "The Princess and the Goblins" assistance has been given in mak- baseball game as well as a dance at the Players Club. The fact that "jng plans for this event by mem- and show featuring the best of Girls Win Again not only are all 'ute forty parts in bers of the Band-Orchestra Par- local talent. The Girls' Lacrosse team of the play are acted by chlldren but ents Association. Mrs. Harry Seymour, president Swarthmore High School won the the scenery, -properties, and pro- of the Association, repo~ that Lacrosse Tournament at Lower grams are created hy the boys and Duck Club May Danw committees are hard at work to Merion on Saturday, May 7. Six-girls, makes this. a unique event. ass,-,·pe that the F=-.-..U....,". D~'v cele- teen schools participated in this W.I.L. Meeting Thursday As a climax to the evening study group on Latin America and in conjunction with the annual meet­ing, the Swarthmore Branch of the Women's International League announces that Heloise Brainerd of Washington will speak on Thursday, May 19, at the home of Mrs. George Silloway, 403 North Chester road at 2.45 p. m. Miss IBrainerd is an expert on South American affairs having spent over 20 years with the Pan American Union in WashirJgton and for some time was ·the official representative in South America. Since 1935 she has been chairman of the Committee on The Ameri­cas of the W.I.L. She has travelled extensively and has received spe­cial recognition from several SO'!-1~h American states . All interested persons are invited to hear Miss Brainerd who will speak on "The Caribbean Nations and TheIr Relations with the U. S." Contributes Article Frederick B. Tolles, librarian, the. Friends Historical Library, Swartlunore College, is among the contributors to the 1949 Bri­tannica Book of the Year. Mr. Tolles wrote the articles on the Many Swarthmore children are Bob Frederick's Orchestra will bration, which Is a tradition asso- contest. Religious Society of Friends. i n the lar ge cas t , w.h i-\,aLI I'S as .~LO I - set the tempo when the Duck Club ciated with Memorial Week-end r-r; ;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;i lows: Susan Allen, Terry Allen, holds its May dance in the Penn in SW3l'thmore, will be a bigger TIllS W£'i.·K'S CALENDAR Diana Brown, Shirley Carpenter, State Center Gym Saturday even- sucess than ever this year. DD Carotyn Danforth, Anne Hay, Jane ing of next week, the 21st. Formal The Recreation Association Is Hay, Rosemary Hibbard, Jeanne or informal attire is left to the also including arrangements for Schloesser, and Victoria Willis, all Preference of each dancer. The the usua l summer recreaI to n act lv-of Swarthinore; Evelyn Berrell, event is scheduled for 9:30 to 1:30 itles. th~ Pre-School and Primary Jack Campbell, NancY Clement, o'clock. groups will again be under the ex- Deborah Cornogg, Stephen Dwm- pert direction of Mrs. J. Franc:la ing, Barry Dutton, Dennis Dutton, To BOOR President Taylor, while Theodore Purnell Bill Evans, George Pelton, Allan Mrs. George P. Warren of South and Russell Snyder will head the Gardner, Martha Gobdel, Richard Chester road - will entertain all Summer Club. . Graves, Teddy Graves, Susan local Delta Gammas on FrIday Pre-school and Primary classes HamIlton" Robert Haworth, Peggy attenioon, May 20, in hon~. of the are to be held at !"~ Rutgers Av­Jenkin", Harvey Johnson, Hesna National President Mrs. Eo Tiel enue School, for 8lX weeks he­Johnston, John MoGavero, Dian Smith, a resident of Strath· Haven ginning June 20. The age Parks, Ann Pyle, Alme Richter, Inn. tor these two groups starts WIth Jeffrey Smith,Linda Ann Smith, The group will assemble at 2 chlldren who have reached their , . . (Continued on page 8) p.m. for phnpntmopic sewing. (CQDttnued on· Plilre 8) \ , • FIUDAY. MAY 13 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" .......................... Players Club SATURDAY, MAY 14 2:30 P.M.-Lacrosse, College vs. Delaware ........ Palmer Field 8:20 P.M.-"Canary Murder Case" .......................... Players Club SUNDAY, MAY 15 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches 7:30 P.M,. .-.Tr. Music Club .................... ................. Bartol Library MONDAY, MAY 16 3:30 P.M.-Baseball; H.S. vs. Ridley Twp ......... Riverview Field . . WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 3:30 P.M.-Track, H.8. vs. Ridley Twp ............. Rutgers Avenue 'l'HURSDAY, MAY 19 2:45 P.M.-W.Il .. "Latin Ameri<oa" ......... 403 N. Chester Road •

---------- Page 7 ----------

z TBB- SWARTBMOREAN MAY 0,',_ NEWS NOTES /,.'Usoclation for the next ~cadeuUc son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. mother chose a gown of green and Great Valley, Paoli, Sunday ,fo1- year. '", ',,~heppard of 8,andersvllle, Ga., will white polka-dot crepe with white lowing the morning service bJr the Mr. Donald P. Jones of, No!1b Mr. and Mrs.Davld'R. Warner take place tomorrow evening at accessories; Her corsage was of Rev. J. Jerden Guenther, rectlOl.' Swarthmore avenue who was on a and""n Roddy of PhIladelphia e,o'clock in the Swarthmore ~ white gardenias. Sponaors were Mr. and Mrs. i)usiness trip to Toledo, Ohio and have spent the last two ',week- byterian Church. A reception followed the cere- Oscar J. Gliereest at Vassar ave­Detroit, Mich., was joined by Mrs. ends visiting Mrs. Warner's par-- The Rev. Joseph P. Bl$op will many at McDade Boulevard and nue, and Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jones on Thursday of last week ents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. GU- perform the ceremony. LInda Vista avenue where the Warner of West Philadelphia. In New York where th,?, spent a creest of V ........ aVenue. MIss Do~1s Anne Russell of West young couple will reside follow­few day, before returnmg home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of Reading will act as,mald of honor, lug ,a wedding trip through Vir- Mr. and Mrs. A- H. Van Alen of Cedar lane en1ertalned at open alid the brldesmalds will ,be MIss giDla. ,Park avenue motored to Bucknell house In honor of their week;-end iBetty Jean Wood of WUmington, University for May Day week"elld guest' John Jacob Niles; . ballad Del.,'Mrs. James S. Hsyesof,Wal-CBRISTENED festivities and visited their daugb- singer following his ~ormance ~lingford, and Mrs. WUUam H. Mc- David Eugene- Gliereest, infant ter Carol a junior at the unIver- Sunday afternoon as part of the :Ioroy of Canton,Pa. son Of Mr. ,and Mrs. David Gilere-sity. Carol a Phi Beta Phi, has Folk Festival at the College. ,Mrs. Roy Holifield Duggan, Jr., 'est of Prospect Park, was christ­been elected president of her so- Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed of Allania, Ga., wlli serve as best ened in St. ,Peters Church of the Bmm Mr. and Mrs. John W. Seybold of Amh'erst avenue are 'receiving congr&tuiations upon the birth of their third child and first daugh­ter named, Patricia Blood Sey­bold, on May 0 in Bryn Mawr Hos" pita!. rority. of College avenue returned home man and the ushers will include Mr. aold Mrs. R. ·G. Rincliffe of Suliday following a three-week Mr. Robert Earl Weltz, brother of ~ ................................................................................... ..... S Irat h Haven avenjle are enter- vacation at Baltimore, N:.C. the bride, Mr. William Cannon ' .........' +'Y++~.+'.'97. .' ++, +'9' taining Mrs. Rincliffe's mother Mr. Edward B. Irving,Jr., has Caball, 3rd,' of Chestnut Hill , , Mrs. H. D. Peterson of Sandusky, accepted an appoIntment to teach cousin of the bride; Mr. James Ohio, who is here on a week's in the Department of English at William Summerour of Monroe, visit. Yale University next year. Mr. Ga., Mr. Leland S. Covey of Mrs. Sewell Hodge, Mrs. A. Irving is completing hi. thesis for Ridley Park, Mr. Robert W. Dal­Ludlow Clayden, Mrs. Waller R., Doctorate in English at Yale this las of Narbeth, and Mr. Alfred Shoemaker, Mrs. Russell H. Kent,' spring. Mr. and Mrs. Irving and L. de Vries of PrInceton avenue. Mr~. Helen Goodwin, Mrs. Richard small son Andrew retw:ned to New Following the ceremony a re­H~ I~ of Swarthmore, an.d Mrs., ~ven, Conn., following a visit ception will be held' at the Spring­WIlliam A. Clarke of Wallingford, WIth Mr. and Mrs. William P. haven Country Club. members of "The Eightsome" Hayes of SwarUtmore avenue. bridge club, spent a few days at ' • PITMAN - NUCKOLS a house party at Buck Hill Falls HONOR BRIDE-TO-1J1! as the guests of Miss Mary Ver- Mr. and MTS William H. That- ,Miss Marie Elizabeth Nuckols, Ie n d en a f L ansd owne. 'cher of College avenue will en- daughter of M. r. and Mrs William Mr and Mrs Donald P Jones t t· b Nuckols of Mllmont Park, became of s":arthmore ~venue ent~rtained' er am mem ers, of the bridal i the bride of M,. Daniel James Plt- 'party and out-of-town guests at a lnan f Pr f d Mi at a dinner-bridge at their home dinner this evening following the ' son .0 0 essor an TS. Saturday evening. ' edd" h al of 'M" Oath John H. PItman of Vassar avenue, Mrs. Alexander Dryden of,, ewr ine 1L0 9 Wre letza rs d M•r HIS S Ed '-.S aturda aft t 2 'cl k Y ernoon a 0 oc Swarthmore and Yale. avenues has i Sheppa;d :hO:.:' m";"i . e :~ 10 the, Rectory of Our Lady of returned home followlOg a week's tak la ag Peace. The Rev. I. Walter Nail visit with her son and daughter-in- ' e p ce tomorrow. officiated at the double ring cere-law Mr. and Mrs. James Dryden i maD)' befure a background of r:;y_ and children Debby and Dierdre'l PLAN ~Y WI!lDDING botlum ferns, white, tulips and in Dayton Ohio The marrIage of Miss EmIlY white snapdragons. ' Mr. and' Mrs. 'J. Donald Gibson i Eli!'abeth Rumble, daughter of Mr. The bride, escorted by her fath­of Idlewild lane entertained at a and Mrs. Walter Rumble of Yale er, wore a wedding gown of ivory house party at their cottage at and Swarthmore avenues to Mr. satin fashioned on Princess lines Brant Bea·ch, N.J., over the week- John Jerrold Jackson of Larch- with long tight sleeves and full end. mont, N.Y., wUl take place on skirt with train. Her finger tip Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Swarth- Saturday, JulY 2, at 4 o'clock in veil of tulle was attached to a more avenu" returned home Wed- the Swarthmore Presbyterian Uara of orange blossoms and abe nesday following a week's visit Church, the Rev. Joseph P. Bishop carried white roses and 1ilIes of with her son-in-law and daughter officiating. A reception will fol- ,the valley centered with an orchid. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Handy and low at the home of the bride's Miss Louise Nuchols as maid of family of Crisfield, Md. parents. honor for her sister, wore a gown Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of' The attendents will be Winifred of illac taffeta, featuring, a fitted Park avenue entertained as their Rumble, sister Of the bride, as bodice with puff sleeves and 'full week-end guests Mr. John W. 'maid of honor, and Mrs. Robert skirt with bustle. She carried B Taylor. Jr., Mr. ~ar Curran and Pfeifer of Yale avenue. 8S matron bouquet of yellow roses. shasta Mir. J. Curran, all of Baltimore, of honor. The bridesmaids will daisies and purple iris with a Md. Mr. Edgar Curran will serve be Sue Lasley of. Winston-Salem, headdress of lilac tulle and blend_ as best man at the wedding of N.C., Mildred Reap of Albemarle, ing flowers. Miss Nanr:;y Van Aten and Mr. N.C., Barbara Ann Schobinger of Professor Pitman served as best Taylor which will take place Philadelphia, Jane Carter of Glen- man for his son. July 16 at 1 o'clock in the Swarth- side, and Mrs. John Haggins, of The mother of the bride wore more Presbyterian Church. Pottstown. Kathleen Titus of a gown of Navy blue erepe with Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fry left Swarthmore avenue, cousin of the hat of natural, straw. Her cor- Saturday for Boise, Idaho where bride, will be the flower girl. sage was of pink roses' and lilies they will be located for the next of the valley. The bridegroom's six months. Mrs. Fry Is the form- TO WED TOMOKROW' er Miss Elizabeth Hornaday, The marriage of Miss Jane daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Beatty, daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. H. Hornaday of Dickinson avenue. Lewis Bonsall Beatty of Bowling Mrs. William Linhart has re- Green, Media, to Mr. Laurence turned to her b<lme in Pittsburgh Henry Lucker, Jr:, son of Mr .. and {allowing a two-week visit with Mrs. Lucker of Mmneapolls, Mmn., her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul will take place tomorrow after­Rutan of Ol{den avenue. During noon at 2:30 o'cl~ in the Swarth-her visit here Mrs. LinbaR was more Presbyterian ChurclJ. guest of honor at a luncheon- Mrs. Lucker, mother of the bridge given by Mrs. Harry F. bridegroom, will entertain at a Brown of North Chester road and bridal dinner following the wed­her daughter Mrs. Walter Doug- ding rehearsa~ this evening. lass of Coatesville. Phyllis Smith of Haverford TOMORROW'S BRIDE avenue, a freshman at Pennsyl- The mal'rJage of Miss Catherine vania College fOr Women, has been Lenore Weltz. daughter, of Mr. elected treasurer of the Athletic and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of College .;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I avenue. to M-r. H. Edwin Sheppard, "The Silver Thread" Or "The Princess And The Goblins" College Theatre Friday and Saturday Linda Darnel FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MnI· Lloyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 MEDIA' Friday and Saturday Cl.arJJ: Gable Vl\D .Johnson Walter PIdc_ "(J()MMANJ) DECISION" This is a terrific woman's picture! We think it's one of the Best. You'll love Clark Gablel , (This picture will not be shown Saturday Matinee) OK KIDDIE SHOWI Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 The Horse with the Human Mind "GALLANT BESS" 8 Cartoons 8 Congo Bill No. 8 All Children 20 cents SAVE TIME! LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP Ht=St=SI:"{HH ..... - ..... t=! .... MAY 19, IIMIl The $l.OO-Serve YourseH-All You Want COMPLETE SUPPER Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES, 0:-, DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH HAVEN INN • The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON As Refreshing As May Flowers Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road Harvard Inn DIDinJ: Boom Open $0 PnbHc and TRANSIENT GUESTS Phone Swarthmore 9U8 A Three Act Play for Children with a Cast of 40 Children "A LE'rl'ER TO TURD WlvE$" Sst. 1 p.m. Special Children's Matinee ---Sunday and Monday .Joel McCrea- Alexis SmlDl * "With health, eftJ'}'thing it a source of Zachery Scott I'th • • To Be Presented By THE CHILDREN'S THEATRE of the Community Arts Center THE PLAYERS' CLUB SATURDAY MAY Zbt 2:30 P.M. Tleketl (50 centll, Inel. tax) available at Buchner's, the Arts Center in Wallingford, McGovern's Men's Store In Chester or Media Bed Bider and Little _ver "CHEYENNE WILDOAT" Also Laurel and Hardy Comedy and Cartoons Monday and Tuesday J. Arthur Rank presents Richard Greene ''DON'T'TAKE IT '1'0 IIEAKT" Wednesday Brought back ' many Starting Thursday , David NlveD ''ENCIIA1Il'1'MEN'r , Comln« ''OIB PLBDBRM'tJIl" , . "SOUTH OF ST •. LOUIS" P easure; WI out It, nothing else, whateYer Tuesday and Wednesday it may be, it enjoyable. It follow. that the ' ''TA:~~~GW greatest of folli~s is to sacrifice health for aay and other kind of happiness, whatever it may be ~ISECRET LAND" £. d Tuesday Afternoon - or gaID, a vancement, learning, for fame, SPecial School ChUdren let alone, then, for fleeting sensual pleasure .... advised S~~~O P.M. Anhur Schopenhaner. ''TABAZAN'S MAGIC As pharmacists, we are c:onstandy alen to forward FOUNTAIN" A thousand wonders and as measures important to public health. In our prescription many thrills in thfs amazing depanment we have assembled the important drugs from DRAMA of a JUNGLE PARADIS. all over the world. These medicinal supplies represent :.:~: ~3;~~ ~~ ~ !he community's arsenal against disease. Bring your pre-imlmown "SBCRBT LAND" <cl'ip1:iOIU to US for expen r;ompounc1ing. in tecbnlcolor, starring Men C II P ~:it~"It.~\v.;:ia~: • ege harmao, Lt. Robert Taylor. ON THE CORNER . . ------------------~~,~~~" .. ~.~ .. ~ ............ ~a. ...... .aII'~S~S£SS3~~'~S£SSSS3S~s~'~~ESISi3~S=S~SEE;;s~~'~saS~'~'ssS38~~ESS'3CS ~MA~y~~~,~'M~9~=-________________ =-====~T~H~Ed,~S~W~A~R~T~B~M~O~R~E~A=N==== _ ====================~ ___ ===3 ~~ _______________________ ""II J all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 15. The Golden Text is: "This corruptible must put on incorruption, and t1jis mor­tal must put on immorta,Uty" THE 'SW ARTHMORE.4N PUBLI8BBD BVBIlY FRIDAY AT SWABTBJIIOaB, PA TOR SWABTIDIORBAN. INC .. PUBUSIIBR Phone 8wartbmore .... --------~, P=E=TE~B~ E~. ~T-OL.D~, -Ed-it-or- -------­MARJORIE TOLD, BARBABA KENT, Associate Bdlton (I Corinthians 15:53). Trinity Notes Rosalie Pelrsol ' Lorene Mc Carter Edith Whitaker. Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1020, at the Post 'Office lit Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1870. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Holy Communion will be cele­brated at 8 a.m. Church School will meet at 9:45 a.m. At the 11 o'clock service of Morning Prayer I the sermon topic will be "Has ~~~~~'>I~\~V~A~R~T~BM~~O~B~E~' ~P~A.~' ~1'B~~ID~A~Y~'~M~A~Y~·1~3~' ~1~9~4~9~~~~ ! Christianity Failed?". == 1 Choir School will meet on Mon- Presbyterian Notes program will be devoted to solo, day and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday morning at the 11 groups sung by Mr. Fallst. All I T~e final d~ner meeting ,!f the o'clock service MI'. Bishop's ser- of our people and their' friends' Men s Club WIll be held on Mon­mon wil be "What Is The Church are invited. - ' I day at 6:30 at w.hich time their For?" Mr. Bishop accepted the request wives are invi~ed to be present. All departments of the Church by the program manager of station; The speaker ~dl be J~hn Ln,ka,:" School and the Adult Classes meet WIP to ask the prayers which' from the ForeIgn Affalls !?puncd at 9145 on Sunday morning. The follow their Sunday morning . ~ho ~ln "speak on "The .Situation Church Hour NUrsery for children broadcast "All Good Things Be- 'lID Chma. ages 1 to 7 meets during the gin at H~me,,, 10:30 _ 10:45 a.m. The following committees were Church Hour from 11 to 12 o'clock On' May 21 at 3:30 the officers! appointed by the Rector ~t the on Sunday morning. Mrs. John of the' Church and their wives and recent. Vestry M~eting. Fmance L. Good and Anne Mabbott wUl husbands will meet for a Retreat CommIttee: FranCIS V{. Plowman, • be in charge this Sunday morning. at the Middletown Presbyterian chairman, ~oseph Reynolds, An- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates Church. All members 'of the'Ses- drew A. SmIth, A. H. Knabb,~. B. at the Harvard avenue entrance sion. Trustees, Deacons and Board Brewster. Prope~y Com~lttee: and Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Missions are expected. Dr. S. B. Brewster, chairman, WIlliam at the drivew,·y-transept entrance Allen W. Frew, minister of· the :iee.gard. He~~;rt BA s:aCkma~. will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting Ardmore Presbyterian Cflurch, U~lC com~l ee: n rew . the congregation 'after the service will lead a discussion of the duties Smith, ChaIrman, Joseph Rey- Sunday morning.· ... of the various offices of the n,?lds, Fr~ncis W. Plowman. Th... Junior High Fellowship Church and their relations to one Choir rehearsal will be held on meets at 5 on Sunday evening. another. This will be followed Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The program this week will be by a supper.. : led by 'Donna Crosset on the sub- Notice is hereby given that there' Thetas To Meet ,ject "How to Read the Bible!' will be a ,Congregational Meeting The Swarthmore College Kappa Donald Ogram, will lead the wor- on May 15 implediately following Alpha Thetas will meet for lunch­ship service and Bibsy Cobots and the morning worship service, for eon Wednesday,' May 18 at the 1\1011Y Banks will be in charge of the purpose of calling an, Associate' Dutch Cupboard Tea House, fol­refreshments. Past~r as Minis'ter of Edut;ation lowed by "a sewing'" at the home 'The Senior' High Fellowship for ·this Church. of Mrs. Walter Roberts of Bryn meets at 6 on Sunday evening. . The following Circles of the; Mawr. John Boyle is in charge of the Woman's Association will meet; Worship Service. next Wednesday, May 18. Kappa Hostess The Young Adult's Group will C.ircle7, Mrs .. Harold C. Stott, The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew­meet at 6 for a light supper fol- chaIrman, at 1O.~0. a.m., at the I ing Group will meet for an all­lowed by attendance at the ~o~e Of. Mrs. Leshe WetJaufer, 623, day sewing at the home of Mrs. Friend's Meeting House promptly unlversIty place. Members Should: H. Merle Mulloy of Winding Lane, at 7:30 to bear a special program bring ,sandwiches. Mrs. Staurt F.' Bowlin Green TUesday, May 17. being presented there: Smith will discuss the book "The', g, '_ The young married couples Healing Light" by Agnes Sanford. I group will meet Sunday evening at Circle 5, Mrs. Donald P. Jones, 7:30 at the home of Mr. and Mu. chairman, at 10:30 a.m. at the: L. Reed Tripp, 410 Cedar lane. home of Mrs. William Reid, 900, They wili discuSs "Violence and Blyth avenue, Drexel Hill. Mrs. War." G~ ·L. Andre will be CO-~lOstess.! On May 26, at 8 p.m. in the There will be: sewing and the i Church, the Chapel Choir and Mr. final study of "On Our Own Door-I Faust will give a concert of music. step". • The choir will sing several special ' Circle 4, Mrs. Clifford Banta.' numbers and the lalter hall of the chairman, at 10:30 a.m. at the i home of Mrs. George P. Warren! Are You In Need Of , SPIRITUAL UPLIFT? Be Sure To Listen To Dr Harry Rimmer Author - Explorer - Scientist Lecturer Through Morning Cheer I Broadcast over 'Y'IBG 12:30 to 1 P.M. CONTIN Uny OF SERVICE For aver 70 years we have given uninterrvpted service to this com· munity. The second and third generations of families continue to call upon us in time of need. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlllCro .. o •• UNIIALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Telephone RI6·1581 MARY A. lAIR, President FRIENDS. and NEIGHBORS L cities and towns all over Pennsylvania, you'll fiDd tele-phone men and women. . There ~ more than 32,100 of these men and women employed ,today-operating, installing, and maintaining teleph"ne equipment so that you may enjoy round·the·clock telephone !ervice. You know many of these men and women. They are your friends and neighbors. They share your interest in your , community, attend your church, send their children to your achool, work, with you on loea. charity drives. They .hop where you shop, bank where you bank, play where you play. They are, in short, good citizens •.• 88 important to the welfare of the communities in which they live as the welfare of the telephone business is important to them. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsy, lvania •• Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P: Bishop, MinIster Sunday, l\Iay. 15, 327 South Chester road. Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe will be co-host­ess. Members are asked to bring sandwiches. 7 to 8 a.m. Dally J I' ~~Q~"'~Q=:",:~~~~.~ .~ ~~~~",~",~",::~~~I~. ________________________________________________ --,0 9:45 A. M. - Church School, Women's and Men's Bible Classes. 11 :00 A. M.-Church service. Mr. Bishop will preach on "What, is the Church For." 5:00 P. M.-Jr. Righ Fellowship. 6:00P. M;-S.r. High Fellowship. 6:00P. M.-Young Adults' Club. 8:00 P, M.-College Age Group will meet. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keisar, D.D., Minister SundaY, May 15, ' o :4~ A- M.-'.church School 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Fel­lowship Circle: 3t Mrs. William Gehring, chairman, will be held at the home 'I of Mrs Jack B. Thompson, 507 Harvard avenue on May 18. Mem­bers should bring sandwiches:- The Junior Choir rehearses Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and the Chapel Choir rehearses Thurs­day evening at 7:45. ,Boy Scout Troop 2 will meet at 7 :30 on Thursday evening. The newly elected officers of the church will be ordained and ~­staUoo at the Sunday morning worship at 11 a.m. 11 :00 A. M.-Dr. James B. Prit-chard will be guest pre~cher. Methodist Notes 6:30 P. M.-youth Fellowshlp. The Sunday School meets at TRINlTY' CHURCH 9:45. The Young Adults meet in Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector the Ladies' Parlors at 10 o'clock. Sunday, May' 15, The guest preacher at the 11 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. o'clock service will be nr. James 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 11:00 A. M~Morning Prayer and B. Pritchard of the Crozer Thea­Sermon. Topic "Has Christi-' logical Seminary. anity Failed?" The youth Fellowship meets at THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY 6:30 . OF PRIENDS The monthlY meeting and social ,Sunday, May 15. of the Choir Association will be 9:45 A. M.-FJrst Day School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. helli on Tuesday evening at 8 in 11 :00 A. M.-Meeting for worship. the church. (Children cared for in Whit- The ushers for the day are W'I tier House.) H. Schultz, W. A. Beacham, C. W, i Wednesday, May 18 ' I 9:30 to 3:30-Sewing and Quilt- Dempsey, J. Pitman and E. N. tog In WhIttier House. Bo" Shawhan. Luncheon. All cordlally In- Mrs. L. E. Kauffman and June; vited. Shearer are in charge of the ---::F::IRS:;;;=T~C:;HUR;;;;;' :;;C;;H;-;O:;;F;;---I Church Nursery Sunday morning. 'CHRIST aCIENTIS'l' Rchearsal for the Senior Choir OF SWAaTHMORE, is on Thursday evening at 7:45. Park Avenue below HarVard ' , Sunday, May 15, The Social Hall will be open on, U:OO A. M.-Sunday School. Friday evening at 7 o'clock for! 11:00 A- M.-Lesson - Sermon supervised recreation under Thea- "Mortals and· Immortals". .._ ~ dareL. Purnell• ' Wednesday evening mee ...... each week, 8 p.m. Reading room open dally except Sunday, and Holidays 12 to II p.m. Wednesday ev .... lngs '1 to '1:50 pm. and 9 to 8:38. Christian Science Notes "Mortals And Immortals" is the subject of the Lesson-Sennon in YOU'Ll. HAVE SUPER MARKET right in your 0 " with a modern H, OME Of Course, ir'S ELECTRIC. Xou can have fruits, meats, vegetables, and cooked foods always on hand with yeur freezer. Shopping can be less frequent, meal preparation easier-and food costs lowerl See the new electric freezers at your losal deal.r's store or at our showroom today! II reach-in" PhI ..... I .. h .. Elecl.1e Company

---------- Page 8 ----------

, , THE SWABTHHOBBAN WRITER'S CONFERENCE TO PLAY IN . I W'lDS Scholanhip Fourtla Marriage Talk A Professional Regional Writers' ALlrSTATE BAND, PhilIp Markowich, 17, Swarth- The final session in the Marriage Conference will be held for the William Potts of Yale avenue, mor" HIgh School seDior and a Conference will be held on Wed. Philadelphia area at the Bellevue a senior al Swarthmore HIgh , member, of the lOcal school Chap.. nesday at ':15 p.m. in" TrInIty StraUord Hotel on June 23 and 24. School, has been selected to per· I' ter of the National HonOr SoCiety, Church. The speaker will be the InItiated by the Professional Wri- form with the Pennsylvania All-, haa won a scholaatic award in a Very Rev • .T .. Brooks Mosley, Dean ters of Philadelphia and sponsored State Band ,during a three day! national scholarship competlt,1on I of th.e Cathedral Church of St. by the Philadelphia Chamber of music festival at Bradford. this, held by the National Association! John lD Wilmington, Delaware, and Commerce the conference Is open week-end. I of Secondary-Schoola Principals: formerly Director of the, Depart.. to all who are interested in writ- William, who plays first clarinet; Washington, D. C. This award was; ment of Socla1 Relations in the ina. in the HIgh sChool Band, wiD: won in a competition Ilf 5915 so- Diocese of Washington. Dean Workshops will be held in the participate in a special network' lected high-ranking students _ all Mosley's topic will be ''The Splr­afternoona and the speaker WiD broadcast on the "Band of Am- ~ senior membera of the National itual Factors In Marriage" and he be heard both nights. It i~ hoped "'rica" program tOnight over: Honor Society from 374,890 sen- will strongly emphaaize the Chris­that each community w.ll take KYW -NBC at 8 p.m. EDST. He' iors in 1942 schools throughout the ti,an values in the marriage rela­advantage Of this opportunity and is one of 206 teen-agers chosen to: nation. tlonship. A discUSSion will follow that groups in all branches of play in this all-state high school: The winner is the ~n of Mrs. hIa talk. writing will cooperate. band. I Rose Allen of Chester, and plans t"' E E Those interested may call Mrs. _ I to enter college l)l September. At MAY Ii,. lNt Mnr. Frank Kneedler of (Jar­rett avenue spent a few wa;,a of this week in Ocean City, N "T. Du ..... for tile Warm Weaa-in smartly styled summer shades $5.88 aDd 1111 sizes 9-15, 10-1IO and SOme women's sizes RUTH IZUMI Dress Shop Theatre Square 631 South Chester Road O~ar GIlc;reest, m~mber of the HAND WEAVERS EXHIBIT' Swarthmore High Sch",,1 he was Philadelphia CODlJDlttee and dra- ! editor-in-chief of the school newo_ rna chairman of the Writer's Club An exhihit of the Associated· paper, on the executive committee 4~5 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. of Delaware County, telephone, Hand Weavers, olJiest weavl)lg, of the 'Student Co.-nell on the 3390-J, for further information. guild in America, will be held at yearbook staff, in the class play, 'liB S2'OBAIlB, ORANGE CLEANERS the Community Arts Center, Wal- chairman of the Senior Ball and To Give Annual Flower Show Iingford, o~e~ng Saturday, May, active in many intramural six,rts, $2.00 min. The annual flower show at the 14, and contmumg until Saturday, He held the vice-presidency of the SAFE GUARANT Old Mill in Rose Valley, will be held Tuesday, May 24, from 3 to 5 p,m" and 7 to 9 p.m, The show will be staged by the Hill and Hollow Garden Club, composed of members from Rose Valley, Wallingford and Swartb-more. The exhibit committee consists of Mrs. Virgil M, Ware, of Walling­ford, chairman, Mrs. Laurence Stabler, Mrs. Charles E, Acker, Mrs, 'Jerome B, Bell, Mrs. John Larson, Mrs, Hsroyi T. Barr, ,and Mrs, Clarence Pickett, all of Wall­ingford, and Mrs. Arthur -Powell, of Moylan. There will be 14 classes in all, of which five are designated Hor­ticultural Class .. , in which the ex­hibits must be grow. by the ex­hibitor. The remaining nine are for arrangements. To Give Final Concert The laat meeting 01 the Swarth­more Junior Music Club will be held this Sunday night at 7:30 in the Bsrtol Library, Swarthmore Campus. Club members, their parents, and members of the Swarthmore Music Club are cordially ulviteli to this final request concert. May 2.1. ~e exbibit Wi~ include Junior class, home room presidency , EED, INSURED a speCial d.splay .of textiles wov-. throughout hillh SChool, and was CLOTH S'I'ORIIGB $1.50 min en by Dorothy L.ebes, ,and Mari- i football manager for three years. STORE WITH US WITH '"'o,.m"1D"''N<CE anne Strengell of Cranbrook Art He will give the valedictory ad- ... ' us:. '&., School, Micb. ' i dress at the commencement pro- ~!::!!==!:!:!!:!!:!:!! ~!:!:~2: ~!:!:~ :iI:~~:!:!:!! Hours for the exhibit, open to gram., -;;;;;;;;; the pUblic, are from 9 a.m. to 5· p,m, daily, Wednesday evenlog from 7:30 to 9:30 p,m, Among the officers of the As­sociated Hand Weavers are Mrs. George Schoblnger of Philadel­phia, formerly of Swarthmore, president of the organization, and Mrs. Irene M. Rainey of Yale ave­nue, secretary. Mrs. Waldo Davi­son of Vassar avenue, and Mr. and Mrs, Martin Gavetti of Fairview road~ Mrs. Frederick Lang of Maple avenue, Mrs. C. F. Wolters NEWS NOTES Marty Franck, six year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Franck of Cornell avenue Is con­valescing at his home following a tonsillectomy in the Children's Dr. W. C, Markham is visiting his daughter Mrs, Richmond D. Fetherolf and family of Columbia avenUe following six months with his SOn Mr. Ralph H. Markham of Van Nuys, Calif. , refreshing ocean dips '-OUt' excktoI. . beach. ~~~;;;oo-=:~ may bathe dfrect from their _ withcut '" ....... extra cost. R.lox on !jlOCIOUS .... In tf>e spar. • Me .. kllng _shine and solt _ breez .. , meals served I" two dining rooms. Varied entertoln-mont nlahtfy. Cent",11y 1ocoI ... at """" Place. of Cedar lane, are also members lI ...................... IIiIn=;;~~;;~~;;~~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;~;;;;~~~ of the group from' Swarthmore, III I The Hoagie Hut Open MOOem Homes Mrs. Charles Lyon Chandler of Providence road will be hostess on Saturday, May 14, at the Wil­liam Butler house, Birch Knoll, Newtown Square which Is one of eight modern houses 'being shown that afternoon on the Main F-Jne under the joint sponsorship of the American Institute of Arcbi­tects and' the Radcliffe Alumnae. 17~ S. Chester Road Swarihmore Hoagies . Steaks Party Phone: 3216 FRED BORDEN OIL BURNERS Sales and Service CALL SWARTHMORE 3514.J Atlantic Furnace Oil Pwnbing and Heating FUTURAMIC PERFORMANCE ••• AND FUTURAMIC ECONOM.Y! ' ' OLDSMOBILE'S NEW IIROCKET" ENGINE ACTUALLY SAVES ON GAS! ' , Goin~ing-gone/ You're away in a flash in the new Futuramic "88" as the "Rocltet" comes to life at the touch of your toe! And you'll know in a split second an entirely new sensation that .... an't be beat-new smoothness • . . new quietness • • • thrilling response! f..ompletelynewin design, the UR~etn • tuned for tomonow'a performance on the fuels of today. But with all ita spectacular power, there's an amazing economy story in the llaahing Futur. amic n88." M01'e miles to tI::le ganon and more thriJls to the mile 88 its high.compresoion )lOwer plant teams up with the new lower, shorter. yet. roomier Body by Fish.,.,. Here's the poise and prestige of a I"". NEW ~'/,W.L"O WEST-PRICED "ROCKET" ENGINE CAR BeWw: Oldsmobile "88" Club c.up., ;ury: car combined with the maneuver_ ability and handling esse you've always wanted. And with Hydra.Matic Drive. and Whirlaway (standard equipment on all "Rocket" Engine canJ), you'll enjoy the safety of reserve power, •• trigg.,.. response to your every com. mand. It's the Futuramic "88"-the moet brillianL "New Thrill" of all­now at your Oldamobile dealer' .. ---- OLDSMoalL -----, SEE YOU R , N EAR EST 0 L D S M 0 III E DE ALE R ___________ _ WHITAKER •• BARRETT INC.·· Media,Pa. 297 EAST BALTIMORE, Pnu: (Temporary Quarters. Until New Bu,ilPing Is Complete) PHONE MEDIA 6-0100 \' , . MAY 13, lN9 THE SW AB TH M OllilA If ~~~~::~---------'--:V:O:UN::':r.:$:~::~N:EED:;;:.:~:'~~~FJ:80;:M:a~;r:ED~;B~Y~G~'~~;-~I:M~RS:;.~FOBS~;;;YTHE;;~======~~A~S;I~dn:~~J;~:::on:,~3;~~~:;n'~ alice bar•bc t t INAUGURATED Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney John~, Once agairi'the Morrow pool on W. P. RaUber of 304 Park avenue Jr., of Lafayette avenue celebrated I 9 I 5 Harvard avenue Is being offered to haa been named manager of sales, (Continued from pag9 1) hIa eighth anniversary FrIday by the pollo patients of Delaware SWitcbgear, Divlslona, General Mrs. Mlchael'a own slogan for entertainlog 17 Second Graders old Lank Luild.nCi County. l'he days, Mondays, Electric Company, Philadelphia,! ber term of Office, "Be ye kind one of the College Avenue School at Wedneadays and Fridays, have al- ' 10 succeed J. D. Hoffman who has I to another" exemplified the har- a birtbday luncheon. SAFETY FIRST TIRES! SEIBBBLlNG "SAFETY" TDUl8 . • Mileage-protected by u_ exira 101l&'h &read. You Get These Extras • Sell your tir6 vanloo to .... • rOD get SEmERLlNG'B stari­llag Ilf.·thn ... 1l-baArds ... &r­ranty ••• Dot jast 18 Dtonlbs er 25,000 mUes, but forever - ... I"", as &read remal .... • On-th.-~t mU .. ,e adjad­m. nt-by any Selberllne dealer at a.ny thne-DO walt-ao f ..... • You don't have to pay cash­terms to nit JOur noedl. • Free mOllDIIne aDd free mDe­_ ace cheetu; to Insure muI­m1llll tire ute. • Freedo.. from ... ....,. aboat "Old·Uni' dImJ .... DON'T DELAY - BE SAFE TODAY Come to JiiiiiP • COMPANY '~OpPo"te TIle (:ourtho ... e" II'BOIfT .. OR4JfGE STREETS PHONE MEdia 84100 STUDEBAKER Sales .. Service , BitING THIS ADV . ,WITH YOU lTlSWORTH $1.00 it lASTS lONGER ready been sel, although the actual been named Sales Manager of the monious cooperation of the club date will depend on the AIr Conditioning Depa.t1ment, members, and the able friendly aa the patients need warmth. General Electric Company, Bloom- leadership of the rettrlog president. Aid Is being ~ught for volun- field, N. J. At the conclusion of her report, teers over 12 who can swim and Mr. Rauber, an Electrical engi_ MI'II. J. Paul Brown presented the want to help these handicapped neering graduate of Notre Dame past president's pin to Mrs. Ml­people in the water. Drivers of University, Class Of 1923, Joined chael. cars are also needed on one the Company the same year at A musical program under Mrs. more of' these swimming after- Schenectady on the Test Course.: Stoyan R~ll followed the busi­noons. He came to Philadelphia in 193~, ness meeting. Tl1e club chorus i Anyone who feels he can servo! and in 1940 was put in charge of sang three numbers: "Dawn," by: in any capacity Is asked to ,call Outdoor Breaker Sales. He was i Ross Zamononlk; "The Green Ca- Mrs. J, V. S. Bishop, appointed' assistant manager of, thedral," by Carl Hahn, and "I 0672-J, or Mrs" Avery sales last March. Love Life," by Mana ZUcca. Mrs. Swarthmore 1971-W. J. Leslie El1Is and Mrs. Robert volunteers are reminded that West sang a duet "On Wings of are no obligations as plana By Parenthood League Music" by Mende1ssohn. MIss oiten changed or modified. The Rev. George Christian An- Isabel Marilyn Prickett and Miss derson, recto.' of I1'rinlty EpiscoPal Katherine Huber Knox, duo-pian_ Salvation Army Reports Church, was elected vice-presi- ists, gave a number of selections dent of the Pennsylvania League including "Petite Suite," by De- The local Salvation Army driv., I for Planned Parenthood at the i bussy; "Spinning Song," by Men­has netted to date, $3361.75, annual meeting held in Harris. I de1ssohn; "Slavoni Dance," by was turned in at, the county meet- burg recently. "DVOrak, and "Tourbillon" by Milar Ing last Monday, Mrs. Harriet K. In addition to being re-elected Gueroult. These piano selections Turner, chairman reports. to the Executive Board he was also I' concluded an excellent musical This fine sum waa due to . re-eJected as the state chainnan of program. efforts o! the caP~ and theJl' tb,e Clergymen's Advisory Com- _____ _ ~or~ers lD contacting every fam- mittee: He presided over Ibe con- NEWS NOTES liy m Ibe borough. It represents vention jn the afternoon at which hours on the pa~t ,of the collectors time the conference was addressed I Mrs. Irene M, Rainey of Yale and generous, g.vmg on the part by state and national leaders in I avenue entertained her daughter ?f the contribUtors. M~. Turner the Planned Parenthood move-' Mrs. Paul Hagen and two sons of IS proud of the sum which proves ! St. Paul, Minn" last week while the interest of the borough in its Dr. Hagen attended the Clinical neighbors. "I would like to thank Conference in,Atlantic City . everyone who worked so faith- NEWS NOTES Carol H. Van Alen of Park fully to make the .drive a sUccess avenue was chairman of the ushers a.n d to complete .. t on t.m'e". If Mr, Howaid C, Jackson of Vas- committee for Bucknell Univer-anyone has been missed he or she .ar avenue returned 10 his home Ity' tr d'tI nal M Day 't should report' to Mrs, Wllllam Thursday from the Naval Hospital" s sa. 0 ay rl es Turner, 914 Mount Holyoke Place. Phila d e IP h.' a whe re h e h a deben a' heMld onA trhteh camWp uKs el ats th Saturdaeyd. The amount was not quite up !,a tie nt f0 : the pas t mont hlal lo w- .fromrs , 224 Puarrk. avenn uea lmto ovth e last year's total but after the bils- mg a mal.or operation. . apartment recently occupi~ by iness section has been canvassed Mrs, William H. Webb 01 South Mrs., Robert 'Clark at 15Z Park it is expected the deficit will Chester road left for Rochester, . N. Y., Tue sda ymorn'mfgtae rre- avMen ue. D D Rid fCeda . , d f th d th h rs.,. ow an so r overcome. co.vmg wor a e ea of er Ian!, entertained at a dinner psrty Mrs. E, C, Prescott of Rose I ~ year-old father Mr. David Fritlay eveDing when her guests Valley left Sunday for a three- a::'~';;i1ip W. Kniskerh ,of Riv- included Mr.' ~ Mrs. ~nard week visit with relatives in Des-, d t ta' ed h Du Ashton and Mr. Isaac Darlmgton M ' es Iowa erv.ew roa en er m er p- 'f S rthm Mr d Mr om, ' I. I B 'd Cl btl ch • a wa. are, . an s. ··w. aim to tab COIf. of our owa" whit '!SLER-PLYMOUTH Service that -.tdt., :}:RYSLcR,PLYMOUTH _I_no ~,. ~~YSll:. (j ,illllllll'~ , ApPROVElJ SERVICE . ;(:) 'til III III'~ <'.t-:M 0 \)' \ .ca" , rl ge u a. a un eon~ Richard Gregory of Mont Clair bridge at her home Monday. NJ d Mr d' Mrs C " ''Eb e n L ang, a s tude nt a t Come llD''O .l,i ' an f M . ant N• J.. .:ranCIS Um' versI ty, apent the week -end M er 0M ilto·o reHs ow..n.., _- .11., Mr t h ' h ' M I rs. on.... .... e s. a IS ome on ap e avenue. = It R Sh ak Mr S ell HANNUM' & WAITE Mrs· , G eneve D• M a h oney a f H.. ad er .M oem'F reder , M s. ew f Park avenue motored to Cincinn- 0 ge, rs. urray 0 t' Ohi t d th th f Swsrthmore, and Mrs, Donovan a I, • 0 0 spen e mon '? Spangler of Oakmont. alumnae May w.~h her son, Mr. Ralpb DavIS delegate, motored to Pittsburgh Mohney and family and en route d tt ded th K K home will visit relatives and an a en , e appa, appa YALE and CHESTER RBI!. Swarthmore 1250 friends at her former home iii Gamma Provmce Convention. Ridgway, Pa. :s-~-'J:!- uJ-O-Y-C'-E-L-E-WI-s..--""-""-!=I=""=e-s=e-s========,g,~=,""'es= Mrs. W. W. Turner, Mrs. Jack QUAlITY SINCE H.'D.SWLER Thompson, and Mrs. W. F. Hanny of Swarthmore attended the Del­aware County Salvation Army lq.ncheon in Lansdowne, Monday. David Webb of South Cbester road who will graduate from Wes­leyan UniverSity in June, has been accepted at the Yale Law School and will begin· his studies 'there next fall. gel ready for SUMMER I BALTI1IIORE PIKE SPRINGFIELD 11 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD, , 8W ARTHIIIOBE ' , •. ,~.. ,'! ", • .....: TO THE Mrs, Philip W. Kniskern of Riv­erview road has re~ed home after spending a week in Nashville and Chattanooga, Tenn" attending a meeting of the Garden Club of America. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Lange, Jr" and baby daughter Carol Ana of Pittsburgh returned home Sun­day following a week's visit with Mr. Lange's parents Professor and Mrs. E. O. Lange of "Langewood", This Is your day Baltimore pike. Your Wedding ,Miss Jean Huey of Dickinson A day you've avenue entertained as her week-of • • • planned for. end gUest MIss Adele Stemmler We know YOU'n of Manorville, L.I. Mw. Stemler everything perfect par· will be. 'bridesmald at the wed- Ucalarly .... flowers. ding of Miss Huey on July 2. We'U be delighted to talk over all your plans and help you In every possible way. C~WE TEl EGRAPH PLOWERS" PHONE SWARTH.M:ORE M50 Police Get State Funds Payments totalling $130,223.49 to police pension funda in 101 mu­nicipalities in the commonwealth, including $544.04 aa Swarthmore's share, have been approved by the new auditor general Weldon B. Heyburn, a Del8ware Countian. - NOVELTY aDd DBCOKA.TIVB CANDus _ The payments are made under provisions of the Casualty Insur­ance Act and represent one-half of the tWo per cent ta.'< collected on foreign casualty insurance premiums written In the common· wealth during 1947. , , , Flexees Seamold and Cataline Bathing Suils Play Clothes Rice Cloth 2 -Piece KniISuils $19.95 Lovely wearables for suburbia 11 80U'ft1 CHEsTBR ROAD, SWARTHMORE I PHONE SWARTBMOBB 3470 • . '

---------- Page 9 ----------

I , 8 , THE SWABTHMOBEAN MAY 13" 1M9 LBGAL NO'l1CES In the Court of Common aware County. PeaDsylvonla .14' No.· gliB KIiBS Ksraa Ksnu. bls wife. Josepb Taylor. of tile Chester Successors and per80nl who have \ Small Lean Fro'" Rib End.... ... PORK LOINS MDii eD'. S_ked Pork 8quaru CHICKENS "'"g- ...... ·KIlIed ( N...) 3& ==~~~==-=~F=;'=·=I~=·~~· ___ ~_~_~_'_· _ n. ~- GENUINE LAMB LIVER .. tic IGAR'S SLICED BACON o=~" . S3c -8Z." _... z. ,;t He .• w-illi lucy Cod Fille.. ... 25C1: Whitiq Fill... Ib 23c DEEP SEA SCALLOPS 'b SSe Vlralnla .. CRUNCH RING CAKE· Gold .... mad. with Larae .... fr •• h O(OI\U··, 45e topped with cocoa-nut - macaroon C~-II-o.---S~lre=DI •• 1 IoafISe Cb_._ Gle.dale CI"~~24c Sharp Chee.. .. 6ge Gruyere ,._.... ... ... 5Ve Pippin Roll _. ... ... 20c Armour. _...... "--4ge India Relish - - ..... - 15e Pickles =.. ":.... a::: 15c Ollves~::'_ ..... j;43c Oleomargarine":" 2:':411 •• rtch ... Sup ..... BREAD ~ "h.,,!, "J.'1f~il4 " 'II.,.t~ Ideal Brand LEMONS '=O:':I~" .S ... zse (umbo .... _ ,talk -~ FRESH PINEAPPLES Lwei ....... 2Se . Hurff's D<>liclous Creamy Asparagus S01lP 610'::- ztc . Hurfl Soups ~=b1": 4 ''!;:- ISe ACIDHI Wnole Colden Cora Z ::"2 S7a ~ Red Ripe Tomatoes s.!'.2.rd Z '::n: zsa Bom·de·Lite Mayoaaal.e {! S~c I ~,S .. B_.-d .. Ute S .. ad DrI .. inl~.zSGI.:!4SG. (IJQJ Tomato Cauap ":r'o: 8b:,' ~Ocllt:.. ~sc PEACH PRI;SERVES 1 .... 1_ :.. 17e ILlCiBERRY PRESERVES w ... ".... ::. lSc (in'd."", em MIXES ~~~".;. Z :.t:: 4Se Yfnegar , ..... - .. "'19c Pnmes":::""..... ..:: 24c Jellle. GI-- ..... -15c Spaghetti 2··~··"-25c -• lIob-Ford Rice ·"17c lea ,- 1O ..... 41c . &.I~n: u,· Ultt:Jal 01 10 auu to • cerlaW WUU6,*e .au;;" by bidrCli. \;'IU'UC t.u Woo uJ.v.eoa.\l .....,.o:.uWUU ... UMoU:tl ~&M:r If. 10... .., UM: .uua 01. J!lCW'.:u "'UDU"~U. un)' UU.dho <auu • .:..v,u",", ..... w~ vuJ.~ ut LDe "",...;u.u\a UI ~ lU IIbU. IUf ~w .. ue i.u .. u~)· "', Alva "'''''C= VUOk t • .t'ttae 1.u &!C. ... -..... "'uuO' lUI"'; Uo"'" ~j'" WWJ,.I.ta.Wt I.U nllU: t1l~ UWw~ IiUlI.W lUUr"~e AWDed. 0.1. H~\.'U.IJ. j)" *10 tWUOIJ. yuu. your :tu.e:­o.: ... 'OMIID ut dDoJKWI W.II.1 au1 olJlun WDo bay., UI wuY ulnt: U.UY ... te,n:tn. WilY be .... reu ."J'o,:, ... , 1IOW Wi8eZUlUC any c ...... t. Utle. UClI, CudW ur wwreeJt 10 We uJd. mon­"' u.~ alll.1 raJ Cluue dl;tiCtibed beJ"eiu lB· ... um.u.Leut Wu.ta tOe CUlUll ot we PJalDtill'1 uuu oIIU (hUCr lWly be e.utered LO .nave we li,\..1.·(UU~r ul J)eeUa the 811J.d mort- Au.r;1! uJ.llebS ~ the l.'OIDplatUt ... HJUli • I ",~~~~\~ed!!,~ UI~ !! ;:::i~~~;eji F. Hohn-Lots 1i-13 Block .. ~ Broadway. Worth City. IL Lord-Lots 8S-80 Wharton 1 ..... 15 Block F. ;~~f~~~~~K;.~U~Y~~Lo~t~.5:~liSoutb of lostsl East sI no -iiOn,ta.e. Irr. OF NETHER PROVIDENCE P. Smith-Lot 5.· Block X. Wilson-Lot 81 Section C. J. Welsh-Lot 66 Block X. *ITnh'!e tthwiso ]~E~~t~~~~I~~~~~~~:~(] will be hlock. -UI-WU1ouf!'hblo' Clark-Lot 1111 !.o<~.!"Y, .$1-1.. H. Greenwood-Lot 85 tfl-GeolJt'e D. Brfentnell-Lots FAirview. .o;Thp- two nropertles Immedlatelv !!l',,!!: I InR' tbls clause. Usl numbers 41 6: be offered for sale 8.9 a unit OJ' 4t-J0gePb Brobston-Lots 87~' Resmn-Lota 8'15-1-7-8 6: co.-Lot 111 to 1'18 Seet.loJl 15 JUdIe)o Pari< HeIorbl& . *The two properties immedlatel,. follow­IDI' th1JJ clauae. u.t Dumben 51 " II wW be o.ered tor .. le .. 'a UDlt 01' block. 57-L.. II. Oreeowood-Lot 0. LocUJe,.. 58-Paul F. Janu-Lot .. LocblQ'. Sit-Mary Hawthorn-Lot 1116 HolmeL ·The two properties immediatelY' foUow- 101 tb.1II clause. Ust numben eo 6: 11 w1ll be ol'ered tor sale as a unit or bJDCk. ao-Frederlek J. McGovern-Lots JQ-Ip.. 11 Block D. BerkleY. ' Ol-James McLean-LotI .1-11 Block D. Berlde)'. . SecUOD • R1dJey Park Hetab1o. Ol-Cblrl .. C. Wuu.-1AJt • _ " Oakland Pall<. 'lo-samuel B. Woodcock-LoU: • ., .... Section 8 Oakland Park. ll-LIYIDntOD Realty Co.-LobI H Sec­Uon 15. Oakland Park. 1T15'11 5J-C. A. Mt!Klnney-Lot 61 I...o.UIq. Weoslt- JRolbdnle v&. Mary Monta'omery-L. ot 171 , 54-Mary A. Smith-Lots 17' to I'll Section A. Faraday • 55-A. O. Walker-Lols UHf Ridley Parle Helchts Section II. "'-Alrred G. Walkor-Lot .7 ~dl.v Hela'ht& No. I. • TOWNSHIP OF RIDL~Y ·The two properties Immedlatel,. tollow­Ing .thl. clause. Jist numbers 8'1 & 118 will be 01l'cred for sale as a unit or block. 57-Alfred G. Walker-Lot au Ridley Park Hebtht&. .. "" .......... ~II. ........... CM, .. ... e ......... "'" ......... ....., '" I. 1M*- .. .... !:. _i.e.!.. ~.:;-:::. ., .... ...., II fW • .... wWer. ' CAll t , pz_ 61500 err- T .... ......, H", .. l'Ir .... • ro-c*Rr. aul WOOD STEEL COIPAin ""-d;li , :~ h. • -- FRESH KILLED FRYING Chickens A GRADE Butter SMOKED Tongues CHOICE Rm Roast Beef F-ruits ~- Peas Lettuce NEW Onions Beets • and Ib 49c Ib68c Ib 45c Ib 59c Vegetables 21bs 29c 2 for 29c 31bs 2Sc 2 ·buns 19c The Swarlh ore . Co-op WHEN cO-OP'S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ABE DOWN SHOULDER Lamb Frankfurters SMOKED Ib 49c Ib 49c Boneless Butts Ib 74c Lemon Merigue Pie 47c . CALIFORNIA Carrots bu 6c FRESH CLEAN Spinach Ib Sc Asparagus bu 3Sc Low In Price! HIghest In Quality CO-OP Shortening 3 Ibs 89c co-op GREEN LABEL Coffee JUST TRY IT! Ib 41 c GIANT BAG co-op TOASTED Rice Puffs bag 12c GARDEN NEEDSI Grass Seed Fertilizer 5 Ibs $1.75 101 .'" $2.65 , . FOR SA,l.E ·~AND. III GRAVEL ( 'hln. 'lOin. 1 if.,in. '. ·CINDEBS ).' ... .( Coarse, medium, fine ) . for , .. i,:DrivlnvDYS and Building T ,S,,,';,\ B to u'M'\)B CL.;J:SSIFIED ~~: ::P:b• !:d::=~:~r!'~=h_ ,. , ~AL.·. ~tIng at the home. of W. O.mOre High Scliool Initiated a new .(U,o .1~,=,. . .. .. t ~y HeInze Oil: Swarthmore a~ue radio workshpp series this week '. • gtrlS'· ( <1iiiif . new officers and made when they tape recoMed a thirty c·:: '.~~~"'. ~;" - plans tor the coming selUOn .. Ben miliute variety program. .The • tnyour ,~:;,;. ,~ we SlZf!S --;. was chosen as President broadcast will be heard this Satur- I,a you :'~-yo~ve In -~ and George Willetts as secretary- day morning (May 14) at 10:30 Call I.can·~~ .:A new service trejlSUI'er, both elections being am. over WPWA, Chester. :Media 8-3668 C. ELDREDGE . ~. ~y t1 women of .TrIn-,. They succeed David Participating were; a 'represent- : .. : . y . . It r~e., J\h1I •. ~, . SensenJg: and Robert Bradford. ative group from the high school I~ .:. . whp have piloted ,the club through band, a string trio comprising, ~~~;;~~~~~~~~~IHii~ F ···C~t . • '*" the past three successfull seasons. David Spencer, Ruth Garrett,.and ~ q",ckb'. The Club will again, use the Russell Snyder; the Three Kongs, PIANO ..... n.yn;TG : I~a! l10~:'i :Q$t: ;~~. ~c-:Tiie I:'u~, ~ on College avenue, which Larry Franck, Dick McCray and .. OJ.,,,,, ( . .. . . will. be available on June 7 for George Allen; and Jerome Good- ,. ALBAN PARKER, . ~ Swarthmore Tennis Club use .. DUes man, 'Cello soloist. 'Vocal Phone Media 6-3555 .. toasters .. , . ~ will remain the same as last year were handled by Margo BOWIe, New and RebulU PIanos called for . . for adults, Juniors and family Caroline DeFuria, Alan McChes- ~~~a~n~d~Re~·~Palrlng~~~S~bwe~~1~9~08~~ Irn~ Bro. I1ka. -: .. : memberships. There are some ney, and David SmilJ> sin~ing. as I", .. for new members in all the Garneteers. MUSIcal direction ,.1' and- and three divisons .. Those wishing to was by Robert M. Holm of the ! "",s, --" ~~: enjoy ,a summer of tennis can Swarthmore Schools. Numbers ::,;;;.. ' •• ~., In':';; 'n ,make their applications to the heard included. Queen City March, I ~~rcm systeins. ~ .U~~ .v officers of tlie club or to E. H. Two Moods, The Swan, and !'Sirerev,;,Uo"n,u wdearwshrieterrss.' tTa.yl<1f and F. H. "Doc". Forsythe, CruI.S ing down the River. ~'_'. I' TREE SURGERY Construction • • • Repairs High Quality Cra"'mansh'p Call us for an estimate lUI V AN ALEN BROS. CallI and Fuel Oil PRUNING. LIWI AND TREE REMOVAL ROBERT BASTINGS Call Swarthmore OZ85-W I: ~~~~~.:.~;rai,ng,~ce~~sa·llir°Ernsl'!.'" H. . "(aDS, who comprise the membership 1 Student announcer John St.,in··1 ~~~~~~~~~~='=~~~I C.o.nt.ra.cto.r. Swarthmore committee. ,ftheled vianltueersv ioefw peudb lMicr .p eHrofolmrm aans cetos IIF~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ i 2850 - 335 Park avenue. and broadcasts in a school music 'ROOF'S . GUrrERS· ~!e, JOSEPH GEORGE & I·· . REPAIRED AND Corsetiere,~rs:~leH.~~,:,:~.~ Wins In Pole VauIt program. .Specia~ me?tion ,,:as Painting, Pa,perhanging . INSTA'JJID I,.';;;· Phone, ~,':A' ,e ,,, made of thIS year s semor muslc- St Plasle· R .... _ FUrnace Repairs & Cleal:iing I for ' At the Penn-Cornell Track Meet ians rome of which have been ucco, r epa~ ..... Call ~ ~ 'held at Franklin Field, Philadel- with the Swarthmore Band since 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE .... GEORGE Ml'EBS painting. and wall- phia, Saturd~, Andy Kirk .of its inception 10 years ago. REFERENCES ,. 409 Michigan Ave. S.w.2Z86' Telephone Sherwood_.-u~~. Swarthmore avenue placed first Call Trinity 7-3887 , PERSONAL-B.tqy~.iFt,;r-a;'&ua:' in the pole vault with a vault of ble. nS'!!!- Shawn Disney, Swarlh- 13 feet NEW'S NOTES I if Swarthmore 1448 • Mrs Cecil D. Howard of Rut- WILLiAM BROOKS . I~Ex,: z~an' d 'kf~ .. , nn . .... vv Legion Auxiliary Poppy gers avenue has returned home .~"! following a ten-week visit with Ashes & R'.1bblsh Removed ~ ~ The Legion Auxiliary has asked b L Lawns mowed. General . your ba!>y. or that ·people receiving poppies and her rather Mr. ayton S. Con- Hauling small child while you go·to the giving.a donation next week. give over of Fullerton. Calif. 236 Harding Av. Morton Pa. DAVE WOOD Paintins dentist or on a shopping expo- Dr. George B. Pegram of New iii ' • . dltion. Indoor and outdoor play a silent .prayer for the disabled York City spent the week-end . .... by a Nursury School veterans. many of them mental I recenUy with his son Mr. W. B. Swarthmore 2194 • Pegram and family of Yale avenue. - FOR file $~ stretchers. Mr. R. M. Kilgore of Cornell --." .rhn' howie, . a~ac- S3 ( ~, file $4. avenue entertained at a ~tiv~' garden. June' 15 to' Sept. 7. 'Call ~ at Strath Haven Inn last week ~SW1IrthmOre 0667. S~l.d!r-:'~'.b".d, followed by bridge at her nome. I FOr!~:'la'nd ~~tit~ ,~w~.... . . 3 In.. ·. .. A."c· taZbelem,. tnhi·g chatb.m et )~; Mrs·. W .F. Hann...~, of Yale ave- ,!p·! lrtnle!~t, I;;;; -~"~'. sofa. blue~,~~: recently in honor of Mr. Samuel ,.' .:Mema 6..().755 IBox S. The ... I~i.' Swar :' 0904; F. Rairig, Jr .• of Yale avenue who I~~~~·.~ .. ~ . ~' ~~ . '~ '~'~.~.~ . ;. r." ~;'Jll)iY~m~;,.~,.,; f "a~n ':t'l -.;;r. I1Z''4'i7i9f:SWA:'L E$ 5. Call , in goodean. Phaasp erb eCeonm ptarannys. feCrhreesdt erb. yt o SFcoorttt ~o :. July.. Call ~w .. , I roRs: . dress Edward. N. Y., I~~ ~ ~ ·8izes38 and, 42; on".. Mr. William S. ~edobbbs of Park ;..,;..~;. . ;~~.j; i .....; ;i. . ~~ OD ·"u,Y'. ,;7." ,i>:e 42; dark gray ';;;;'lrin ,suu. avenue, ·accompan.I y friends ~DPlW(tt.:S· '~VUl\f"" F " I V{~ ~~~ :1Ze .~1 lace, linen and -: :-. I from Cincinnati and New Vn~1r ~Dft1lrDTV~ • June~, :~=c:~ .. · t insto cloth, ,_, returned last week after n\vr~.. I~O".. roan ,1241. match. Phone the convention of. the Christian . . (L.' • I ."!o:!l"'lui ~·,~hi;"~J~;'io . UT. =.;:- Church at Allanta. Ga. They also ,. . ___ ~~. .. 'Th;ee bed- .. ....:J!dJ n' several days of.ocean fish- ~,....... . ,2 ~~._ . :WANTED-R<;fined couple d~e ing off Biscayne Bay. nellI' Miami, " ..., . .. I,_,:.r- 111 Sw.arthmore dis- Fla . as the guests of Mr. • Hobbs' linore '" . I"'"!:. :an furmsh excellent ., . . ~ references. Re- brother Mr. J. Clarence Hobbs of .. t'UK :SALE I ply Box Th,; Coral Gables. Fla. . . .. FOR SALE-MUSHROOM .andl~ - ,~.' Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of Vas- ·WE C'· . fiND I T TOPSOIL, ·cinders and :fill dirt. m';';I~ 1 pr 2 bedrooms, ,.hi: re- sar avenue was hostess to the ·Art · til . . I d. C. Stilwell & Sons. SWarthmore 'A~~i: in late 20''b:liP6r!:g Club at her home last Friday. MINfO. YOU 'FOR ...' and , - Mr. and Mrs. E. ~. Brauns of . :::'. .. , ., .. , --::.:~ AKC collie pups .~ . ·,o.r • AO< avenue entertained as ... ~ .. '. List ·Your Real EBia&e I~ o~Q!~v.w..' 0$40 Up. Call· girl for cl.eaning one _~j' guests last week Mr. and Mrs . . .. .W:lth ., or . References .requlr.ed. C~ J. E. Undvrwood of Painesville. BAJ:RD &. BmD oen' ~ii<itlater more 0152-R for onterylew.·. II' rd ' ." . Old Bank .BulloiJng ,1~~n ·~M~i-i5 '. ~ C;:!ll!!i'~ WANTED· Homes for black O~IO, formerly of Wa mgfo · . Swanhmore 0108 - l~OZ' '!, • U'"J'. ~ kittens.· Call Swarthmore 0904. HIlls. . ~HHMl""'ft='rHHHrHHe ~!~.; .~~mi': evenings., Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H: Allen. ... .. iQ!1" . ~~Igi,!t frame:~~b WANTED Reliable woman to Jr., of Crest lane .have returned .. :.ortvewav Conatra'ro .U Ob. ", ~ , clean small apartment. in following a two-week vacation to • . Swartluriore ~~. day each week. ···.MphaU or c:o~t8.·re:~.~.~ . . ~.- MtiSt be dean worker. Reference. Sea Island, Ga. Joanne and Butch .. and. I. . . . .... _L Reply to Box T" The Swarlh- Allen spent the two weeks visit- PJJ:TER DI NICoLA', ,r; Uer c," ~~- morean. .. . ing their grandmother Mrs. Wil-. Ph' one Sw--~--- --8. II;;",,' ,.~n~· . WANTED-By you"!! Helicopter liam Ogg of Huntington, W. Va. ............ ~ ~~. ::'. ~.and . engineer and mathematiCian Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Moeller • , Paperhanging cases. i' "A :Well·Ke!ll HoUle . . ';.: Neyer. Growe Old" PHONE :(\ •• e •• N .. 1IICI.I. • WAU oM 11001 COYII.I .. .... COHlI." .. 1 • AL'IIAII'" oJ III .... AllTiiS BIOTIIIS, 1M. , . c.wfw, _ IFf.".rI Phone: Media 8-4281 MORE HEAT FOR LESS MONEY AHi~ PREMIUM ANTHRACITE 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 0345 Mason Builders Supply Company MILLWORK - LUMBER 0... • . •••••••••.•••••••• pair of fig-; ~ifeJ tw.o or fou,r-r.0rUy0m acenedt , of Park avenue are entertaining BUILDING MATERIAL . ...0 . . :'- Itoyal Sevre . unfurnished or pa . • '. ;:;~, :of red· cloisonne. lamps,· '2M for· permanent reslde!,c". June Mr. and Mrs. Frank-C. Moeller of ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ F. F. ZIMMERMAN .. avenue, Swarthmore; .,. .. '~' ~w Please WrIte Box 4. Fort Dodge. Iowa who arrived ~ Swarthmore 1997. . • ... . Thursday for a visit of seVeral Photographer • FOR SALE Tappan gas range LOST and FOUND weekS. "'Outstan..d.. .'. .-..-. fop• ,. . "n'...·._.. ............ · . 4 b urner. dI'V I' de d . s lain!e ss s t eeI kitten Wl·th d M H Id Good . MIid1a 6~0436 toP •. automatic oven control, $50. . 'face-and Mr. an rs. aro wm A. WAYNE 6 E. Front St. 7x9 dark green twist broadloolll Call S, Collar with bell. of Rose Valley left Tuesday on a ~~~~~~. ~~~g~~'~. ~ rug,. $25. 2 .bicycles· ·(adult size 3034. two-week motor trip to Ohapel and junior size) $10 each. Cur-. S arthm ,Hill N C ~ I i8bi $3. greenwood 4 W ore " . . sfit.;, i905 . Disposal Service l~imiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijll\!i MOSTELLER ELRCTRICAL CUNNINGHAM ' . . Rubbish CoUeeW . . . . . DeVine Taxi Service Weekly or lIIonUd7 · Painters '" Paper Banpn I\hone Swarthmore 3343 f, I 1-.. We ehonldbow how" . ,9 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. Swa.3288 MIchigan Ave PETER E. TOLD All LInes Of InsIII'uIee 333 Dartmouth Avenue swariiiiDoie lau I· , SWARTHMORE, PA. Serving Swarthmore, Mor­ton, RuUedge and Ridley . Township aince 1818 PHONE: ... A. Mercer Quinby FUNERAL DIRECTOR Formerly ot Media 1125 W.· L<>hlllh Ave., Ph1la. Phone Baldwin 1110 No addlUonol cbarge for suburban calla ELECTRICAL REPAIRS WmING NEW and OLD HOMES Samuel M. Harbison swarUunare Inl . CHARLES E. FISCHER ,epairs andN''''- lain·t.,nanee . SWARTHMORE 2253 "A.~NOUSE wELl~MAINTAlfig IS THE WISE OWNER'S lAIN" CONTRACTOR AU Types of Electrical In­stallations and Repairs. Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity -for past Twenty Years 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. SwartIun•O re 21185 NIGHT or DAY Painter Interior and Exterior , i

---------- Page 10 ----------

, 8 THE SWABTHMOBICAN LEGION TO HOLD PLAYERS SOLVE Canary's friends, IIIves fine inter­i pretatlon of the cool but proper ,Bostonian enedavorlng' to keep FIRST MURDER CASE :!t0~!e :c:n~.:: J,!nas~; earnest night watchman. Nat Tomorrow afternoon the first "Th,e canary Murder ease", the; Doughty as the tough New, York official practice of the 1949 Lelllon last play of the season for the I character, Stafford vi. Parker In team will be held on Riverview Swarthmore Players Club Is a, his umteenth role with the club field under the guidance of Coach mystery keyed to engage and keep" as the New York friend, and Fred Russ Snyder. ProIpeCta for the the Interest of the audience 88 A. Hardesty, "Anollher friend", coming season are considerably Pl'Odu<:ed and directed by J. WIIl-, playing short but important parts better than last season, when the lam Sunmons. The seen...,. Is In' are all most enjoyable and very team was severely handicapped by the usual successful manner of the good, as Is Grace E. Yeaw, in an a so.e-armed pitching staff. These club sets, and the staging Is good.: even briefer character part as the prospects are' also improved by Harry J. Cafferty, Jr., does an' janitress who leaves the building the fact that the Legion has gone admirable job as the smooth, un-I clean. George Spelvln appears back to its 1947 poliey of bolstering ruffled sleuth Philo Vance, and momentarily but promptly as the its weak spots with a few Imporia- catiles the play with the com- Police Officer. ~?ns fro?, ~eighboring commun- mendable support ~f RIchard G. 1~les, which IS the standard prac~ Haig, the distracted District At- ' hce of all the other Legion teams, tomey, and Willard G. Reese as SBA ~LANS WEEKEND 'n the Northern Division., 1 the tough over-confident detec-' (Contmued from page 1) A change In the age limi.tations' tlve, Heath. I' second birthday before September has proved of advantage because Sheri Horton as Alys La Pi ,1, 1948 and Includes youngsterll Designing posters for the coming production of the Children's sever~ of the past season's out- is charming and convincing as 0:: i who have completed the second Theatre are, left to right: Anne Richter of Springfield, Susan Tinsley stan~n~ playe,:, are just within gal across 1Ihe hall, and caroline i grade. Adv":,,ced registration for, of Broomall, Mrs. M, S. Weber of Media, a member of the Adult Staff th~ limIt. This lDcludes such fav- as the Ill-fated Ca- Pre-School and Primary only will Assisting the directors, Linda Ann Smith of WaUingford, Diana Brown, OrItes as Harry Warren and Larry nary is creditable in her portrayal be held on Tuesday; J'une 14, at of Swarthmore, Mrs. S. L. Tinsley, Dian Parks of Springfield, Mrs. . wh~ ar~ expected to carry of 1Ihe scheming woman. Joan both schools. C. D. Schloesser, Jr. of the .AduJt Staff, Jeanne Schloesser, Susal'l the roam pItchIng b~d~., Picca~, playing the' traditionQl. The Summer Club, for children Allen, all of Swarthmore, Jack Campbell of Sprinj!field, Victoria Lw::ry has been pItching out- "screaming" lady's maid, is pleas- above ,the second grade, csrr1es on Willis of Swarthmore and Jeffrey Smith of Wallingford. ssptarnintlgm, ge vbeanl lt hionu ghhig sht ilSIc hool thls Ing. an act Iv e sI x w"--","-"-, s"-'~..-,d u 1e f or TO PLAY MAY 21 (Continued from page 1) Susan TirISley , Nellie Ann and Richard· Unruh. Marian Weber, Jean Weller. Children in other Arts Center classes are also contributing orig­inal work to the play. Pieces of pottery have been made In the Pottery class, conducted by Mrs. Norman Dutton, by Barbara Fogg, Richard Graves, and Bill Evans. Pupils of Mrs. Wayland Elsbree have made trays. candlesticks, Goblins tools. They are Lee Lau­rence, Harvey Johnson, Terry Al­Ien, Teddy Graves, Judy Amer­man, Patsy Buffett, Virginia Bullitt, and Sue Taylor. ElIzabeth Gibson, Virginia Bullitt, and Gen­rile Hignutt, pupils in Emma Di­Lauro's Art Class; have made designs for the programs and done other art, work' for the scenery and costumes. Supervising the children's work somewhat at"U11\es by last Mr. Simmons, as one of the boys and cll'ls. in mounting the play ls a staff of arm "Touble. Harry WI!ZTOD adults, assisting the directors. In his arm in fine shape, and big pow­charge of' coshlmes is Mrs. Frank er at ,the plate should be anoU,er Hamilton of Media, assisted by great asset. THE WILMINGTON, DEL. Mrs. S. L. Tinsley of Broomall Although there is a llkelthood Mrs. C, D. Schloesser of S .. ,arth-·I that Dana Swan will be away for more, Scenery: Mr. and Mrs. the summer, the catching depart- S, Weber of Media and Mr. E. ment has been greatiy' bolstered Johnson of Prospect Park; prop- through the acquisition of Art erti .. : Sally McFadden; posters: Mackenzie, the pepp...,. Prospect Mrs. Thomss Donahue and Park lad who did most of Francis Ash; programs: Ann catching for the championship Voight of Chester Heights; light- team. With him comes JoIhmoy I ing: George (J'arden; photography, Poole, the leading pitcher of Samuel Crothers and J. F. Nye; same championship team. Playhouse ::-= SIX DAYS - MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday PLESE GIVE AT LEAST ONE ALTBlI.NATIVB DATE , "Fresh As A Daisy!" Still. Gloriously Triumphant! music, Mrs. Palmer Skoglund of , At fir.t base Chuck Laws ls uU.:A I SWarthm,!re. and will also be available for out­Children arriving at the p'layers' field duty and relief pitching. Club that Saturday afternoon, at Chuck has been hitting hard all 2:30 p.rn. will be met in the lobby spring and shouid be a big help to and ushered to their seats by the team again. At second Reds charactersr from the play. Barr is expected to take over again. TMIATRI GUILD NAtiONAL -­COM'PANY" It is under the direction of Mrs. Bob Crowther is back again at Stuart Graves and Mrs. William short and this smooth fielding lad - .. IICItAIID IODIi_ P n.c e wh ohva e be en act vie ·m should help the team a' good bit. .... --.. OICAIl IIAMMDJIIIN 201 .• L ...--_ .. IOUIIN MAMOU ..... N Players' Clw;> productions. From Wallingford come the _ .. A.1Ui de Mall • outstanding players 'of Nether- -. n YOUR oang I LbtJess eolora take on _ Ufe • • • room.s take on new s p. r k 10. Only the Mirza machine eler.ns ruga safel,. geatJy 011 • curved surface. See u.., differeneo tid. mak .. ill deeper, mora thoroakll c1eaniaw. Providence high sChool team, Bob ,&"&L_ ".OW. Van Winkle, a hard hitting , Endose Stamped Self-Addresse4 Envelope with RemIttance baseman, and Ed Kluka, a B.. except FrI., Sat.: Orch. $4.20, bale. $3.60, $3. GaL (1111- IIlZ ...... 111 ....... rved) $1.80. FrI., Sat.. Eves.: Orob. $UII, bale. $4.20 $3 88 strong armed third baseman who Gal (lIIU'eSel'Ved) $1.60. Wed. Mat.: Orch. $8.&8, bale. ~ a40 SWings a mean, b,at. Frwn Lans- Gal. (unreserved) $1.=8., Sat. Mal.: Orch.'$UO, baIo. $8.88 $3. downe High comes Joe Thompson, GaL (unreserved) $1.118. ' ' a good-hitting and smooth fiel,dlng i~AIl~~Prt~c~es~'In~el~iuI~e~Tax~~~~~BoK~iOf;~nice~.s~aIe~;O~JIe~D8~M~.~y~I~8~ih~~ shortstop. Jack Thompson and ~:~~I Allison, Swarthmore High y . sters, will be reserve infielders. the outfield will be Dalton Warren wl}en not pitching, mthoer ec aHseig wh iIteht tPhaanudi eTr awrrh,o ' :~:~~I some nice games lor last team. Paul' has also been doing A~/5"l\ ft Comr.e~~ • 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. S\ll'tRMI\~ ~I\~:~~ , b. a ta" ."pe " ment H. mUI . an ,II • , specia\'" • • . an.! a .Ialls- Swarthmore 0730 or OS29-Clearbrook 4646 Everything a tire cando ••• ~uptIe:r~r does heHer! FUSCO and ALSTON' STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS PBONB SWABTIDIOU 11711 fine hitting for the high school team. Bobby Bradford fa also expeCted to make a strong bid ~or an outfield post. Chi Omegas To Sew All Chi Omegas are invited to join a sewing group which will meet Monday, May 16, 9:30 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Ned B. Iiams of 316 Dickinson avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Welter N. M"lrl of South Chester road entel1ainodl as their dinner guest Dorothy Wal­do Phillips before she the Mothers Club Thursday eve­ning. The Swarthmore, PLAYER'S CLUB presents ''THE CANARY MURDER CASt" * PLAWDiO TONIGBT aDd SA'l'tlJIDAy Curtain at 8:20 ! ".tate £tn.neier ; • • .na~ . ana\y.t, ... a kn W hoW to m . 'all H. mu.t a '_',nisler a t""t. ua' 'L_ to ao .. · . b .... ana nuW .•• a vacaltoa a US," b. ilo\, t_" ,t nevet ' He II\U "",ine", or \ •• ve toW" on Obvl_sly. no man can qualify. But an 4nstltutlon like ours can. That Is ~Y 10 malll" men.' ... klng the .. quallllcatloqs In an Executor or '"'~_ ' tee~ name us to handle thelr.statel. Swarthmore lalional Bank & Trust Co. Memb..- of Federal Deposit IDauranee CorporaUon , Now You can 11111' U. S. Savlnp BoIIdIo .. tomatleaJli throlJUlih the new Bcmd-a-Month PlaD. AM at thIa 8ank H. s. ' Orchestra Concert THE SWARTHMO 8 P.M. Touight H. s. Auditorium VOLUME 21-NUMBEB ZO SERVICES TODAY MRS. ZIMMER 'Ogden Avenue Woman Active In Boro For 30 Years Services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Mrs. George Zimmer at her late' home on Ogden avenue. Friends are asked to omit flowers. Mrs. Zimmer who passed away Tuesday mol'IlinB, had not been well lor the past six months. I SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, MAY 20,1949 $3.50 PER YEAR Young DaDeers In Recital ·Marle Louise Forsythe of Thayer road will present her pupils in their first dance recital at the Woman's Club tomorrow after­noon at 2:30. Seventy children from Swarthmore and Wallingford will perform in the presentation which is entitled uDreamland" ·and will he accompanied by. Mrs. A. S. Van Dyck. DICKINSON WINS . H. & S. AWARD Other Scholarship Winners Just Announced S R.1 TO STAGE Children's Play Tomorrow , The Children's Theatre of the • CommUnity Arts Center of. Wall- SPRING CONCERT F, Y DAY ~~~;:~:~e~~~~~~~ AT H. S. TONIGHT Ball Game, Dmce On at 2:30 tomorrow afd.rnoon at the .' Iustrumental Talent May 28 To Aid In Swarthmore Players' Club. From Both Schools • Summer Plans CHILD EMOTION Taking Part Saturday, May 28 Is "Family Tonight's spring concert at the Day in Swarthmore, Pa." A good high school auditorium will bring time for all-youngsters '"l!i IS ANT together the combined orC'hestras grown-ups, too-is forecast by of the Swarthmore public schools. hard-working members of the M Philli Addr The high school orchestra has ap- Swarthmore Recreation Associ- rs. ,pS esses peared before and has won high ' ation, the organization responsible . Election Meeting praise, especially for the promi-for planning thls occasion. Of Mothers nent place taken in the District In the afternoon, promptly at Orchestra Concert at Clothier Me- 3 'p.m. the Hornets, coached by Dorothy Waldo Phillips, noted morial in January. Russell Snyder, will engage in a lechlrer, spoke to the Swarthmore Appearing for the first time, baseball game against a rival team Mother's Club, Thursday evening, however, will be the elementary The Scholarship Committee of which will be announced next May 12 In the Woman's Club. "Has school orchestra, conSisting of Swarthmore schools, consisting of week. This event will be held at Your Child An Educated Heart?" ahout 18 musicians from the com­parents and teachers, has just an- the College Field and th"':e will asked Mrs. Phillips, with the as- bined College and Rutgers eIemen­mer was leader of Swarthmore's nounced the recipients of the 1949 be no admission charge. sistance of her puppet Samuel tary schools. These youthfui musi­Girl Scout Troop 16. She was the scholarships awarded by various In the evening, a dance and fioor Spiffens. cians, under the direction of Rob­leading spirit in the creation of Swarthmore organizations. shoW, beginning at 8 p.m. at the Mrs. Phillips urged mothers to ert M. Hohm, school instrumental the Girl Scout House on Cresson The Home and School Associ- High School Gym, is expected to pay as much attention to the emo- instructor, assisted by their own lane nearly 20 years ago. ,Since 'atlon Scholarship of $350 is being attract a substantial proportion of tional life of the child as they do private instructors,have developed 1942 she had acted in an advisory awarded to Don Dickinson, who is the Borough's residents, adults to its intellectual prowess. She a degree of musicianShip 'that Is capacity to the camping commit- president of the Student Council and children alIke. The dance it- stressed the force of the urge to winning high commendation. tee of the Delaware County COun- this year, active In athletics, and self will begin at 8, while the fioor belong which is present in every After the concert a community cil of Girl Scouts. In many ways one of the outstand- show, which will last about one human personality, 'P'd demon- dance will be held in the school 'During a residence of more than 30 years in the borough Mrs.Zim­mer had endeared hpxself to the community through her active work with the Girl Scouts; Friends Meeting; and the Woman's Club. From 1929 until 1942 Mrs. Znn- A very. active member of the ing leaders in the scho,!!. The sec- hour, will take over at 8:30. A wide strated the teclmique she uses to gymnasium, open to all who hold membersilip committee of the ond Home and School Association variety of specialty numben;, fea- win the confidence of children. concert tickets. IUofreshments will Swarthmllre Friends Meeling, she Scholarship of $150 is awarded to turing outstanding local talent, Mrs. Walter N. Moir was elected be available in the cafeteria. was formerly chaimIan of the Robert L. Kelghton, who is active has been arrangE.! under the dI- president of the club at the regu- The membershlp roll of the high garden section of tlie local Wom- In musical 1lffairs at the school, on rection of Mrs. Oliver G." Swan, lar business meeting preceding the school orchestra is as follows: an's Club, a member of the boam the Yearbook staff, has partici- chairman of the evening's enter- speaker. Other officers elected Violins: David Spericer, Ruth Gar': at Jeanes Hospital, and among pated In the Scott Hi-Q Radio tainmen!. Dancing will conlinue were: Vice-p,esIdent Mrs. Richard rett, Sally Gaskill, Debbie Thomp­the earliest workers with the Program and the Civic Forum until midnight, music being pro- Enion, recording secretary Mrs. son, June Keighton, Nancy Carroll, Community Health Ccnter here In League at Temple University. He vided by the Gamet'Serenaders. Thomas Prather,. corresponding Diana Tucker, Peter Rademacher; Swarthmore. She was also a plans to attend Swarthmore Col- Admission for the dance and secretary Mrs. Leroy Peterson, Viola: Russell Snyder; Cello: member of the Bird Club Of phll- lege. show will be collected at the door. treasurer Mrs. Bruce Smith, mem- Jerome Goodman; Bass: John adelphia. An avid gardener and ,The Class Scholarship of $100 In addition to meeting the ex- bership ch;limIan Mrs. Charles Steinfeld; Flute: John Pearson; nature lover she was most gener': is awarded to June Reynard" who perises of the evening, funds rsised Gerner, hospitality chairman Mrs. Clarinets: William Potts, Donald ous in sharing the family's """'- has been active in musical and will be used to support the com- Theodore Purnell, board member Ogram; Oboe: Harold Ogra'll; Sax-mer hon1ll at CansdeilSis with dramatic affairs at the school and munlty's summer recreation pro- Mrs. Edmund Jones. ophones: Andrew March, Paul Scouting and other groups. Wood- is serving on the Yearbook staff. gram which will run for six weeks, JR. CLUB' BANQUET Tarr; T:umpets: Clarence Franck, working, was another of Mrs. She plans to study fashion design from June 20 through the end of The Moth, er-Daughter banquet George Allen, Richard McCray; ,Zinuner's hohbies. t th V Sch 1 July French Horns: Fred Sales, Ted a e ogue 00 .' of the Junior Woman's Club was S vill Surviving besides her husband The' Baccalaureate Scholarship Family Day is' planned by the held at Strath Haven Inn Tues- an e; Trombones: Eric Sharp­is a daughter, Irma, teacher of of about $90 has been awarded to Recreation Assoo.iation for the pur- day evening, May 10. ~. John less; Piano: Ruth Woodard,.Anne English in Swarthmore High f Hilkert; Percussion: Eddie Harris SchooL Molly Storck, who 'has ,been one pose 0 providing an opportunity E. Michael and Mrs. Francis For- Ronnie Gold. , ' ." of the student leaders in publica- for parents and their children to tythe were guests. -. t I· Ons, sports, and dramatics. She Sh ~re. the same social experiences. Mrs. John H. PItman, junior ad- The elementsry school orchestra Launches Fund Campaign plans to attend Simmons College. This IS one of the few occasions visor, presented the Past Presi- includes the following instrumen- Trinity Episcopal Church ,will William Potts who has been in Swarthmore when D d nd d t' . talists; Violins: Debbie Thompson, launch a campaign for $75,000 a 2 en s pm to Mrs. Arnold Redding, S,andra Milne, Nancy Carroll, Peter active in music affairs at the daughter CBJl watch a game to- the outgoing preSident. Mrs. Mi-to complete the chancel and to school has been seleCted as alter- gether, see a show and w~tz chael irIStalled the new officers, Kroon, Leigh Hollis, Jean Rogers, provide working rooms for the nate. around the dance fioor without Jessie Gilbert as president and Karen Rogers; Clarinets: Mary ,church's program, together with either one feetlng that he or she is Alice Marriott as recording seere- Phillips, Virginia DeCaindry, Joan added faclllties for the Church Pianists In Recital "barging in" on an affair planned tary. He.menway, Preston Hollander, School. Th fifth 't I b for the other generation. Following, the dinner, Mrs. Mi- AlIce Carroll; 'Cello: Noel Snyder; The present church building was e recI a y piano pupils Saxophone: James Chapman; Per-built 20 years ago as 1he 'first unit of Dorothy Paui was held Satur- chael read a Tribute to Mothers, cussion: Barry Gwinn, David of the completed church. Five day afternoon. at the home of Mrs. College Iris In Bloom and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot presented Lynch, Susan Braun, Stuart Bowie years ago the mortgage was LaRue Hendrixson on North Ches- a monologue entitled "Mother An- Edward Noyes; Trumpets: Chari"; cleared as the result of a cam- ter road. This is the week for iris blos- nouncing" by Alice Duer Miller. Hummer, Gordon Smith, Robert " ' Molly Huse gave an orlginal sams on the Swarthmore College The Board, recent guests of Mrs. Pollard, John Wetlaufer, Trom-palgn and m 1945 the nucleus of a . f th IIf f H d E campus Approxima'~'- 300 varl Pi b ildlng fund . tarted reVlew 0 e e a ay en. x-' ....... - tman's at a dinner at Strath bones: Donald Little, Charles Na-u . was s.' cerpts from symphoru'es by ,~,- eties of tall bearded iris are now Haven In t" Tu d ' The rapI d,ly at> U1J.:j • n, me agam es ay so,n; Horn: 'Randy Mall'n', PI·"-O'. b'Owmg, congrega- compoSer were played by Noel at their height in the garden J'ust e 'ng t th h f N ~. tlon and the needs _. th Church vem a e orne 0 aney Dorothy Hopkins, Barbara Har-Scho I ak dd·tIw . I e f i1i·ti S nyd er and CI' H drIxs west of the Pennsylvania railroad H t La! aJre en on. 00 of' ayette avenue. Plans low, Laura Hobbs, Kathleen Jes- a Dl e a I ona ac es Others taking part in the p o-~ station. Arranged in long beds d' ed f imperative. f ... ~ b I th bl were tsCUSS Or next year. sup; Bells: Jane MacAlpine, Vir-of solos and duets included \ Susan y co or, e ossoms vary from The Rev. George Christian An- Co'chran, Lindsay Breakell, Bar- white to deep purple, deep red, Win AU _ Phila. Game ginia Bullitt. derson, rector of the parish Is bara ZI'egenfus, Mary Hanzlik, and some shades of yellow. IG -=E=-E=lli-' --- serving as chairman of the cam- The girls' Lacrosse Team of eorge., s, Jr. of Rutgers paign. Beth Jones, Phyllis Turner, Norma In discussing the Iris collection, Swarthmore High School played avenue is a candidate for election Wilson, Roian Sweeney, Sally John C. Wister, director of the the All-Philadelphia Team 'last to the presidency of the Pennsyl-, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Huse, Margaret Whittlesey, FIrank Arthur Hoyt Scott Foundation, Tuesday and won, 5-4. vania Junior Chamber of Com- C~est lane will entertain as their Turner, Linda Smith, 'Riggy Tum- stated that amateur gardeners' Lois Linton ;md Barbara crosset merce in Erie today. Mr. Ellis has week-end guests Dr. and Mrs. Guy er, ,Betty GenJmilI and (J'ewel could see there plants of the high- made the goals for Swarthmore had a prominent career as presi­W. Clark of Pearl River, N.Y,. Tucker. est possible quality, and the great- All-Philadelpbja goals were mad~ dent and in other offices _of the --------':--------',--------------1 est variety, sulted for the home by Alice Putnam physical educa- Chester Chapter of the Junior. Swarthmore High School Orchestra garden and inexpensive in price. tion irIStructor at the high school Chamber of Commerce, and also Immediately after l'he flowers and an alumna, and Jane Vache has served as Eastern R~gional have faded is the best time for also a Swarthmore High alumna. ' vice-president. transplanting, according to Mr. Wister. Buibs should be set 18 inches apart in ground that Is well drained and In full sunlight. In bloom this week also will be early-flowering hybrid peonies near the station, while In the Scott Outdoor Auditorium can be found late blaming, azaleas and some hybrid mododendrons. The rhod<xlendtons are not usually in bloom before June 1. Before Memorial Day, the Chinese peonies near the rallroad stations shouid also be In bloom. These plants, sranged in beds of white, pale pink, deep pink and red, are most satisfactory in thls climate, and 'easl17 obtainable. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Friday, May 20 8:00 P.M.-H. S. Orchestra Concert ................ H.S. Auditorium . Salnrday, May 21 2:30 P.M.-"Silver Thread" ...................................... Players Club 2:30 P.M.-Baseball-College vs. Lehigh .............. Alumni Field 7:00 and, 9 P.M.-Movies, "pavid Harum" .................. Clothier 9:30 P.M. - 1:3G-Duck Club Dance .................. State, Center Gym Sunday, May 22 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches 8:30 P.M.-Music Club .......................................... Whittier House Monday, May lIS 7:30 P.M.-Brownil' Fly-Up ................................... Woman's Chili Tuesday, May 24 1:00 P.M.-Dessert Bridge .................................. 44 Park Avenue Thursday, May 28 1:00 P.M.-Dessert Bridge ........................ ; ............. Woman's Club ,

---------- Page 11 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 THE SWARTHMOREAN LEGION TO HOLD PLAYERS SOLVE MAY 13, lN9 Canary's friends, gives fine Inter­t pretation of the cool but proper . Bostonian enedavorlng to keep FIRST PRACTICE MURDER CASE ~o~:.e aSC:::~c~: j~:nasPi:~ earneSt night watchman. Nat Tomorrow afternoon the first "Th,e Canary Murder Case", the' Doughty as the tough New York official practice of the 1949 Legion last play of the season for the I character, Stafford W. Parker in team will be held on Riverview Swarthmore Players Club la a his umleenth role with the club field under the guidance of Coach mystery keyed to engage and keep. as the New York friend, and Fred Russ Snyder. Prospects for the the Interest of the audience. as I A. Hardesty, "Anotller friend", coming season are considerably ~rodUCed and dlrectedby J. Wdl- ,playing short but important parts better than last season, when the lam Simmons. The scenery is in are all most enjoyable and very team was severely handicapped by the usual successful manner of the good, as is Grace E. Yeaw, in an a sore-armed pitching staff. These club sets, and the staging is good., even briefer character part as the prospects are also improved by Harry J. Cafferty, Jr., does an' janitress who leaves the building the lact tbat the Legion bas gone admirable job as the smooth, Wl-' clean. George Spelvin appears back to its 1947 pOliey of bolstering I ruffled sleutll Philo Vance, and I momentarily but promptly as the Its weak spots wlth a few Importa_ carries the play with the com- Police Officer. tions fro.m ~eighboring commun-I mendable support of RIchard G. Ihes, wh,ch IS the standard prac~! HaiK, ths distracted District At-tice of all the othe~ .Legion teams: torney, and Willard G. Reese as. SRA ~LANS WEEKEND 'n the Northern DIVISion. t the tough over-confident detec- (Contmued from page 1) A change in the age limitations t live, Heath. I second birthday before September has proved of advantage Sheri Horton as Alys La Fosse, I, 1948 and includes youngsters Designing posters for the coming production of the Children's Theatre are, left to right: Anne Richter of Springfield. Susan Tinsley of Broomall, Mrs. M. S. Weber of Media, a member of the Adult Stalf Assisting the directors, Linda Ann Smith of \Vallingford, Diana Brown. of Swarthmore, Mrs. S. L. Tinsley, Dian Parks of Springfield, Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, Jr. of the .Adult Staff, Jeanne Schloesser, Susan Allen, aU of Swarthmore, Jack Campbell of Springfield, Victoria Willis of Swarthmore and Jeffrey Smith of Wallingford. several of the past season's is charming and convincing as th j who have completed the second standing players are just gal across the hall and Ca oli e! grade. Advanced registration for the limit. This includes such fav- Ruppenstein "" th; ill-tau.: c~~· Pre-School and Primary only will ontes as Harry Warren and nary is creditable in her portrayal be held <>n Tuesday, June 14, at Dalton,. who are expected to of the scheming woman. Joan both schools. the mam pltchmg burden. Piecard playing the traditional The Summer Club, for children Lar.ry has ~een. pitching out- uscream'ing" lady's maid, is pleas- above the second grade, carries on stantbng ball m lllgh school this ing. an active six weeks' schedule for even though still bothered TO PLAY MAY 21 (Continued from page 1) Susan Tinsley, Nellie Ann and Richard" Unruh, Marian Weber. Jean Weller. Children in other Arts Center classes are also contribUting orig­inal work to the play. Pieces of pottery have been made in the Pottery class, conducted by Mrs. Norman Dutton. by Barbara Fogg, Ri~hard Graves, and Bill Evans. Pupils of Mrs. Wayland Eisbree have made trays, candlesticks, Goblins tools. They are Lee Lau­rence, Harvey Johnson, Terry Al­Ien, Teddy Graves, Judy Amer­man, Patsy Buffett. Virginia Bullitt, and Sue Taylor. Elizabeth Gibson. Virginia Bullitt, and Geo_ rlte Hignutt, pupils in Emma Di­Lauro's Art Class, have made designs for the programs and done other art work" for the scenery somewh a t at times by last year's Mr. Simmons, as one of the boys and girls. in mounting the play is a staff of arm trouble. Harry Warren has f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ adults, assisting the directors. In his arm in fine shape, and his pow­charge of costumes is Mrs. Frank er at the plate should be anotl1Ler I Hamilton of Media, assisted by great asset. Mrs. S. L. Tinsley of Broomall and Although there is a Mrs. C. D. Schloesser of Swarth- that Dana Swan will be away more. Scenery: Mr. and Mrs. M. the summer, the catching depart­S. Weber of Media and Mr. E. R. ment has been greatly bolstered Johnson of Prospect Park; prop-' through tbe acquisition of Art erties: Sally McFadden; posters: Mackenzie, the peppery Prospect Mrs. Thomas Donahue and Mrs Park lad who did most of the Francis Ash; programs: Ann catching for the championship 1947 Voight of Chester Heights; team. With him comes Johnny ing: George .rarden; photography, Poole, the leading pitcher of tbat Samuel Crothers and J. F. Nye; same championship team. music, Mrs. Palmer Skogltmd of At fir.t base Chuck Laws is back Swarthmore. and will also be available for out- Children arriving at the p'layers' field duty and relief pitching. Club that Saturday afternoon, at Chuck has been hitting hard 2:30 p.m. will be met in the lobby spring and should be a big help and ushered to their seats by the team again. At second Reds characters, from the play. Barr is expected to take over again. It is under the direction of Mrs. Bob Crowther is back again at THE WILMINGTON, DEL. Playhouse ALL WEEK May 23 to 28 SIX DAYS - MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday PLESE GIVE AT LEAST ONE ALTERNATIVE DATE "Fresh As A Daisy!" Still. Gloriously Triumphant! THEATRE GUILD NATIONAL ...... CGMPANY" Stuart Graves and Mrs. William short and this smooth fielding lad ...... ::::.c::.-=:=.N 2d and costumes. Price who have been active in should help the team a good bit. ,...· .... ...., ... ROUBIN MAMOWAN Supervising the chilriren's work Players' Club productions. From Wallingford come the two 0... ... ADNI .... ~ _"'WIllI 4'''' e.......,..., ... b. .M..I.lI.a. .W..H.I T.,I IIfllllA MIPUIN .!MII lADiNa Wthil • Lhtless eoloN take on nav life ••• rooms take on new B par k I e. Only Ute l\oIirza machine deans rugs safely, gently on a curved Bu!"iaee. See .... difference this makes in deeper, more thorough cleaning. 9112 DoMestic AUJSC>l' f.t Com1!~r.!~ , 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Swerfhmore 0730 or 0529-Clearbrook 4M6 Everything a tire (an do ••• ~upo'er~1 does heHer! FUSCO and ALSTON STUDEBAKER SA.LES and SERVICE CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS PHONE SWARTHMORE 9'183 outstanding play~rs 'of ..... YOUR ORDER NOW' Providence high school team, Bob ......... • Van Winkle, a hard hitting first Enclose Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope with Remitlanee b Efts..--except FrI., Sat.: Orch. $4.20, bale. $3.60, $3. Gal. (no-aseman, and Ed Kluka, a fine reserved) $1.80. FrI., Sat., Eves.: Oreh. $4.80, balr. $1.20, $3.60 strong armed third baseman who Gal. (unreserved) $1.60. Wed. Mat.: Oreh. $3.60, bale. $3., $2.40 swings a mean bat. From Lans··" Gal. (unreserved) $1.Z8. Sat. Mat.: Orch.$4.20, bale. $3.60, $3. downe Higb comes Joe Th,onlp"on,1 Gal. (unreserved) $1.60. a good-hitting and smooth fjeldilngl~~A~I;I~P~ri~c~es~'In~.~lud~e~T~ax~~~;Bo~X~O;i~tI~ce~,~S~ale~~o~pe~D8~Ma~Y~1~6~th~~ shortstop. Jack Thompson and Allison, Swarthmore High young­sters, will be reserve infielders. In the outfield will be Dalton and Warren w~en not pitching, as is the case with Paul Tarr, Swarth­more High leflhander who pitched some nice games for last season's team. Paul has also been doing fine hitting for the high school team. Bobby Bradford is also expected to make a strong bid for an outfield post. Chi Omegas To Sew All Chi Omegas are invited join a sewing group which meet Monday, May 16, 9:30 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Ned B. Wil. liams of 316 Dickinson avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir of South Chester road entertained as their dinner guest Dorothy Wal­do Phillips belore she addressed the Mothers Club Thursday eve­ning. The Swarthmore PLAYER'S CLUB presents "THE CANARY MURDER CASE" * PLADI\IG TONIGHT and SATURDAY Curtain at 8:20 M~ \N~tnE\) SU PE\UJ\ ,t .. a ,eal t be a la.."lC. cxpe '. ," roenl r\ mUi an .n· . e specialist • : • and. a s\atlS" eitate a nnanclet ••• " tnana~e . Iy,t . . • hoW to • ~~ n r\e mu.1 "now 'minisle' a tru,l. Ilc.a . a how to au t' oa .. busilles5 an b '1\ t~e a va-c." l ... vet e ,.-, He must nc business. or \ea'IJa towQ on Obviously, no man can qualify. But an -institution like ours can. That Is why so many men, seeking these • llIuailficatlon5 In an Executor or Trus­tee, name us to handle their estates. Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insuranee Corporation Now You can lillY U. S. Savlnp Bonds IUlIomaUcally IhroUIIh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. AaIt at this Sank BANKING HOURS UnW SEPT. 2~ 1~ )fonda,. throacIa FrIda,. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. FrIda,. EvenJaa: 7 to 8 p.m. nayl/&'II. Savina- TIme • H. S. Orchestra Concert THE SWARTHMOR 8 P.M. TOQight H. S . AuditGrium VOLUME 21-NUMBER 20 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1949 $3.50 PER YEAR SERVICES TODAY MRS. ZIMMER Ogden Avenue Woman Active In Boro For 30 Years Young Dancers In Ruital Marie Louise Forsythe of Thayer road will present her pupils in their first dance recital at the Woman's Club tomorrow a1'ter­noon at 2:30. Seventy children from Swarthmore and Wallingford will perform in the presentation which is entitled "Dreamland" and will be accompanied by, Mrs. A. S. Services will be held at 2 o'clock Van Dyck. this afternoon for Mrs. George Zimmer at her late home on Ogden avenue. Friends are asked to omit flowers. Mrs. Zimmer who passed away Tuesday morning, had not been well for the past six months. "During a residence of more than 30 years in the borough Mrs. Zim­mer had endeared herself to the community through her active work with the Girl Scouts, Friends Meeting, and the Woman's Club. From 1929 until 1942 Mrs. Zim­mer was leader of Swarthmore's Girl Scout Troop 16. She was the leading spirit in the creation of the Girl Scout House on Cresson DICKINSON WINS 'H. & S. AWARD Other Scholarship Winners Just Announced The Scholarship Committee of Swarthmore schools, consisting of parents and teachers, has just an­nounced the recipients of the 1949 scholarships awarded by various Swarthmore organizations. The Home and School Associ-lane nearly 20 years ago. Since ation Scholarship of $350 is being 1942 she had "acted in an advisory awarded to Don Dickinson, who is capacity to the camping commit- president of the Student COWlcil tee of the Delaware County Coun- this year, active in athletics, and cil of Girl Scouts. in many ways one of the outstand- A very. active member of the ing leaders in the school. The sec­membership conunittee of the ond Home and School Association Swarthmore Friends Meeting, she Scholarship of $150 is awarded to was formerly chairman of the Robert L. Keighton, who is active garden section of tfie local Wom- in musical affairs at the school, on an's Club, a member of the board the Yearbook staff, has partici­at Jeanes Hospital, and among pated in the Scott Hi-Q Radio the earliest workers with the Program and the Civic Forum Community Health Center here in League at Temple University. He Swarthmore. She was also a plans to attend Swarthmore Col­member of the Bird Club of Phil- lege. adelphia. An avid gardener and The Class Scholarship of $100 nattLre lover she was most gener- is awarded to June Reynard, who ous in sharing the family's sum- has been active in tnusical and mer horrie at Canadensis with dramatic affairs at the school and Scouting and other groups. Wood- is serving on the Yearbook staff. working, was another of Mrs. She plans to study fashion design Zimmer's hobbies. at the Vogue School. . Surviving besides her husband The Baccalaureate Scholarship IS a daughter, Inna, teacher of of about $90 has been awarded to English in Swarthmore High Molly Storck who'h b Sh 1 ' as eenone coo. of the student leaders in publica- Launches Fund Campaign Trinity Episcopal Church .will launch a campaign for $75,000 to complete the chancel and to provide working rooms for the church's program. together with added facilities for the Church School. The present church building was built 20 yeai's ago as "the first unit of the completed church. Five years ago the mortgage was cleared as the result of a c~­paign and in 1945 the nucleus of a building fund was started. The rapidly growing congrega­tion and the needs of the Church School ITlake additional facilities imperative. The Rev. George Christian An­derson, rector of the parish is serving as chairman of the cam­paign. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest lane will entertain as their week-end guests Dr. and Mrs. Guy W. Clark of Pearl River, N.Y. tions, sports, and dramatics. She plans to attend Simmons College. William Potts who has been active in music affairs at the school has been selected as alter­nate. Pianists In Recital The fifth recital by piano pupils of Dorothy Paul was held Satur­day afternoon at the home of Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson on North Ches­ter road. Molly Huse gave an original review of the life of Hayden. Ex­cerpts from symphonies by this composer were played by Noel Snyder and Claire Hendrixson. Others taking part in the p~ogram of solos and duets included Susan Cochran, Lindsay Breakell, Bar­bara Ziegenfus, Mary Hanzlik. Beth Jones, Phyllis Turner, Norma Wilson, Roian Sweeney, Sally Huse, Margaret Whittlesey, Frank Turner, Linda Smith, Riggy Turn­er. Betty Gemmill and Jewel Tucker. Swarthmore High School Orchestra S.R.A. TO STAGE BORD F Y DAY Ball Game, Dance On May 28 To Aid In Summer Plans Saturday, May 28 is "Family Day in Swarthmore, Pa." A good time for all-youngsters a,\d grown-ups, tOO-is forecast by hard-working members of the Swarthmore Recreation Associ­ation, the organization responsible for planning this occasion. In the afternoon, promptly at 3 p,m. the Hornets, coached by Russell Snyder, will engage in a baseball game against a rival team which will be announced next week. This event will be held at the College Field and there will be no admission charge. In the evening, a dance and floor show, beginning at 8 p.m. at the High School Gym, is expected to aUract a substantial proportion of the Borough's residents, adults and children alike. The dance it­self will begin at 8, While the floor show, which will last about one hour, will take over at 8:30. A wide variety of specialty nwnber.s, fea­turing outstanding local talent, has been arranged under the di­rection of Mrs. Oliver G. Swan, chainnan of the evening'S enter­tainment. Dancing will continue until midnight, music being pro­vided by the Garnet JSerenaders. Admission for the dance and show will be collected at the door. In addition to meeting the ex­penses of the evening, funds raised. will be used to support the com­munity's summer recreation pro­gram which will run for six weeks, from June 20 through the end of July. Family Day is planned by the Recreation Association for the pur­pose of providing an opportunity for parents and their children to share the same social experiences. This is one or the few occasions in Swarthmore when Dad and daughter can watch a game to­gether, see a show and waltz around the dance floor without either one feeling that he or she is "barging in" on an affair planned for the other generation. College Iris In Bloom This is the week for iris blos­soms on the Swarthmore College campus. ApprOXimately 300 vari­eties of taU bearded iris are now at their height in the garden just west of the Pennsylvania railroad station. Arranged in long beds by color, the blossoms vary from white to deep purple, deep red, and some shades of yellow. In discussing the Iris collection, John C. Wister, director of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Foundation, stated that amateur gardeners could see there plants of the bigh­est possible quality, and the great­est variety, suited for the home garden and inexpensive in price. Immediately after WIe flowers bave faded is the best time for transplanting, according to Mr. Wister. Bulbs should be set 18 inches apart in ground that is well drained and in full sunlight. In bloom this week also will be early-flowering hybrid peonies near the station, while in the Scott OutdOOr Auditorium can be found late bloming azaleas and some hybrid ttIododendrons. The rhododendrons are not usually in bloom before June 1. Before Memorial Day I the Chinese peonies near the railroad stations should also be in bloom. These plants, aranged in beds of white, pale pink, deep pink and red, are most satisfactory in this climate, and easily obtainable. Children's Play Tomorrow The Children's Theatre of the Community Arts Center of Wall­ingford will present their first pro­dUction, "The Silver Thread" or "The Princess and the Goblins" at 2:30 tomorrow afttrnoon at the Swarthmore Players' Club. EMOTION IS IMPORTANT Mrs. Phillips Addresses Election Meeting Of Mothers Dorothy Waldo Phillips, noted lecturer, spoke to the Swarthmore Mother's Club, Thursday evening, May 12 in the Woman's Club. "Has Your Child An Educated Heart?" asked Mrs. Phillips, with the as­sistance of her puppet Samuel Spiffens. Mrs. Phillips urged mothers to pay as much attention to the emo­tional life of the child as they do to its intellectual prowess. She stressed the force of the urge to belong which is present in every human personality, and demon­strated the technique· she uses to win the confidence of children. Mrs. Walter N. Moir was elected president of the club at the regu­lar business meeting preceding the speaker. Other officers elected were: Vice-presidpnt Mrs. Richard Enion, recording secretary Mrs. Thomas Prather,. corresponding secretary Mrs. Leroy Peterson, treasurer Mrs. Bruce Smith, mem­bership chainnan Mrs. Charles G~rner, hospitality chainnan Mrs. Theodore Purnell, board mmnber Mrs. Edmund Jones. JR. CLUB BANQUET The Mother-Daughter banquet of the Junior Woman's Club was held at Strath Haven Inn, Tues­day evening, May 10. Mrs. John E. Michael and Mrs. Francis For­tythe were guests. Mrs. John H. Pitman, junior ad­visor, presented the Past Presi­dent's pin to Mrs. Arnold Redding, the outgoing president. Mrs. Mi­chael installed the new officers , Jessie Gilbert as president and Alice Marriott as recording secre­tary. Following the dinner, Mrs. Mi­chael read a Tribute to Mothers, and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot presented a monologue entitled "Mother An­nouncing" by Alice Duer Miller . The Board, recent guests of Mrs. Pitman's at a dinner at Strath Haven "Inn. met again Tuesday evening at the home of Nancy Hoot of Lafayette avenue. Plans were discussed for next year. Win All - Phila. Game The girls' Lacrosse Team of Swarthmore High School played the All-Philadelphia Team last Tuesday and won, 5-4. Lois Linton and Barbara Crosset made the goals for Swarthmore. All-Philadelphia goals were made by Alice Putnam phYSical educa­tion instructor at the high school and an alumna, and Jane Vache, also a Swarthmore High alumna. SPRING CONCERT AT H. S. TONIGHT Iustrumental Talent From Both Schools Taking Part Tonight's spring concert at the high school auditorium will bring together the combined orchestras of the Swarthmore public schools. The high school orchestra has ap­peared before and has won high praise, especially for the promi­nent place taken in the District Orchestra Concert at Clothier Me­morial in January. Appearing for the first time, however, will be the elementary school orchestra, consisting of about 18 musicians from the com­bined College and Rutgers elemen­tary schools. These youthful musi­cians, under the direction of Rob­ert ll.rI. Hohm, school instrumental instructor, assisted by their own private instructors, have developed a degree of musicianship that is winning high commendation. After the concert a communi ty dance will be held in the school gymnasium, open to all who hold concert tickets. Refreshments will be available in the cafeteria. The membership roll of the high school orchestra is as follows: Violins: David Spencer, Ruth Gar­rett, Sally Gaskill, Debbie Thomp- 50n, June Keighton, Nancy Carroll, Diana Tucker, Peter Rademacher,' Viola: Russell Snyder; Cello: Jerome Goodman; Bass: John Steinfeld; Flute: John Pearson·, Clarinets: William Potts, Donald Ogram: Oboe: Hal'old Ogra~.1; Sax­ophones: Andrew March, Paul Tarr; Trumpets: Clarence Franck, George Allen, Richard McCray; French Horns: Fred Sales, Ted Sanville; Trombones: Eric Sharp­less; Piano: Ruth Woodard, .Anne Hilkert; Percussion: Eddie Harris. Ronnie Gold. The elementary school orchestra includes the following instrumen­talists: Violins: Debbie Thompson, Sandra Milne, Nancy Carroll, Peter Kroon, Leigh Hollis, Jean Rogers. Karen Rogers; Clarinets: Mary Phillips, Virginia DeCaindry, Joan Hemenway, Preston Hollander , Alice Carroll; 'Cello: Noel Snyder; Saxophone: James Chapman; Per­cussion: Barry GWinn, David Lynch, Susan Braun, Stuart Bowie, Edward Noyes; Trumpets: Charles Hummer, Gordon Smith, Robert Pollard, John Wetlaufcr, Trom­bones: Donald Little, Charles Na­son; Horn: Randy Malin; Piano: Dorothy Hopkins, Barbara Har­low, Laura Hobbs, Kathleen Jes­sup; Bells: .Jane MacAlpine, Vir­ginia Bullitt. iGeorge E. Ellis, Jr. of Rutgers avenue is a candidate for election to the presidency of the Pennsyl­vania Junior Chamber of Com­merce in Erie today. Mr. Ellis has had a pI'ominent career as presi­dent and in other offices of the Chester Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and also has served as Eastern Regional vice-president. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Friday, I\lay 20 8:00 p.m.-H. S. Orchestra Concert ................ H.S. Auditorium Saturday, May 21 2.' 30 P .M. - "S,'I ver Th rea d" ...................................... P I ayers Club 2:30 P.M.-Baseball-College vs. Lehigh .............. Alumni Field 7:00 and 9 P.M.-Movies, "DaVid Harum" .................. Clothier 9:30 P.M. - 1:30-Duck Club Dance .................. State Center Gym Snnda,., M"y 22 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................ Local Churches 8:30 P.M.-Music Club ............................. ............ Whittier House Monday, May 23 7:30 P.M.-Brownie Fly-Up ................................... Woman's Club Tnesday, May 24 1:00 P.M.-Dessert Bridge .................................. 44 Park Avenue Thursday, Ma,. 26 1:00 P.M.-Dessert Bridge ...................................... Woman's Club

---------- Page 12 ----------

• , 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN MAYJO, .. NEWS NOTES bara, Calil., where Dr. HClegennan I Mrs. Lucker of MInneapolis, MInn.. more. are recelvlng Mrs. Mikkelson Is the fol'Dlfl' will practice medicine. . took place Saturday afternoon at tlons upon the birth of a daughter. Miss Mary BOnsall of Cornell av- Mrs. 'Marvel Wlison of Stralb Haven avenue spent a few days of thls week in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. 2:30, o'clock in the Swarthmore Nancy Gurd, on May 7 In Bryn enue. law of Cornell avenue gave Presbytedan Church. Mawr Hospital. " Mrs. D. 'Mace Gowing, Mrs. cocktail party Saturday iri honor The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop The baby is a grsndaugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder Miss Jeanne Rice of Altoona. formed the ceremony. ,Mr. Claude C. Smlth of Baltimore Whlte, Jr., of Honolulu, are re- Richard Enion, and Mrs. Walter N. Moir represented the Swarth­more Molbers Club at the Dela­ware County Federation of Moth­ers Clubs luncheon held Wednes­day on Baltimore Pike. Rice will wed Mr. Whytlaw. The bride, given in marriage Pike. celving congratulations upon the on June 4 in Altoona. her father; wore a weddirig birth of their son, Michael Bruce Mr. Charles B. Johnson has ar- of whlte satin~ made with a Mr. and Mrs. James Mikkelson WhIte on May 11. rived to spend the summer with fitted shlrred bodice, heart-shaped of Ashtabula, Ohlo, announce the The grandparents are Mr. and hls daughter Mrs. Thomas A. neckline, long poin.ted sleeves and birth of thelrthlrd son, Edward Mrs. Philip W. KnIskern of RIver- Mrs. Arthur H. Tomlirison South Chester road was guest Bradshaw and family 'of BenJamin full skirt ending in a train. Her Paul, on MaY 3. view rOlld. West avenue after winteririg in long veil was of heirloom Pointl-----------.....:'-'--------___ ~---- Houston, Texas. d'Applique lace and she carried .~~ .................................................................. ....: ........... ...... honor at a din."er given lilies of the valley and Stel,hanolis I ".. ""9"'Y'+'Y'+'+ .¥T'+?+>.'++'+T'+~~ at the home ot Mrs. Mary SHEPPARD - WELTZ edged with tulle and tied 1 SAVE Y'. ME' of West Chester. Mrs. The marri~ge of Miss Catherine tulle streamers caught with elus-I _ ~I':! ~~V;;~g o;,e~::: of Lenore Weltz, daughter of Mr. ters of stephanotis. Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of College av- Mrs. Louis I. Dethloff,of W'.YI.e,! LET US SERVICE State TeaChers College, th,eh 1 :)s matron of honor for her "'''el'.1 known as West Chester State Nor- enue, to Mr. Horace Edwin Shep- f rchI ~le~::: I pard of Sandersville, Ga., wore a gown 0 0 d mal School, was honored by place Saturday eveniJigg ~a~ts~6~;;~~~~: I featuring a square low YOUR. CAR daughters of fonner classmates. in the Swarthmore I short sleeves, and full flared Skirt.' Following the dinner, the group Church. . The bridesmaids, Mrs. James R. enjoyed old photographs and the The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop per- Wilkinson of Bowling Green, Miss WHILE' YOU.' SHOP reading of old letters. formed the ceremony before Peggy Jane Rincliffe of Strath Emily Pritchard of Dickins~n chancel banked with white gladioli, Haven avenue, Miss Carolyn ave~ue, a freshman at the Uru- Easter lilies and whlte Henry of Wallingford, Miss Mary verslty of Pennsylvama, '~as been flanked wi~h lighted candelabra. Ann ·Hook of Westdale avenue, elected to her class council tor the The b'd '. . b Mrs. Andrew A. Williams of Irv-sophomore year. . fJ e, gIVen m marriage y . V d her father, wore a gown of mgton, a., an Mrs. J. W . .Mac- E. H. Taylor of Harvard avenue satin fashioned with a fitted bod- Donald of Minneapolis, Minn., sis­gave a talk on the Hoover Re- ice and a sweetheart neckline. Her ter of the bridgroom, wore similar organization Plan before the fac- family veil Of Belgian lace was models of pink taffeta. They carr­ulty of the Agriculture College of attached to a crown of whlte satin ied bouquets of sweet peas sh,.dlng ~ the University of Maryland and and marquisette, and she carried from shell pink' through la.vender state agricultural workers at their a colonial bouquet of lilies of the and purple tied with orchld and spring meeting last Saturday. Mr. valley.centered with an orchid. pink streamers, and wore match- Taylor was consultant to one of Miss Doris Anne Russell of West ing headbands. the "task forces" of the Hoover, a clas~ate of the bride Mr. Wilson S. Yerger, Jr., of co=s;~:nElsbree, son of Mr. at Hood College, was maid of ::IV::~e:rv~el:.!esi:.anTh~.:! Mrs. Wayland Elsbree, Vlralling-I honor. The bridesmaids wereJ'4rs. GreenwoOd.. of Moorestown, N. J" f rd P tl James S. Hayes of Wallingford, o , a., was recen y M W'll' H McI f leW(l-" Mr. Frank Michell, Jr. of Wynne-vice- president of fue Earlham Col- t rs. p' .amd 'MissnrBoYtto J wood, Dr. Stephen Andrus of Bos- Ie ge, Rl·C hmo nd, Ind ~ c h apt or 0 f Won , d af. , Wa'lnm ingt alse yeHa ond ton Mr. Lewis I. Dethloff, brother- Epsilon Alpha Pi, honorary journ- C OOll 0 el' on, hO a 0 in-law of the bride, Mr. Lewis B. MAY2&, 1949 The $l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want· COMPLETE SUPPER Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISIIFS - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS listi fr t 'ty 0 ege aBSmate. T ey wore STRATH HAVEN INN: a c a erru • f hlt . 'th Beatty Jr., brother of the bride, 'and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enion of gowns ~ w e marqUlS.ette ~' Dr. J. W. MacDonald a br<)ther •. in,-Ij~~~~~iil~iili~iiiii~~iii~~iiiiiii~iii~~iiii:iiii~ Hav, erford avenue will entertain green polka-dots, featurmg f,tled I f th b'd bodices and MI skirts. Their aw 0 e r. egroom. 30 guests at a supper party before h d h d Mrs. Beatty wore a nlulti-"ol .• 1 the Duck Club Dance tomorrow ea resses matc e their bouquets of whlte carnations and white ored print gown with a lavender evening. stock tied with pale green ribbons h at. H er corsage was a f whit e Mrs. Wayne M. Gersen and with ivy trailing. orchids with purple lips. Mrs. chl!dren Ricky and Margot, f?~er Mr. Roy Hollifield Ilul!gan, Jr., Lucker wore a gown of Allee Blue reSidents of ~U~edge, are VlSlting of Atlanta, Ga.,· served.' as best cre~e with .a harmonizing hat. Her Mrs. Gersen s parents ~. and man, and the ushers included Mr. corsage was of orchids. Mrs. Stanley L .. MacMillan of Robert Earl Weltz, brother of the A reception foliowed the cere­Vassar avenue this week before bride: Mr. William Cannon Cahall, mony at the residence of Mr .. and to their new .home at 3rd ilf Chestnut HillJ cousin of Mrs. Robert Walker Beatty, uASh~ Whitehall, a suburb of Pittsburgh. the bride; Mr. 'A1fred Lothan De- lawn", Glenn Milis. Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale Vries and Mr. Leland Sumner avenue entertained as her Covey of Ridley Park; Mr. Robert end guests Miss Lillian Wilson Dalls of Narbeth, and'Mr. of Tryon, N.C. and Mrs. James William Summerour Harned of New York City. Monr'a e, G a. Miss Mabel Talley of Elm ave­nue entertained the Art Section of the Woman's Club at a tea- A reception followed the cere­mony at the Springhaven Country Club. BIRTHS Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Strong Tulsa, Okla., fonnerly of Swarth­more announce the birth of their second ehlld and first son, William Walker Strong, on May 10 In Tulsa. meeting last Thursday ~fternoon. The bride's mother wore a Mr. and Mrs. William. M"Cuillo<h I Mrs. Norman Dutton, mstructor f d . ly of Drexel Hill, formerly of Swart, h-t th C .ty A ts C t gown 0 ark green Chantil a e ommunl r en er, 'th . k t' . H COlrsa,~e I Wallingford addressed the group w. pm. flrruru~g. ~r on "Pottery Making". Mrs. John was of P~nk orchIds. The mother Michael and Mrs. Francis FDr- o~ ~he brJdeg~oom wore a gown of th . ddt the t t bl pmk crepe corsage of blend-sy e presl e a ea a e. 1ng orchids. Mr. and Mrs. David Gilcreest Following a wedding trip the and small son Davey, former resi-dents of Swarthmore and Prospect couple will live in AUanta, Ga. Park, left Sunday evening for The bride's travellng suit was Aspen, Colo., where t!hey will visit red gabardine with white acces- r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mrs. Gilcreest's parents Mr. and sories. FOR Mrs. Earl .Jackson while en route to their new hpme in Colorado Springs, Colo. Miss Genevieve Reavis of Uni­versity place ·entertained at bridge Saturday evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hoeg~rman are visiting the la.tter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Hoegennan who have been located in Hawaii for more than a year. will leave in June for Santa Bar- Annual Benefit Card Party Sponsored by FRlENDLY CmCLE Swarthmore Woman's Club Thursday, May 28 at 1 P.M. Dessert Tickets, 60c -tax Included CARD PARTY for Crozer Hospital Lawn Fete at the home of DR. W. E. KISTLER 144 Park Ave. Swarthmore TUESDAY, 1IIAY U - l' P.M. Dessert - Table Prize - Door Prizes ContributIGD $1." LUCKER - BEATTY MAGAZINE The marriage of Miss Jane SUBSCRIPTIONS Beatty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Lewis Bonsall Beatty of Bowling Swarthmore 2080 HGerenerny, LMucekdeira,, Jrt.o, sMonr .o fL Mar.u arnde Lnc el~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEDIA AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday Clandelte Colhed Fred MacMurray "FAMILY HONEYMOON" OK KIDDIE SHOWI Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 WUllam Boyd George ('Gabby" Hayes "PRIDE of the WEST" Congo Bill No. 11 [n addition to our regular Program All Children 20 cents Sunday and Monday Myrna Loy-Robert Mitchum '''11HERED PONY" in technicolor Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. Robert ~Ior Ava Gardner (Jbarles Laughton "TIlE BRIBE" Starting Friday Richard Wldmark IJonol Barrymore ''DOWN TO THE SEA . IN SHIPS" College Theatre Friday and Saturday Teresa Wright - David Niven "ENCIIANTMENT" Sat. Nite Feat. 6:,0 0; 8:00; 10:00 P.M. Sat. Mat, 1 :00 P.M. Special Show for ChIldren Western - Serial "SON OF ZORRO" Comedy and Cartoons Monday and Tuesday Johanne strauss' , "DIE .FLEDER1IIAUS" in technicolor English Titles Wednesday only "I REMEMBER MAllIA" Irene DImne Starting Thursday ''THE RED PONY" The .Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Tulip time is tune-up time Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road Crystal Pool Ope .. Satartia,. WJIIN PA.aIt AIID MOL 00 ON nu. DAILY .crry-n.a Free Sunday Concerts 4:lr.;;;:';~ Jack Steck's Kiddie's Hour 2 P. m. Only 0.. 13c Fore on pre Una to Woodlld. Pori oM C". roil 'rom Pltldkolly AIrt Pllft 01 file City, Vier 'IIS E « .t5. 8PSC1'ACULAa ..... 011&8 .... T norA.'" WFIL DAY Sat., May 21 O~ltV. . :f:.M~A::) RCA TELEVISION a.j1.:;::,I!M':::..~'~:':'~"''' AN ANCIENT PROFESSION • , • Pharmacy fa oae of the oldest of all the I rued prole ions. It had ita beginning more than four tMnaandyears ago, and has been pmc:tlccd in one form or anot:her ever &iDee. The modern dru, IItol'e bears Iitt1e Ie "blance to the apoIh ... ary of old. Yet, to-day'a pbarmacist is inspired by the same honor­able prinriples that KO.uued the mncbx:t of IUs forebears. The ph' n • W 'II c:biefintw ...... DOW sa tbeD, ;. the refiaf of m Joe IUd the pmJ-m1 tioa,of life. Pt=-Iplo • _ &at Ia our Itan. Your doch. ~ not IIIae to _ ..... ead ..,. P8rticuIar pbarmaq, but be will never compbiia .•. if you bring IUs to us. ~Michael'. 'harmacy' THB 8WABTHMOBRAM THE 'SW ARTl!MOREAN PIlBLISHBD BVDY PlUDAY AT 8WAB'l'IIJIIOu' PA THE SWAB'1'IIlIIOBICAN. IN"~ P1JBU811D l'boDe 8wu1bmore .... PnER B. TOLD. EdItor MAB.JORIE TOLD. BARBAIlA KENT. A •• elate 1!dI1o .. RosalIe Pelaol Lorene McCarter Edith Whltaker . ,. Entered u Second Clas8 Matter. ,JanUary 24, 1928. at the Poet Office at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act of March 8. 1a78. 1 DEmlLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON "WAR'l1IMOllB, PA., PBlDAY. 1IIAY 20, 19U ' - - - ----- "-- - - - - - - -. - ~ ------ --- -----_. 'Plan Scouting Ceremony Pathers and mothers of Swarth­more Brownies and Girl Scouts are cordlally invited to a neigh­borhood nY-Up and Court of Awards Ceremony Monday eve­ning, May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Woman's 'Club. Following the traditional flag ceremony which will Open the program, Mrs. Robert HIlkert. neighborhood chairman. will In­traduce the new leaders who have! completed the trainjng course: ! • .' . Mrs. Max EssI, ,Mrs. William Me- Presbyterian Notes Circle tI,. Mrs. Guy DeFuria, Clarin. Jr .. Mr •. Carl Moeller, Mrs. Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock chairman,' at the home at Mrs. Joseph Moran, Jr., who will work, s!!\'Vice Mr. Bishop will preach on E. W. Sipple. Plush Mill road, with the Rutgers Avenue Brown-I' the subject "How Much Are You Walltngford at 10:30 a.m. Co- ieB; Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mrs. Robert Worth." hostess will be Mrs. Samuel M. Walker, who will work with the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jones Dodd. Mem~s are asked to College Avenue Brownies; Mrs. J. at the Harvard avenue entrance bring .... dwiches. Willard Hollander, tNop commit­and Dr. and Mrs. William R. GU- The Sessions will meet tonight tee; Mrs. John R. Hanna who will mour at lihe driveway-transept at 8 p.m. in the Church Study. assist Mrs. John D. Bowden, Jr •• will assist Mr. Bishop in greeting The officers of the Churdb. and with the new Fly-Up troop. Mrs. the congregation after Ibe service their wives' and husbands will Bowden has recently moved to· Sunday morning. meet for a Retreat at the Middle- Swarthmore from Media where The Church Hour Nursery town Presbyterian Church on Sat- she was a leader Of a Girl Scou.I from 11 to 12 o'clock for chlldren urday afternoon at 3:30. Dr. Allen troop. ages 1 to 7 wlll be in charge of W:.,Frew, Ministers of the Ardmore The Court of Awarda wi1l fol­Mrs. George McKeag and Mrs. ~b~erian Church, will lead the low with Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun William W atkins. ~.on of the duties of the var- presenting earned badges to the All departments of Ibe Church 10US offices of the Oburch. Th~ girls of Troop 83. Mrs. Walter Ma- School and the Adult Bible Classes will be followed by a,sup.\"'I" gree to Troop 16, and Mrs. Donald wlll meet at 9:45' o'clock Sunday The Junior Choir rehearses Jones to Troop 269. morning. Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and the Climaxing the program 'Will he The Junior High Fellowshlp will Cha~ Choir reheaI-ses Tlrursday the Fly-Up Ceremony for fourth not meetuntu June 5. evenmg at 7:45. grade girls of Ibe College and Boy Scout 2. will meet at 7:30 Rutgers Avenue schools. The girls The High School Fellowshlp will Thursday everung. will he presented to their new '3 • BVNflBF7 80me To '1HE PAn-ifiY at the fonner Locust Knoll Farms Turn right at U.s. Route I Cloverleaf (beyond Media) onto Routa 352. Continue for 3 mUes and STOPl Have Lunch In Either of our Cool, All Stone, Open Rafter Dining Rooms Stop In for an After-Theatre s.tLack by Candlelight Continuous Music .. DAIRY BAR SANDWlCIIFlS CHICK'N the BASKE'J' ' ()pen SaWrda,. Nq-ht unlll MldPight OPEN'FOR LUNCHEON COLD PLA'rrERS Sunclays from 1:00 P JII. RESERVATIONS ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. INSURED STORAGE FURS and FUR-TRJMMEI) $2.00 WOOLENS - Plain, no fur (cleaning extra) $1.50 INSURED AGAINST FIRE, TIIEFl', MOTHS SWEATERS ........................ 39. SKIRTS (plain) ............ S9c Beautlfnlly Cilleaned May 23 to June 4 COMFORTS - BIID PILLIOWS RECOVERIID - SLIP COVERS B~S ,CL~D l-_~t_~\_~I-_-I_-I-_-{-_-l -_--\ _-(-_-\_-'_-I-_-( _--_- --\ _-_--_-_--\ _-_--_-( -_-\_-( --_-{ -_,-_~ --~ I_(_~ CONCERT of the COMBINED SCHOOL ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, MAY 20. at 8:00 p.m. under the direction of ROBERT M. HOLM Use combined ticket purchased for band concert, or meet Sunday afternoon at 4 o'c1ock Mr. Bishop will attend the meet- leader, Mrs. .B owden w2J.o wllliead orehestra ""nced ticket only 50. on. sale at &be door fer a picruc. Members should Ing of Ibe General Assembly In them in giving the Girl Scout L~==~~:::::~:::.:~:::::!!:::!:!::::!!::::::~~::::.:~Jt bring sandwiches and hot dogs or Buffaln. N.Y. for the first few days Promise. ' hamburgers to cook. The picruc f t eek. will be held at the Savelll's In 0 nex w After a closing prayer, Ibe girls Elwyn'. This will be the last will sing the Hymn of Scouting meeting of the year for the Fel- . Methodist Notes and T aps. Refreshme nts will be lowshlp. The Sunday School meets 'at served by members 0f the COIII1- 9:45. Classes are provided for mittee of Troop 19, Mrs. Oliver The Young Adult's Group meeta childJ:en of 'all ages and for adults. Rodg chairm at 6 p.m. for supper followed by a The Young Adults meet at 10 prognim. o'clock in Ibe ladies' parlors. The College age group meets at The mlnister will preach at Ibe 8. p.,m . m the minister's atudy. 11 o'cIock service. The following Circles will meet The youth Fellowshlp meets at , I Wednesday, May 25: 6:30 in the ,ladies' parlors. ' Circle 1, Mrs. E. J. Faulknei-. The Church Nursery is open chairman, at the home of Mrs. during 141e morning service. Mrs. 'C. D. Mitchell, Avondale road, Theodore L. Purnell and June Wallingford. Mrs. Eunice Eaton Shearer will be in charge. wlll be co-hostess. 10:30-sewing; The ushers for the day are H. 12.30-Iunch; 1:30-meeting. E. New. C. Allison, E. Alston, W. !Circle 2, Mrs. David Braun, DIck1nlon and W. y. France. chairman, . at Ibe home of Mrs. The Wesleyan Service Gulld will John S. McQuade, Jr., 44 !fuady have a covered dish supper on Hill road, Moylan. at 10:30 a.m. Monday evening at 6:30. Thts ________ ~._____ will be foliowed by regular meet- Ch h S ' Sand soclol. nre erVICe The Woman's Society win meet SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MlnI8ter Sunday. May 12 9:45 A. M. - Church School, Wom ... ·s and M ... ·s Bible Clas'l'lll ' 11 :00 A. M.-Church ser/ice. Mr. Bishop will preach on "How Much Are You Worth". 4:00 P. M..-Sr. High Fellowship 6:00 P. :1'iI[;.-Young Adults' Club. 8:08 F. M . .:...,college Age Group ,wll1 meet. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D .• Minister Snnday. May 22 9:45 A. M.-Churd!. School 10:00 A. M.-Young Adult Fel-lowshlp' . 11 :00 A. M.-'lbe miriister will preach. 6:30 P. M.-youth Fellowship. TRINl'l'Y CHURCH Rev.Geo.C.Amderson,~r Snnday, May 112 8:00 A. M.-Holy CommuniQ.n. 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 11:00 A. M.-Moming Prayer Tbursday, May Z6 (Aseension Day) 10:00 A. M.-, Holy COD\lllunion. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFPRIENDS Sunday, lIfay 112 9>45 A. M.-First Day School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. 11 :00 A. M.-Meetin8 tor worship. (Chlldren cared for In Whlt-; tier House.) Wednesday. May 25 9:30 to 3:3()...c..Sew!ng and QuIlt­ing In Whlttler House. Box Luneheon. AU cordlally Ia­vited. FIRST CHUR&H OF CHlUST SCIEN11ST or SW ARTIDIOllB ' Park Avenue below Harvud 8alJ·.~t ..,. 21 11:00 A. M. S.,nd~ SchooL 11:08 A. M.. LeIICdl - Sermon 'Soul . and Body". Wednesday evening 'me-tlnll each week, a p.m. Reding room 0P!IJl dliIly except SlInday and HOudaya 12 to 5 p.m. Wec!PI81q ,",MlinllS 7 to 7:50 p.m. and II to • :10. far mission study and sewing on Wednoisday at 2 o'clOck at the home, of Mrs. Frank D. Windell, 800 Westdale R'Venue. The Suuday 'So.11001 Superinten­dent's Association of the PIhlla­delplPa Conference will be enter­tained for dinner on Thursday evenirig at 6:;10. TheIr monthly meeting will tallow. The Social Hall is open for supervised recreation under Theo­dore L. Purnell on Friday eve­oing at 7 o'clock. Pi Beta Phis To __ The PI Beta Phi group will meet for sewing at the home of Mrs. James U. Hornaday. 310 DlcklpSOll avenue Priday. May 20 • .. -- ers. an. MUSIC CLUB, MEETING The finaJ meeting of the season of the Swarthmore Music Club will take plaCe on May 23 at 8:30 p.m. in Whittier House .. Mrs. L. A. Estes and Mrs. Arnold Stuben-rauch, are co-chairmen for the program, which has been p1an.ned in a Ugitter vein than is usual In these meetings. For the opening number Jack I Maxim will give piano selections ot compOSers Bartok, Stravinsky, Mozart, and Stephan Wolpe. Sally Stapler will then sing a group of Folk Songs to her own accompani­ment on the autoharp. Composers Chopin, Gluek, and Steckmest will furnish selectloll.S played on the flute by William E. Trumpler, Jr. His accompanist will be Mrs. Eleanor Fawcett. '!'he final number will Include songs, to he announced, by Clifford Woodbury, Jr., baritone, who will be accompanied by Mrs. Helen Venlner. JR. ASSEMBJ.IIoN EI.FCl' Grade Mothers To Meet A meeting of Elehth Gtade mothers will be held Monday. May 23 at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Henry C. Patterson of 307 Elm avenue. A WORD ABOUT PRICES You decide which price you desire 10 pay and you hove a choice from aver 7,0 dif­ferent price ranges. Ther ... I. fuH opportunity . for choice and co';'parison and the same , high standard of servic:l. acco~ded 10 all. 'HE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIIIICTORI OF FUNIIIAlS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Tele"hone RI 6-1S81 We aim to take CARE of our own ••• • •• the way any pmxd parent does. ADd we ,_ II> It that our aervice Ia one of the todIa: dafactlons of ownInq a beauIUul Cbrpl., w. balD qaod mea. to put as much pride and CNft CDlsblp Into serviclnq your car _ the INDAIII put Into buIlA1nq IL We UN oaly .... mzy erut"eered and IDspec:ted replacemeDI pad8. lbat are identified by the trade ....... MQPar. After aIL as we 1188 IL Irs our b"eln_ tobep your ClUysler aa aweet-nmplnq, exdt­Iut; r cmd wondarful em on the day you bouqht IL --~--..... -~------.. ---... --....• "Hannum and Waite Yale Avenue ad Chester Road SWABTHMORE 1250 ow. .... too ........... or ... __ wllh C_oPlYMOUTH _ IIIot ......... C_ .... YMOUTlI __ rIfto ,

---------- Page 13 ----------

Swarthmore latienal Bank & Trust Co. • Member .f Pedera! Deposit Insurance Corporatioq Nbw Y"u can buy U. S. SavIni. Bonds autornaCl'lliUy ugil the new Bond-a-Montll Plan. ABiI at thl8 Bank BANKING HOURS UnlU SEPT. 25, 1MB Monday through Fridsy 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. FrIday Evening 7 to 8 p.m. Dayl",ld Savinlr TIme THE· SWABTHMOBBAN ~vesFeUo~p LEGAL NOTICB ~Haftor W~-Lobo ,':'It _ 1'. . PUBLIC NOTICBS LlD_ Park. Douglas Heath, son of Mr. and ~TY COMMISSIONBU' TOWNSHIP OF UPPBIl D~ Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar· lane, In acctJrdau~ ~1::' lJoNtr "- _~o::::" /laDI>-Ima ...... . has been elected the John Wood- b", In .. ch """"" mad. and """lded. \he 0-)1 ... Jennie Kelly-Lot ... Sooth II ruff SIm · pson Fellow m' Clinical CommJ·'ODen ot Delaware COUnt,. wIU Woodside AYeDUo. . oWer at pubUe eaJre bl the CountS' QIm.. lU--UnJwoWQ OWner-Lot .rear 01 Jots Psycholo~ et Amherst College, mlulouen' MeollDlr IIOOID on .... - ....... North d Garrett Rood .o' l\ut d t:W Ooor of the Court House. 10 tile IJoJvucb ShadeJa:nd A"eo.ue DO frouialle. hT .. where be graduates in. June. or Media, PenDBJ1vaoJ.a. OD MoDd.,.. JlIlDe 18S1UO., , 11th. ,.... at ,0 o'i:I_ A. 101.. B.D.s.Too BOROUOH OF DAJlBY He was elected to Phi Beta the tolJowinl< described pleceo of IaPd to 11-5arah B. Davu-U7 Marko A .. n .... Kappa I. n -h.i s j uru.o.r year, Is a -oswaind edC bouyn "ttyh.e roewspneeedt lyoer ~ to be ll-Sarah K. Daya.-t.1 Marb AVeDu. pe DOted. II-Sarah J. IUce-HowIe & Lot loot member of S~ XI and ~; TH& ~EJl1SBO: l~SALB Scbool S=NSHIP OF DAJlBY accepted a poSltion at Yale Um- The OU11>08O ot the .... e Is .., _ .... ,~am .. & .... beIIa BIIItnaer--LOt .It versl'ty as ~··'·tant '-~-·-tor In u.U..- Id taxes due on eaeb ot .IBId proper- South at Bayard Avenue. • ~ .LWtUu\o 15-Bertha FleDol'}'-Lote JI-JT North the psychology depariment, whileJobo H. Doberty .. Forrester West trom H .... '" Street.. working for his doctorate. AFrlebder tF J. . DCurkaew lorel. Jr. HB'-OLReOwUIOs H KOrFam BbAoSldTt LABNsLS-DHOoWo.NIoB ;& CommiasIonel'8 at Delaware Ground lIS Oak Avenue. Mr. Ellis G. Bishop and family of Cranford, N.J., and Mr. Robert F. Bishop and family of Bryng­welled, Pa., celebrated the birthday anniversaries of Mr. Ellis G. Bishop and Mrs. Robert F. Bishop on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs: J. V. S. Bishop of Couoty. MedIa, Pa. TOWNSHIP OF MARPLE BOROUGH OF 8ROOKHA YEN "Tbe two properties immedlatel,. tollow- I---John M. Martin-Lot Greenwood JUS' thls elaU8e lI8t DUfDbenI 17 & 18 will Streflt &: Brookhaven Road. be otrered. tor sale 88 & unit br.block. . CITY OF CHESTBR 17-Alfred B. Baller-Lots 11.-11 ~ 2-11Jysses G. 6: Lillian Smedley-House Uon G. Broomall Square Ind Avenue. &: Lots 101-101-105-107-10U Central Ayenue. 18-James I.: Mary Gulnau-LotI 10.11 Ninth Ward. Sectlon G. Broomall Square. . BORtlUGH OF CLIFTON -HEIGHTS Io-Dolores P. Burley-Lots 11.11 ~ a-..Jobo MOll'an-Lot Dear BalUmore Uoo A. Broomall SQuare. Avenue. N. Penn Street. to-JQ!lepb &: Apes Maker-LotI M-IJ TOWNSHIP OF UPPBR CHICHESTER SecUOD J. Broomall SllUare Ird Avenue. 4-P .. A. Boyer-Lob O:()..51 Sectlon K. II-Andrew & Ruth QuJDD-Loti 10-11- Worth CIty. 18 Seel10n J. 5-Russell F. Hohn ...... Lots 11·... Block -The two properties Immediately toDrw- D. South sf Broadway. Worth Ow. fD8' this clause list numbera II 6: II will 8-Fmnk R. Lord-Lots a8-l. Wharton be offered tor sale 08 a unit or bJeek. =~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::~-I 2~Mariha M. S~LoW .10~ tion M. Broomall Square 4th Avena. .. II-Marwaret Wbalen-Lots 1.11' Sec-tion M." Broomall SC:UIU'eo ' Harvard avenue. " NEW PTe FARES • Now In Effect New fares, required to m~et the increa.sed costs or" supplyin,g transit servo ice, are now in effect on Pre lines, Briefly, the new fares are as follows: \ 1. 2. 3. 4. Rides which formedy required a 10¢ cash fare now require an 11~1! token fare (3 tokens for 35¢) or 13ti! in cash. Rides which formerly required a lZ'~ token fore now require a 13ti! cash fare. Reduced fares for school children remain unchanged, There is no change in fr'l.e Transfer lind Exchange privileges except as theyaffeot Route C-Broad St. be!-Ween Olney and Snyder terminals of Broad St. SUbway (see bel.ow).· . Subarban zone fares reiIJain uDohanged, eKcept on Route B-Langhorne Division and Route 84. 'THE n%·CINT TOKEN FARE ·rie new ll%tl token fare (2 tokens for 35¢) applies to all rides which formerly required a 10¢ fare. (If tokenS are DOt used a cash fare of 131! will be charged.) This token rate of fare applies to rideS on all streetcar, tracldees trolley and subway-elevated lines. It applies also to rides on "rail-substitution" busiines.'Theselines are Routes 14, 23b,25, 73,83,55 (south of City Line), 59b (north of Cottman Ave.) andL(northofBetblehemPike&GermantownAve.). The 1.1 %tI token fare entitles the p8ssenger to a free TraDRrer ticket, involving one interchange out­side the Central BtIsiness District between inter­secting rail lines designated on the ticket. (The Central IBusine.s District extep.u i'rQm Pine St. to CeJlowhill St., inclusive; and from river to river.) THE 13·CENT CASH FARE The new 13¢ cash fare applies to all rides which . formerl>, required a 12V.¢ token fare or 13; in cash. These include: 1. itides on all-lettered bus lines and on Routes 59b· (south of Cottman Ave.), 84, 84a, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89. (Two 13; zones on Route B­Langhorne Division and Route 84.) 2. Rides involving interchange between rail lines and the above bus lines. 3. Rides mvolving interchange between ralliines inside the Central Business District. The 13¢ fare entitles the passenger to an Exchange ticket good for a continuous ride on two or more futersecting lines 811 designated on the ticket. DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE LINE Fare oil the Bridge Line is: . An 1196¢ PTe tok~ plus a 2V2; Bridge token. (This fare entitles pessengers to the free Transfer privileges previously obtainable for a lot PTe fare plus a Bridge token.) Or, a 13; Pl'C fare plus a 2V.¢ Bridge token. (TIrls fare ontitles p8sseogers to the broader EXchange privileges previously Obtainable for a 12~1! PTe token plus a Bridge token.) EXCHANGE TO AND FROM BUS ROUTE C To enCOUJIage the use of Broad St. Subway instead of-Bus Route C and thus increase the City'll income from thiII publicly~ed facility. no Exchange priv- 'ilegffi to or from Route b are granted along Broad St. between the f!Ubway tenninws at Olney and SnYder Aves. These Exchange privilegell formerly available to Route C passengers may be obtained by interchange with Broad St. Subway, Route 20 or Route 65. For more detailed information concerning Route C privileges, see the' yellow folder distributed· 011 Route C buses. • REDEMPTION OF 12%; TOKENS The copper-colored 12V2¢ tokeDil I\l'e being with­drawn and may be redeemed at 25¢ for two tokeDil at the Pl'C Tre!lsurer's Office, 4th Floor, 1405 Locust St., Philadelphia 2, in. person or by mall. During the first ten days under new fares, the 12V.¢ token will be accepted in payment of a'13; fare on all Pl'C lines. PTC'. new fares are in line with fItose in oilier 'arge cit;... For example, lore in De'roit is 13t C4 lor sot}; In ChicCl9Q 1St on ,Ite e'evo'ecl, 13t on surface 'ines; in Washington J3t (3 for 3~t)i in C/eve/ancl J2t (3 lor 3St) p'u. It Ior'ransler; in.BriltimoreJ3t (2 lor 2StJI in N~w Yorl- reu on the swway,.J2t lor a comhinecl ,,"'way-.urface ride. PHILADELPHIA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY • • , TOWNSHIP OF NBWTOWN U-N09le Sbamlrania-Lota 81-81 Florio da Park. TOWNSHIP OF NETHER PROVIDBNCE If-James P. SmJtb-Utl 10 DIode X. Garden Cit}'. J8-Harry Wilson-Lot 81 Section C. Pine RJdJre.. 07-Wlhlam J. WeJm-Lot 10 Block X. Garden Clb'. BOROUOH OF RIDLEY PAIlK OS-H. O. Bodktn & M. Gold-LoIs I· ... Block p .. RIdley Perk Estate. 2u-J. A. varan. Jr.-Lots 4:&14 RId­ley Park &tate. .o-R. K. & L. H. Orubl>-LoIs 10 Ie! I. H. Crum LynDe Estate • II-Mary J. HattleId-Lots 10 to 10 Block V. Ridley Park Estate. *The two properUes immediately tollow­Ing this clause Ust numbers I. &: II wUl be .,d'ered fOr sale OB B unit or block. II-VernOQ Hertstel'-Lots 6-5 V Rid· ley Park Estate NO.1. aI-H.. M. J...anro--Lots C1-7 V Russell Street. lUdley l'ark Estate No.1. ,,-Watson Hunter-Lots 16-18 Micheli Street. Ridley l"ark Bstate No.1. Ill-Jobn Mauee--Lots 5G-1 m~ U Barker Street. a7---Harry McCloskey-Lots '7-68 Block S. Rcwers Stnef: WdIe}' Park Katate No. I .. TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM lS8-James F. -Burna-Lot 15/40 Lester. SD-Alex. 6: KB.JeD1el Bunuk-Lota '7- 118 Section u .EsItlP&ton • .. o-John J. Conner-Lot 7/" Lester. 'I-Thomas Crescoek-Lot 11'/'0 Lester. ·The four properties immediately tollow­IDa this clause. List nUIllbet' ... ~ . will be off~ tOr Jale 88 a WIlt or block. 4&--John J. CoDJler-Lot I',S LeIter. 'l-Mary Kerner-Lot '/.0 ~. '~Theresa. Powderly-Lot 'laO LeAer. ',-Peter Ye8Ker-Lot 1/.0 LeIter'. TOWNSHIP OF KIDLEY *The two'propert1ea Jmmedlatelr tollow­Ing ih1s ellUI8eo list numbers " 6; 47 will be offered tor sale 88 a unit .or. block. 48-WiUoqhb, Clark-Lot tlO ''''*''0'. '7-L. H. Orel:llwood-LD!; tl5 ~eJ'. 48--Georlte D. Brie»tneU-Lots ...... 5 Fairview. *The two QrOPeJties Immedlatelv toUow­log thls clalJBe. list number8 '8 6; 50 will be oWered tor sale as a unit or block:-­' t-.Josepb Brob8ton-Lota 01H" Fair­view. .O-WIWam Reo8on-Lots 07...... & 680 Fairview. l5l-W. B. ElUston-Lola I07l .. J Folsom. 0'1 Casper &: Anna. Eitel-Lola 'HI Holmes Tract. 51-ElUott J. Goldman-Lot 1081 See­" OD 01 Folsom Wtcbland& TOWNSIIli' OF KIDLEY ·The two properUes lJDmed1ately toU.w­ing this clause. l1Bt Dumbers 54 &: il5 will be offered for sale as a unit or block.. b4-Herbert Greenwood-lAt 81 IAeka­loy. 55-L. H. Greenwood-Lot ~ Lockaley. 56-Glrard Real Estate Improvement Co.-Lot 111 to 118 SectJOD 15 Ridley Park Hel&bts. . > ·The two propertJes immediately foUow­InR' this clause. Ust numbenl 51 &: ~8 will be offered tor sale as a unJt or block. M-L. H. GreenWood-Lot 61 LoekaIey_ liJl--Paul . i". Jann-Lot II' Locks1ey. 50-Mary Hawthorn-Lot Ill' Holmes. ·The two properties immediately follow. Ing this clause. list numbers: 60 6: 01 wUl be ofl'ered tor 'sale 88 a. unit or block. du-Frederlck J. McGovern-Lots Block D. Berkley. dl----.James McLean-Lots as-.. Block P. Deridey. . OJ:.....c. A. McKInney-Lot III Locblelj. 63-Jobn & Mary Montgomery-Lot 1ft Wost RIdley. . U--Mary A. Smlth-Lota 171_ to 171 Section A. Faraday. 85--A. O. Walker-lAb 15-10 Rldle,. Park Heights SecUon 91. GB-Alfred G. Walker-Lot " Ridley Park HeighLq No, 1. TOWNSHIP OF RIDLEY ·Tbe two properties Immediately tollow. In," this clause. list numbers 6'l & 68 wUl be offered tor sale p.s a unit or block • 1I'l-AJtred G. Walker-Lot 59' Rldlev Park Hell?bts. OS-Isaac Kenna-Pan of Lot" No. 5 SeetJon '7 Ridley Park Hebthts •. 6i-CharIes C. WIIII&-Lot 8 Section II Oakland Park. 70---Samuel Eo Woodcock-Lots ''748 Section 8 Oakland' Park. 'l1-LlvlllJl:Ston Realty Co.-Lots -6-5 Sec­tion 15. - Oakland Park. aTl5-U .... ---. ....... - __ . __ .... 1(1 II I P, .. t ....... &.I; I .......... CftICII ......... ........... orw-..... ' 7 .--... .--..-.-- .u--..~: c:.l-M..t­t. l CAlI' $ n "500",.. ~ ..... ~'I.w' .... ..... ~ . AU!i WOOD ma QIlAIY --&-'~i " pp , •. ... - , -.·-M_A_ Y_ ._, _DN__g _______________~ -----=~T~H~B~S~W~A~B~T~H~M~O~a~B~A~N~ ___= =====~===_ ____= _=_~ _____ 1 Zod BOOK PURr·JSIIED Mr. Murray, who Is now flying following a month's vis! here. DI~nSOIl CoUege. A jWlior at Marlon Karns, &ucMer of Mr. Pelll Murray son of Mrs. Pred with the Pan Ameriean World Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabf, Dickinson, he Is taking a pre- and Mrs. Gearge M. Kanu1 of MU1'l'87 . of Yale avenue saw the Mrwayp, will r.. lDtervlewed on of Korth Chester road entena1ned medlcal roW'Be. He baa won a Wellesley road was one of the PUblication <1l his second noWi the Nancy Craig Program on May at a buUe! supper Saturday letter In swimmIng and. Is a past three wlnnen In a poster cnn­" Tlie Heart .Is a Stranger" by 23 over WFIL between 12:35 and evening In honor of Miss Yvonne president of the rollege science ¢est sponsored by the SJIlith Col­Harpel' and Broth81'S on Ma,y 11. 1:30 p.m. Mr. Murray plans to Motley and their son Mr. Thomas club. lege chapter of the Y01JIII Pro- : A eraduate of Swarthmofl' Col- visit In Swarthmore sometime this B. McCabe. Jr., whose marriage Dr. Joseph S. Bates of "Rocky gressjves of America. Marlon's lege class of 1941, Mr. Murray week. will take place Jnne 18. Spring Farm", Media has returned POSter will be sent to the national served with General ·Clark's Fifth Dr. John B. Roxby, Jr., of trom a week-end of golf at WhIte Young Progressives poster oonteet Amy Headquarters In North NEWS .NOTES Kenyon avenue recently took Sulphur SPl1nl!ll, Va. where it will be judged by IIW!h Africa, BD~ In Italy where he be- part as a charter member In the Betty Rumble of Swarthmore oontempory art'lsts as Ben Shahn came tamlllar with the people .and Mr. and Mrs. R.. T. Bates of Installation of the Temple UnI- avenue. whose wedding will take and Jacob LQwrence. the country. Yale avenue entertained as their verslty Chapter 01 the SocIety 01 place In July, was entertained re- Rutherford Hayes of Swarth- .. His first novel, "Once there waa guests recently Mrs. Bates' aunt the Sigma XI. / . cently IJi> Sue Lasle,. IIlld Kate more avenue bas 1II!en. elected a· Waltz", appeared In 1947. . He Mrs. William R. Lee of Meriden, Donald W. Sweet, son 01. Mr. Bullington, Duke UniversitY class- recording secft!tary of Alpba Delta began work on his oecond novel Conn. Mrs. Bales' parents Mr. and Mr •. George W. Sweet of Gar- mates In the Zets Tau Alpba room Phi social fraternity. at the Unl­hi Italy where he returned- efter and Mrs. Mathey Clarke ·.of Falr- fl'tt ·avenue, Is the newly-elected of the PanheJI.enic House on the versity of Wis<wnsln, to serve tor his disoharge InlJe(!ember 1945. field,.·Conn., have returned home secretary of the Commons Club at campUs. the spring semester. .-.; ------,----------------------------- • n ;'. ' .. .: .... Another all-time record in April! More people bought new· St..,debaker ca.r. and trucks in·. April 1949 than I•n an-y previ~s month I• n any year. in January.feb~arv~ , , and March were:the biggest,for any quarter. Studebaker sales .•n Studebaker .h istory. Twice this year Studebaker h~s increased production in an attempt to this sensational upsurge.;n demand. 1949 • Studeba.ker year! IS a • really rollins! ----.-------_ ..... _----------... -------

---------- Page 14 ----------

• TB~SWARTBMORBAN. MAY .• , tMt Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williams end with Mr. and Mrs. James F. 4gers Earn Scholarships Sandra Cro set of Ridley Creek pltal following an a~ of University place spent a few Pinkney of Davidson, N.C. Road Is a patient In Taylor Boil- performed Wednesday 1IlO1"DlDg. days of this week In Atlantic City Miss Frances Jenkins of NortbTo . several . mesnbem of the attending the Pmmsylvanla Ban- Chester road who will be married Swarthmore HIgh School Clalla of • kers Convention. In June to Mr, Kenneth Snyder 1949 have come announcem!'l'ts of You Will Never Be Satisfied with Ian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad- of Harrington Park, N.J. was guest the award of outstanding scholar­shaw of Benjamin West avenue of honor . at a 5JIlsce!laneous ships.' As one at the Open Schol­have returned from a week's trip shower given last week by MIss ars at ,Swarthmore College, PbI1Ip to Hot Springs, Va., and a week- Joan Buch of Drexel HIll. Marirowlch has been honored by 1!he award of $700 a year, renew­able each year during his college 'M ReDnD Wily So ... 80 ... BIg Way for favorite . SPill' TIME SALAIS The a I I d 'Olld! '" ...... two la,o,lI ....... _ tI:o ....... ps '. of '.aall)' .... fit ••• rro. d. ..... ,"aasy C.. .. u. ..... ~, M'IONIAm: 't:' I9c "".. III .......... II,' HomdRUfoT.., SALAD D : ;..." I . n. ...... _ .. _ ...... HI Ycr All, We' ... CoIo.,a"" ••• Kay K,'. Pralt nesta f $ ' ... Pln.burra ...... flit ~ A* ........ III ow .a' PILJ.SIUIlY'S n.1. II .: ISc 'v" '_ ... __ ....... _ road C.Ulol.a -=:._ . -::~» _CIIoo..- ........ ·................... • . 2'" -4Sc Fiirr'C_TAD. ~..!l'3~ 1Ioe -": Iancr _ .................. _ ....... -.- _ .. • 11 .. , ....... A, h ... 'I I' Mo._Ma..' .... 1 c ...... " ss.... ~..,. .... 1 C..·'Wi, ..... :I ~ as-ale .... PI .II,n - .. .,. - M_o. _..._. WIO' ... , .. P., •• PI-.n ~M ... eU.M2:.:. .............. pcoJ ....... M.aIIrtIpI CCIlss....... . .. .. ... OIuaiarga •. :: 2=41c • I •• d.I. CWt·,:- _7Ic Reb Fotd _ ·"17. v .... GO". Oa..4DED A .8 .. L. b 1uTey. ToncIcr (1Iooso In, CHUCK ROAST,~ ·43c DUCKLINGS ::::...: • 35c IONELESS BUTTS ~t::' • 7SC ~T 1IIae La •• '. Uvao A'p." SDeed Boua ~~'1d ........ =~~~I~O~AS~r ·.:l4tc B. ,nat V_I!> ztG I Veal m .... _ ......... := ·ttc tlalllhde -..- ·UcIRDII.dRr-- "oiI9c -'-"- IIStlI Hot __ ., ., •• PEAS Cona s -e!'.""'SIO .:..~ 'rb tOC Hoat-."Io Itoaltod -I_ISt1J .. .. COmE ':'44C . s ...... , WI. C: II c." .. .... c .... ...... 1. career. One of the finest awards made at any college is a Rutgers Uni­versity War Memorial Scholarship awarded to Avery Blake. ThIs scholarship covers full tuition and registration fees, $200 a year for room rent, and $400 a year for board, books and other essentilli expenses, a total value of ahout $1100 a year, renewable annually. ~'rom Wooster College, Gwen­dalen Watkins has received an award of a scholarship valued at $400 annually, or $1600 for the four-year college course. Pennsylvania Milltary College, Chester, has awarded Don DIckin­son a scholarship of a total value of $1100 for his college ,course Th';'e seniors' have been out­standing in their various fields In the high school, such ils student publications, athletics student af­fairs, and in scholarship. The faculty is proud of their record and feel certain that they will make a good account of them­selves in college. Associate Pastor Caned At a congregational meeting last Sunday after the morning wor­ship service decision was made tQ, call an Associate Pasto.t" to tile Presbyterian Church to act In the capacity of Minister Of Education. The Rev. Stanley M. Taylor. MIn- . ister of Education, Rye. New York • a graduate of Wayne University, Detroit and McCormick +'heologi­cal Seminary. Chicago who was a classmate of Joseph Blshop's at McCormick Seminary has been given this call. . Following Mr. TayloM! gradu­ation from McCormick Seminary. he took a pastorate in Harbor Springs, Michigan, which he left to go to the great West Presby­terian Church of Sl LouIs to be­come Minister of Education and Youth Work. Last autumn Mr. Taylor came to New York to do graduate work at Union Seminary and to serve on a part tIuie basis at the Presbyterian Church of Rye, New York in the capacity of MIn­ister of Education. Mr. Taylor will join the staff at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church on July 15 Of this year., Mr. and Mrs. HoWard M. Jen­kins of North Chester road spent the week-end with their SOn and, daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. .Jenkins, 2nd of East Orange, N.J. On May 15 they at­tended the American SOciety for Engineering Education at West POint, N.Y. "Car Looks New - Inexpcmsive Too!" Have Our Experts Completely Repaint Your Car \ after removlna IU& IUICl ODI'I'letIJ reprImiD&', In IIIQ' elewlenJ .,... • • • Nol • "h~-.p" Job, Iood .... quaUty ........ for only $49.50 JissuP .COMPAZIY '~ •• i ....... non .. OaANGE ITRBITII PBONBMMIa ...... BTlJDEB'K1!R, aD4 su .... BBING TBI8 /iDV. WfiB YOU IT IS WtMtiii ,1." STIFFNESS NOT REMOVED 'l'hIt b she Mina Mat:hiae .. hi .. ohamPOOI rap ",od, OD a ...... .e.lrea.c..e.... See- she dUr_ II mabt ia deeper, _re thoroa'" Villton AI..,.. Welmme. 91112 DoZElOllIc, $6.00 (p~"'S~ It C'~r~n! 100 P.rk AVe., Sw.rttwn-, P .. Sw~ 0730 01'0529- CIe.rbrook ..... Hell 111.1111, iVAY ,..1 ..... __ _ . - SHOULDERS OF Lamb CHUCK ROAST OF Beef. SLICED 'Bacon AA GRADE Butter Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 69c Fruits and Vegetables - NEW. , Potatoes 4 Ibs 19c String Beans Ib 19/c NEW Beets 2 bch 19c Carrots 2 bch 19c FRESH . Rhu. barb 2 bch 19c The Co-op WHEN co-ops ARE IN TOWN PRICES ARE DOWN THIS WEEK-END TRY A Cheese Pie Pineapple Cheese, Pie MEATS Chuck Roast RACK Lamb Chops Frankfurters GROCERIES FOR A FRESH START! Irap,fruit Sections VALLEY FORGE Sour Pickles co-OP PURE Soap Flakes PRODUCE NEW TEXAS S3c SSc Ib 49c Ib 69c Ib 49c 2 cans 29c ~R2Sc i~~ 2Sc Onions FRESH GREEN Peas PUERTO JUCAN Pineapples 31bs 19c 2 Ibs 29c ea2Sc LOOK. over oar ZlfIW PIIODUCB STAND wIdIe~ ... 11ft _nIDC! .MAY ,20,: IMJ s...... . TU Ii: S WA RT B MO REA N , . A.Mercer O:Jiuby C'TASSIFIED HOLD FINAL MEETING .. ·_a.ow.· "¥'. . '.IJ ' Frhe final spring meeting of tile Guenther H. Proebel of North!" mWUlUWlIIIWllnWIUHIIIIUlIIIIII!IUIIIIIIIII_ ~"""-""" DIa~a Swarthmore Junior Music Club . Formerly of lrIedia PERSONAL. . 1125 W;TeIUib·.Ave'i PhIIa. was held last Sunday evening in Phone Baldwin 1170 PERSONAL'-Vacuum Cleaners, the Bartol Library. Harold No addition"'. oo8J'll:e for . Irons, toast~ and radiOll re- Ogram, tbe retiring president, paired, called for and' delivered. ~~iE8i~s~u30Eur~bijaniicalls:iEi8Si~~~ cali Robert Brooks, Swarthmo~ gave a short resume of the activ- 1548. '. ities of the year and Introduced . . PERSONAL - Electrical wiring the in""mlng officers. Priscilla Crafbnen Attention and, Installation, residential and Rogers, program chairman, then commercial. Water heaters, ran- introduced 1!he perform. en and an- Twelve ·Inch te1evlsionchas- ges, dishwashers, dryers. Burglar sis complete .wlth all tubes alarm systems. All work done to nounced the program. including 12" Dumont Pic- Fire Uuderwriters' ·speciflcations. First to play w'as Robert Keigh-ture., Tulle, new ........ $200.00 Service. on wash~, vacuum clean- ton. His plano selectionS were two Ready for o!'!'ration when ers, ranges, irons, toasters, fans. bagatelles by T h . "R mouq.~ed ,- ·in your case or lamps. Call "'-l'ch H. Hausen, . c erapwne, 0- cabinet. . Electrical Contr&aAc-to!". Swarthmore mw;tce" b y. Sc h umann, and a com- 2850 - 335 Park avenue. position of hi. own written to Sold '::l!...0~ w~: goar- PERSONAL Paper _ hanging, Shelley's "Ozymandias". Robert painting". and wall scraping. Tucker gave the' reading simul­Telephone Sh'll'WOOd 7"6732. . Swarthmore avenue while awalt-! iQII the compl~tion of their new 1 home in Rose Valley. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Schloesser, Jr., of Park avenue will entertain at a cocktail party on Sunday after- • noon from 5 to 7 o'clock. i Mrs. James H. Connor t her daughter Mimi, and son Jimmy, returned to their home in Norfolk, Va., Tuesday following D 10-day visit with Mrs. Connor's parents Dr. and Mrs. W. Earl Kistler of Park avenue. Mrs. Connor was accompanied by her sister Mrs. Oliver G. Brown of Middletown road who visited in Norfolk. for a few days and on Wednesday at­ROBERT BROO~ tended a party at the Officers . SwarthDiore 1548 • PERSONAL-Grace -LeWls-Em.- taneously. Margo Bowie, accom­ployment Agency and domestic panied by. her mother Mrs: Morris Club given by the officers of the and indlistrial help. Fihone Bowie, sang Hahn:s "L'Heure U.S.S. Mississippi on which Lt. Swarthmore 1044-R. Exquise". She was followed by' Connor is on active duty. While , ,.TREE SURGERY I =====;Fijf.'O;;:Rii=~Sc;;A~I;"i-E;;==== Donald Ogram who played "Dark I here Mrs. Co.nnor was g.ues! of Eyes" on the clarinet, accompan- honor at a brld~e party given by PRUNING. LIMB AND FOR SALE-MUSHROOM and led on the piano by Diana Tucker. Dr. and Mrs. Kistler. TREE'REMOVAL TOPSOIL, cinders and fill dirt. M J H G M C h f ROBERT .Ji'ASTINGS J. C. Stilwell & Sons, Swarthmore Harold Ogram then pl\lyed "Fair r.. . . c onec l' 0 ELECTRICAL , REPAIRS WIRING NEW and OLD HOMES I Samuel M. Harbison I S\Varthraore 0740 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111001111111111 Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. Serving Swarthmore, Mor­ton, Rutledge and Rldiey Township since 1918 PHONE: S\Varthmore 0144 Call Swa~':'-"'", OZ61-W 3400; . Rosmarin" by Fritz Kreisler as a i South Chester road arrived home , • ~""~ FOR SALE _ Beautiful sable and saxophone solo. He was accom-; by plane Sunday night from San ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '-;~======~:;,;:.:===~ I· white AKC registered collie pups panied by Barbara Shipherd. i Francisco Where he had been for r ~ . ... . for pet Or show, $40 ·up. Call Diana Tucker' played' Runs' ky-i the past week attending the meet- JOSEPH GEORGE & SONS ROOFS .. ' .... GU'1*tERS Chester 5-1869 or 3-4438.' . f th Am' S· t f RBPAmED 'AND FOR .S~Easy Washing ma- Korsakov's "Song of India" on the mgs 0 e. erlcan oCle y 0 Painting, Paperhanging INSTALLED chine with Spinner dryer. ,. Good piano. A quartet, composed of I Naval ArchItects. Stucco, Plaster Repairing Furnace Rl!pairs &! C1eanlni condition. Phone Swarthmore Claire Hendrixson, Barbara Ship- ' .Mr. and Mrs. E. J .. Faulkner of 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE . Call ., ,,2;;;3:;:8;:;9-...,W;;.;.' ..-;;,.,=:-;;;;=:=' ,,' -===:-1 herd Lynne Rogers and Priscilla: D,ckinson avenue .wdl entertam REFERENCES GEORGJ!I.lIIYERS FOR S~Fox Terrier puppies, Rog~rs then gave ~ rendition ofl t~e Men'sVarsity and Junior Var- Can Trinity 7-3887 .O~ Mlch1g8Jl Ave. Sw. 2266 $15. Apply Debbie J,ukens, 322 "June is Bustin Out All Over". slty TenniS teams of Swarthmore i~~~~iii~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;j "M"""ap;;l:;;e~A,",v",e::n.:;ue""c.,=S.:;w".ar~th::m::;o;:;r;,:e",. == I 'Arthur Grover concluded the I College at a?- out-door supper FOR SALE-One pair man's riding party at theIr hom to boots, slie 9,,", complete with formal program by playing two e morrow Swarthmore 1448 . evening. Jack; one pair 'ridlng trousers, marimba solos both by Fritz WILLIAM BROOKS mediUm size. Both good condition. Kreisler. Group singing led and ----7L"E=G7A::-L"""":":N"'"OT=I=-=C=&---- PAVE WOOD' $8.00. Swarthniore 3070, evenings. Ashes & Rubbish Removed accompanied by Priscilla Rogers SHERIFF SALES Lawns mowed,' General Painting ~~f~!!rth~~!dl~~i"ger, $10. on her autoharp brought the en- SH~~ll!';!S~~~~jCE Hauling FOR SALE _ 32 cu. ft. freezer, joyable program to a close. COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. Friday, June 10, 19.&9 sacrifice' $285; ... antique pine 9:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time Dutch cupboard, $85; maple couch Collins Gets Lacrosse Award Condillon" ,...... cash or wllOcd d h · $95 4 pi M I bed' check at time of sale (unless otherwise ~n c aIr, ; - ece ap e - Benjamin S. Collins, of North stated In advertisement) balancc In ten room suite, $115. All in excellent days. Other comJltJons 011 day of sale. condition .. Media 6-1236. Chester read, received the Ernesta Levari Facias M.L.D. (Alias) No. 2·'~ FOR SALE--Blond cocker pup~, D n.o k er LacrosCse upd an M e dal lJeglnnlngM aartc ha Tpeormin,t 1o9n"' 8 the North• pedigreed, 10, weeks old. Mrs. D. as the all-around lacrosse player westerly side of Oakvlew hoad (formerly . W. Hewitt, Swarthm'o re 0413.' on thOI S year' 5 ·vartsl y squa.d at Odiaskta nAcev enocfe') ·f o(ufro rthyu nfdereet d wtiwdee)n tya t fteheet FOR'SALE-:-Two evening'dresses, Lehigl) University. measured North thlrty·.dx degrees, Forty· Ii 13 ' Excell t 'diti $5 nine minutes East along the said side . s e.. ell con on. of Oakvlew Road from Its Inter8ection each.' Phone Swarthinore 3621-W. with the Northwesterty side of HumphreY8 FO.". SALE: . . N,orge ,gas range, NEWS NOTES Sire" '(tonnerly Florence Rond) (tort, >'-" • fcel; wide) which point Is at the distance . S.. "wwa{r1tihtem eonrael 'ilel, flat· top.' $25. Call M J H G M C ech f of two hundred seventy·three feet and 2516. - . , . rs. . . . c on y 0 two one-huudredths DC a foot measured Paperlwnging , ,,' . . ... "A 'Well Kept House .: ... N'!ver ~W8 Old" Media 6·0755,: . .,. . ., FOR .S AT." Heavy duty wood South .Chester roo ad left by plane Northenstwanlly alollg the said side of ~ Hump1nen Street' (rom Us Intersection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~#- lallie, 36" between, . centers. , on Monday for PIttsburgh to attend wltb the Norlhensterly side of Belmont . '.' Equl.pped· with,m.otor·,·., new' jibe Convention of the Pennsyl- Avenue (Ofty feet wide). ContalnlnK in ~ .., front Or ·breadtb alohK the Mid North- O"-O'"'1r::-',..,He:sV1=?HHt-s ..... H~~ .phi~1,si . span~J.· and many· .·other vania Federation of Women's weslerl)' sIde of Oakview Rood North S8MfONf'S "LOOKING fOR acc~sones. Only: $42.. Phone Clubs Mrs McConechy was re- tr~:Y1l1frty d~r~nd (~t;~~J~~ ~in~~~. Swr:rthmore 0832-W. -. .' i tl' l' i d 'd t f th width In lenlrth or deeth North Olty- ~,IO UD "'RO~ FO~ .S~ - ~dge 10,U sedan,· cen y e ec e presl en 0 e three degrees, eleven m nutes West. he- 1\ r Ir",,' • ,'good". conditi.·on. Radio, ·hea·. ter, ,New Century Club of Chester. tween parallel lines at ri'jht Bngles to " mild Oakview Road One IUndred feet new tires.". - Will accept· offers. Mrs. Henry D. Bevan of Crest the Northeasterly line thereot passing . . ~~_artb~ore: 3621'":, W; lane will entertain. at a tea tomor... through the center ot the party wall between these premlse.'i nnd the premises ., .. '-WANTED. :' row afternoon in honor of faculty ndjolnlng to the Northeast (beloit premo members of the 'Ethical Culture ~::d ~~60 Oakvlew Road) In Haver­y{ ANT~warthmore en"gin~r, School of New York City. Mrs. Improvements consist or concrete , 'f d"1 roundation 16 s 38 feet. Vt(1 e -a~ chi d, need .. unfur1\~shed Bevan is a former member of the Sold as lite property of Albert Hobbs apar;tment or house; .by. July 1. & Leonard Blair. tjn AI·Len Confltructfon Excel. ref. Call Swarthll1ore' faculty. Co. . WI 'CAN .Al!!1 N D 3203-R between 8:00 and lQ.:OO·p.l'D;.· Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. McCoy AUy: StePh(''Ro'ber~rcJ:w~ac::i~ie, Shcriff. '. _ . ' r '. W!1NTED-YoUDg. coupl~, college of CamQridge, Mass., spent a few 3T-~·20 '11.1 M FOR YOU " graduaies, desIre ·two'-beO.i-oom days in Swarthmore with Mrs. :..::..:..::..'---A::D:-:V::E::R::T::IS=R=,~-::IE=.Nc::T::---- .' . ap~~men~J,with'parking space~ up McCoy's parAnts Mr. and Mrs. The School D1strl"t of Swarthmore will , .. to $60 mo. Call Ardmote .1561. . _ito receive bids at the otrlee of tile School List Y Real ..... -Ie William Freegard of Swarthmore DIstrict In the High School Building, cor· . oUWr ,.th·""- WANTED We buy furniture, ner 0' Colle .. and Prln •• ton Avenn ... glass, chinaware. Any unwanted avenue and' attended the Shep- Swarthmore. Pennsyh'nllla, up to .. p.m .. BAIRD & BIRD articles. Chester 2-6233. pard-Weltz weddl'ng Saturday. tTilbdusr sadta·yo, JmUeleieti n9g, o1f0 -1t9h, e aBndoa rodp eant tthhee Old Bank. BtiUding Mr. and Mrs. Louis de 'Moll. 'SChool District ofl'lce on June 9, 19-10, at \ Swarthmore OlOS- .. ,1HZ . FOR RENT 8 p.m .. or at nn adjourned meeting or ~"""'HHHHe-.dHH, H.MMM,... former residents of Philadelphia, tht' School Board, for acoustic blocks, FOR RENT-C 1 h ttr athletic supplies and equipment, chornll 00 ouse, a ac- are living temporarily with i:he robes, and a roor for the gymnasium, tive· garden, J·une 15 to Sept. 7. latter's parents Mr and Mrs Specifications can be secured between 9 Phone Swarthmore 0667. . . • n.m and .. p,m. dolly except Sntunla},"ll. Sundo)'s, and holidays, at the School Dis- FOR· RENT-Attractive, cool 3- LO.ST and FOUND ~rlet office. The Bonnl reserves the right room apamment, near 'bu·s. July to reject Qny or all bids In whole or In to September. Box U, The LOST-Tringu].ar clip of rhine.. part and to RWRrd contracts on ani" Item S thmo 0936 or itellUl making up Rny bid. Swarthmorean. stones. Tel. war re. Hilda Lanlt Denworth .. Driveway Construotlon AsphaU or Conorete PETER DI NICOLA Pbone Swarthmore Z528 . FOR RENT-House, six rooms and LOST-Monday afternoon, River.. Secreta bath, fro.m June 25 to Labor Day. view Field, Nokona first base- "PRIDE"-Fresh Lean Meat. i·~'~'~' ~.~.~.~.~.;.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~'~'~'~'~'~'i lCoocoa~t edp.l ePashaonnte ySawrda,r thcmonovr.een i2e2n6tl8y. Bmraand'ssh mawit,t . SwPalertahsme onroet if1y6 3B1.o bby FJAorC YKo. uDrI PEeHtsL FOR RENT' Seven-room house LOST--.RoUlid Danish decorated Ground Meat Ib 21c - Also F. F.ZIMMERMAN Photographer " '''Outstanding for Qualitj" Media 6-0436 6 E. Front Sl Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM Palntel1i .. Paper ~lIIiers We should Jglow how Swa.ll266 MIohJgan Ave PETER E. ,TOLD All LIiles Of Insurance . 33S"Dartmouth Avenue Swartlaizore 1833 .Builder Repairs and· Maintenan " for July and August. Conven- pottery breast pin, sentiI!lental Cubed and Cooked -ient to ~transportation and stores. value, between Wallingford Regular Deliveries Call evenings, except Tues<!, -~V., Swarthmore. Call Media 6-1132. Swarthmore 2302-R S,wiiairtihimi:oiriei i0i3i04i.i iiiii:ii:iiiij1 F OUND - Full grown cat, part i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ t PerSian, gray with black stripe&. Female. Swarthmore 0200, College TOPSOIL SA, ND. CINDERS, STONES GOoD FOR DRIVEWAYS CALL MEDIA 6-3668. VAN ALEN BROS. Coal and Fuel Oil Bookstore. DR. L. Me ituDOLPH Qptometrlst Eye EXaminations and · Visual Training 18~'Saxer Avenue · Springfie-ld, 'Pa. Sv.arthInore 3518 Swarthmore Disposal Service · RulJblsh C.Uec1e4 Weekly or Mon~ Phoae Sivarthmore 8343 9 A. ll. to 5.30 P.M. Construction ••• Repairs High Quality Craftsmanship Call us for an estimate 01'lllce A. Reeves Generation Builders" SwarUunore 3450 CHARLES' E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE 2253 "A HOUSE WELL-MAfNTAfNE1) IS THE WISE OWNER'S 'AIN" • I! ...... liN .... • WAlL'" 110 •• COVlI_ • ... COKSI...,IOS • A&NIAfI_ eM HI"" !aTIISJ8OTI'U ..... C •• , ....... It'I'.N ._., ........ "! .... Phone: Media '6-4281 MORE HEAT FOR LESS M'ONEY PRt;MIDM ANTHRACITE 311 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 0345 Mason Builders Supply Company MILLWORK - LUl\IBER BUILDING MATERIAL A. WAYNE MOSTELLER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR All Types of El~cal In­stallations .and Repairs. Serving Swarthmore and Vicinity for past Twenty Years 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. SwarUunore 2295 NIGHT or DAY Painter Interior and Exterior

---------- Page 15 ----------

. " 8 TH~ SWARTHMO.B~N MAY _,'lMI Add' , Farson; ''The Brave Bulls," Work For Nearby Hospital manager of Pan, the qwl11erlyl Slate Center tomorrow evening. New Library ltions ''The Slender Reed," Lynde; " Mrs. George L Alston of North literary DUIIIazine at the college. The Public Library continues to Bel," McCrone; "Without Malgn'tl-I Chester road Is chairman of Miss JIIay Parry, Coach supply up-to-date, worlhwhlle las," Moon; "The Evening wd the candy booth Of the June Lawn Swartbmore College, reading material for the people Morning," Sorensen, and "Song Fete to be held at Crozer Hospital the Women'" Varsity TennIs tesml of Swarthmore, as is indicated by the Susquehanna," Slover. on June 9 by the senior and junlor at an out-door supper at the hollDltl the addition of 73 new books dur- Non-Fiction: ''The Great Women's Auxiliaries of the hos- of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fanllmer ing the month of April. Fourteen pont Morgan," Allen: pltal to raise lIbelr pled&e of Dickinson avenue T"esday e",en"1 of these were mystery stories, 28 James," Fowler; "Over the $30,000 in the Institution's Ing. were non-fiction. Among these nnd Far Away," Gibblngs; drive. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McHenry new accessions the following titles One to Grow On," Gould; Swartbmore assistants on Parrish road will entertaln seem to be most in demand: Twelve Seasons," Krutch: Alston's committee include Mrs. latter's sIster and Mysteries: "The Case of the Seven Storey Mountain," W. Earl KisUer, Mrs. Samuel z,)' Mr. and Mrs. PhIlIp ReIdy Platinum Blonde," BUIlh; "Burled "I Wanted to Write," Roberts; Mrs. John H. Pitman, Mrs. otto infant son I'IIichsel of WIDrcester,1 for Pleasure," Crispin: "DyIng "Sixteen Self Sketches," Shaw, Kraus and Mrs. Frank Windell Mass., who arrive tada), for Echo," Knight; "A Wreath for Ri- and "Days With Bernard Shaw," Mrs. KlaUer Is giving a dessert visit '1f a few Weeks. vera," Marsh, and "The Innocent Winsten. card P'II'iY for the candy booth at Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Cr,est I Bystander," Rice. Complete lists of recent addl- her Park avenue home at 1 o'clock lane spent last week visiting Olher Fiction: "From the City, tions to the Library are next Tuesday afternoon. There friends in Flint, I'IIich., and her from the Plo\lgh," Baron; "His available for inspection at the will be table and door prizes. daughter. Mrs. C. I'IIi1ton Pike, Human Majesty," Boyle; "And Circulation Desk. • Guests are asked to supply their of Lansing, I'IIich. It'. ALEXANDER'S for Ai ....... IAnoJewa· J[entIJe AIPhB" TIle Babber TIle Willi CoveItDp V- "e" 811 .... 1nstal1ations b)' Factory­Trained Mechanics ALL WORK GUARANTED Estimates With No Obllgatlon ~ER'S 110 E. SIXTH STREET Chester 3-7178 Then You Came," Bridge; "Kin- own playing cards, and thOS~ w~ Mr. and. r:.,":d ~~ Kamp folk," Buck: "The Sons of Noah," To Give Vocal Program cannot get together a lab e fr m Jollet m' h Mr~1~:!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Thursday evening, May players themselves are asked to 0 tw'" ewe kerbe InI . tr'l i 11 th h st was on a o-w us ess p. at 8 p. m. the Chancel Choir ca e 0 eos. D r. and Mrs• Walte r N• '.I"uO lr • 9.1. the Presbyterian Church South Chester road will entertain Henry Faust will present a joint I Rose Valley Bound-Up at cocktails from 9 to 11 before program of vocal music. Most The Rose Valley Round-Up the Duck. Club Dance' .. tPenn the program will be devoted take place on Saturday, June The Hoagie Hut 17!1. s. Chesler Rood Swarthmore Hoagies Steaks Party Sandwiches Hamburgers Phone: 3216 Have You A BUILDING· LOT in Delaware County? A responsible Builder with orders on hand to build In· d1vidual single homes. desires 'to conmct owners onota ready to build upon-single or in groups. Write giving location. alze, BSking price. statu~ of utilities and street improvements. PROMPT ACTION ON ACCEPTABLE OFFERINGS full cooperatlDn wit" broken R. S. UlMORELLE, Agent 20 So. 15th 51., PM •• 2 the music of Brahms and will (rain date June 5) at the Old c1ude the following numbers: in Rose Valley. Beginning at 12 Create in Me 0 God a Pure He,ar1:: I noon and continuing until 6 p.m. Grant Unto Me the Joy of the Round-Up will Include booths, Salvation; How Lovely Is raffles, tables, with games Dwelling Place; Song of Fate. activities for children and adults. James Vail who will be guest organist, will also pia), Choral Preludes by Brabms. Andrea Wilcox of Ogden aven­~ r. Faust will sing the Four ue, Alan Hunt of Elm avenue, and Senous Songs and a group of John W. Tomlinson of South Cheo-numbers including the ter road have been admitted to the ballad "Edward" by Lowe and honors program at the Hall~lujah Rhythm. J:unes College. Sorber WIll be the accompamst. Andrea will major In the study A cordial invitation is extend- of psychology with mlno$ In ed to everyone to enjoy ·this eve- English and history: Alan, who ning of music. is active In the college chorus and -=::-:c============-I a member of the "Fourfiushers" Furnace Repairs and: , Cleaning GOORGE MYE.RS Swartbmore 2266 quartet, will do his major In pol- I !tical science and his minors history and economics. John chosen mathematics for his DUljor I with minors In ph)'Sics and chology. NEWS NOTES ,Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, Mrs. Albert L. HIl­les, Mrs. C. D. Howard, Mi-.. J. D. Du~II .. Mrs. A. Sidney John­son, Jr., and Mrs. John Moxey of the Swarthmore Branch, attended th~ annual meeting of the Needle­work Guild of America held In the Wanamaker AUditorium, Philsdel­phla May 11 and 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Littie, Jr., of Haverford place spent the week-end in the Poconos cele­brating their twelfth w~1ng an­niversary. refreshing ocean dips from ow exclusive beach. 11;;~:;UE"ts may bathe direct from thek rooms without b:~;: extra cost. RelQx."" """",Ious sun decks In the spar· Mr. and Mm. George M. EwIng of Columbia avenue spent week-end visiting frlends In Hunt- • TrAIS • ._0.1.. ......... . , 8: SOlIS. Lna. kling sunshine and sOlt sea breezes. meals served In two ditling room$. Varied entertaIn-ment nightly." <lentrolly located at Parle. Place. 'IG AllOWANCES for trade-ins on new GOODIiE". TIRES ingdon. . Mi'. apd Mrs. Donald Crosset Ridley Creek road will entertain a bridge-supper tomorrow even-ing. . Dr. and Mrs. Norman Krase Middletown ,road, Media return .. ! I recenUy from a week-end trip to South HadIey, Mass., where their daug'hter Barbara Anne Is a junior at Mt. Holyoke College. Barbara was recenUy appoln~ business Remember FaUaer's O&}' TIME 44 wks. .. ........ $8.87 LlFE--39 wks. ............ $3.90 FORTUNE-9 mos. . ... $6.75 CaD Swaribmore 2851.8 CATIIAlUNE H. SIMMONS FOr That SpeclaI Oo<aaIon Dresses In Crepes, Silk Prints, Shantungs, 'Rayon . Sheer Bembergs, and Cottons From $9.95 to $32,95 sizes 9-15, 10-20 and some women's sizes RUTH IZUMI Dress Shop' .'Theatre Square 631 South Chester Road BALTIMORE PIEE SPRINGFIELD I always depend OIl Ardmore Window (JlellDers 10 _ve my "Ionn window., ....... the awnlnp and.pat .uP .the 80reell& -U1elr aervlee Is SO latla­factory! You 100 oan have th1a de­pendable lervice b}' pbonlnl' ~ore ~. . ARDMORE WINOOW CLEANING CO, 135 Drexel Road. TO THE ThIs fa }'oar cia}, • • • Your W""'", da7! A cia}, }'ou've ............. 'of • ~ • P1lml1ed for. We know , .... '11 want everyWq perfect par­tIoolarly tile f1owe .... We'D be deJqhted. to talk over aD },our plaDs aDd help you In every poosIble .way. PHONE 8WAR'l1BMORB M50 "WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS" - NOVELTY and DECORATIVE CANDLES _ -------- -- a, ..:::.;::~ ../-:: " MJ J,bt0Jr/ •••••• ..... I must rush over to Joyce Lewis-where I'm sure to find aU the smart . clothes I need Thll Is your ellance 10.-1 FUSCO and ALSTON for my country )IIay of llie ••• end ~ where I avoid that mad , _ " city-traffic scramble.:' • Separates ~ • ../.- Accessories ~~ STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE CIU!S'I'b and FAIRVIEW BA>ADS PROD SWAltiH MOp•. . 8711 , Loyely wearables for suburbl. SWARtHI>«>RE II S,CHHTII lOAII MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES THE SWARTHMO BOROUGH HALL 10:00 A.M. VOLUME 21-NUMBEB 21 MEM. OR. IAL. DAY ~ SERVICES HERE Annual Observance For wiu- Dead To Be Held Monday \ Members' of the Ainsworth­Werhner Post, No. 427 of tile American Legion have completed their plans for the annual Me­inorial Day observance for the war dead to be held on Monday, May 30. Beginning at 10 a. rn. at Bor­ough Hall, the High School Band, in its last appearance of the year, will open the ceremony wltil "America!' The Rev. Joseph Bishop of the_ Presb)'terlan Church will give a prayer follow­Ing the opening remarks of John Lumsden, . commander of the Post, who will also introduce the speak­er of the day,' Captain James R. Bagshaw, Jr., U. S. Navy. Flags will be placed by Boy Scouts and a list of the names read by Her­bert T. Bassett. Members of the Legion Auxiliary will place a wrealih on the monument as the Firing Squad of Company K, 1Ilth Infantry, P.N.G., fires 'three vol­leys. Taps and echo, and the "Star Spangled Ba1¥ler" will· he played by the band:. After the benediction by Mr. Bishop, the parade will form In the following order: High School Bond, Firing Squad, Legion Colors, Le­gion members, other veterans (all veterans of all wars are Invited / .. • SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. MAY 27,1949 $3,50 PER YEAR Mrs. Mary T. Hoot Mrs. Mary T. Hoot who had made her home with hei' son Henry I. Hoot .and his family at 301 Lafayette avenue, died Thurs­day, May 19 at the Joseph Price Hospital In PIhiladelphia after Jln i1ines Of several months. Besides her son, Mrs. Hoot Is survived by five grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Services were' beld at Ollver Bair's On SatUrday. Interment was at West Laurel Hill. SCHOOL RESETS 35 TAX Board Adopts Budget Reelects Certain Officials Request For Flowers > Each year at this lime the Gar­dEn Section of the Woman's Club asks gardC!!'ers of the cOmmunity to share their flowers wilih the patients of the Phlladelphia Gen­eral Hospital. Beginning June I, and continu­ing every Wednesda), thereafter through September' 28, there will S. R. A. PLANS GAME AND SHOW Parents And Children To Enjoy Full Day Tomorrow COLLEGE RETURN At an adjourned meeting last be receptacles placed on the porch Fast action, snappy gags, pre­week the Swarthmore School of the Woman's Club by noon. cision stepping and close harmony Board set the school tax rate for These will remain there until will be the features of the Floor 1949 at 35 mills, no change from Thursday 9 a.m. when the contents Show which will be held at the last year. It also adopted a bud~ will be collected and transported Swarthmore Recreation Associa- I get for the cOming year In a total by volunteer drivers to the hospit- Hon's dance on Saturday, May 28, amount of $320,230. al. The committee asks Swarth- at 8 p.m. at the High School G)'m. Prior to the meeting the Board more's help In providing flowers While the dance will begin at 4 was entertained at dinner by the for the patienlb each week. eight, the Floor Show is expected . girls of the seventh grade cooking to get lIDder way at apprOximately class. Present as guests were 8:30 and will last lor an hour. Fifteen Cla88es To Hold Special Reunion Dinners Virginia Allen and Margaret Price, SCIENCr: ARTS Folluwing the Show,' parents with teachers W1ho are completing L, smaller children may wish to es-twenty- five years of service In cort them home and return for the Swartbmore Schools. At the SHOW TONIGHT the rest of the evening In order b~g of the evening meeting to' dance untii midnight to the Swarthmore Coilege alumni will the Board honored these teachers P niusic of the Garnet Serenaders. revisit the campus on Saturday, by presenting each of them with ublic Invited To School Th!,me ~f the Floor Show will June 4, for celebration of the an- a certificate for the twenty-five Exhibit And be "Cruising Down the River." nual ,/Uumni Day. A program of years ot service. 'p Among the numbers will be the nine special events has been ar- rogram ranged for the returning Swarth- The Board received a communl- • ' "High Stepping Rockettes". Gail moreans. cation from the Rutledge Sdhoo.l The annUal open house and ex- Hodge, Betty McCahan, Ann After an Alumni Association Board stating that they_ were c1os- hibit of the Swarthmore High 'Broomall, \Jane Hawk, JlIDe meeting to ratify a new consti- ing their seventh and eighth grades School science and arts depart- Shearer, Joyce Cabots, Barbara tUtion, beginning at 11 a.m. In the next year and would send their ments will be oheld tonight In the Crosset and Mary Ann Dickinson Meeting House, luncheon will be puplls to the Swartbmore Schools, high sobool building. The exhibits have develop'ed some intricate served at I p.rn. The traditional six In each class. will open at 7 o'clock and run to paces which will be executed with parade of claSses at 2:30 will be dI- The Board took under further 8:45, being dlspl87ed on both floors the split-second timing of seasoned reo!edi by Jack Thompson '27, consideration a request of a num- of the high school and In the shop. professionals. Jack Houtz, high president-elect of the Alumni As- ber of the parents of the first Of sp"cial Interest will be the hitting fullback, will be seen In a soclatlon and a resident of Harvard grade at the College Avenue School prize exhibits from the Frsnklin new role, and is expected to carry avenue. for provision for addItional fac- Institute Science Fair, whleb will the ball for a touchdown. IFollowing a program In the ulty help to provide for more be displayed In the science rOOl1lB. A mixed, but not too mixed, Scott Outdoor Auditorium, a pair supervision of the classes. The These e>ohlbitB are of unusual In- quartet will bring Margot Bowie, to march, eiUler in or out of uni- of basehall games are scheduled: Bo;ltd referred the matter to genulty and re_n eet credit on their Caroline deFuria, David Smith and form), the Legion Awdllary, the the Garnet varsity will 'face, the Supervising Principal Frank A. designers-Douglas Spencer, David Nick McC,hesney into the limelight: 'Red"-CroSS, Girl'Scouts,BroWnIes, Marine, Barracks Squad from tile study· with tbe'otenchers Eisenbilrgand Stephen Wolff. and the lattel' two will'be joined Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, members Philadelphia Naval Base, while an of the primary .gr' ades and to In the household, arts .depart- by' Bruce Godfry 'and Carl Det­of the BUBlness Men's Association, alumni softhall team will hattie present a recommendation In the ment 'there will' be displays of weiler for a performance as the and the Fire Department. the college faculty. Tea will be near future as to how the matter chair staining and caverini,meas- Boy Strolling Singers. The route of the parade will he served In Parrish Hall at 4:30. can best be solved with the 1imit- uring and sewing of draperies, up- In addition, it is. reported that straight down Park avenue to Special rellDion dinners for 15 ations of space and room facilities holstering of sofa CUShions, girls John L. C. Savoldi, Sweep Stakes Eastlawn Cemetery, where I;tobert classes have been arranged for the under which the schools are now working on their clothing projects Winner, may be induCed to appear. T. Bair will read tlie names of early evening. Following the din- operating. and displaying nutritional menus. However, "he's nervous" an"d has the war dead as boy scouts place ners, guests are invited to the In the election"' of Officers, the After the exhibit closes, an audl- not yet made up his mind. the flags on the graves. Mr. Bishop President's Dance at 9 p.m. In Board re-elected the present sec- torlum program will begin at 8:45. This choice bill-of-fare, to­will give a prayer, and a wreath farrish. retary Hilda Lang Denworth for Prior to this program the new gether with refreshments which will he placed by the Legion. The The private library. of Dr. Paul the four-year term; re-elected' the sound equiPment built and In- m87 be obtained will add zest to Firing Squad will give BOother Schrecker, professor of philosoph)" present treasurer, Donald P. Jones: stalled by the pupils of the sebool an evening which promises to be three' volleys before the Band will be open for inspection. ThIs re-elected the present tax collec- under the direction of Harry Op- on .. long remembered in the annals concludes the ceremony with Taps collection brought to this country tor,Mary Parke Dodd: the sollci- penJander will be demonstrated. of Swarthmore good-limes. and echo. two years ago from Paris, contalns tor, Claude C. Smith; arid the There will then be the fashion Baseball will be the event of Reforming In line, the parade 5000 rare volumes of 17th and 18th team phYSiCian, George P. Heck- show, display of the year's work the afternoon. The local Hornets (Continued on page 8) century philosophy. The library man. in clothing directed by Mary· Ann who will play at three p.m. on th~ is on the second floor of Roberts In view of the leaky condition Dickins~n, who w~ote the play. College Field, are guaranteed to S ',1 The d 0 rfl I Hall, Chester road and Harvard of the gymnasium roof aulihorlz- Interestmg door prlZes, made by win the game. This is because, I ver . ea ve OWlS avenue. • ation was made to adverUse and 'Ihe girls of the cooking and eco- after much cogitation as to what Players Club Saturday issue specifications for a new roof nomlcs classes, will be distributed. the ohIldren and parents of A, high spot in the local dra- LEGION TEAM IN also for the purchase of acoustl- Everyone is invited to this dIs- S~arthmore would most like to matic season was the presentation ' cal tile for the sound conditioning play program, which In past years see, it was decided to schedule Saturday of, the Comniunity Arts . of the primary classrooms and has drawn large and enthusiastic the Hornets vs. the Hornets, so ~~:!,,:~s o~'tt.~~:~i1'!,ea;etu!~:: MAY 30 OPENER k~~:rr;:::~doPted the calendar attendance. . :ato~:~:'d~m l";~s!:~:n\oco~~: Mrs. Stuart Graves and Mrs. Wll- for next year under which the Thir4 Grades Picnic llam Price were the co-directors Meet Upland Here On puplls report to school on Monda)" game l'S free. and the cast of 40 children and Memorial September 12 and sebool will con-stage crew of volunteer adults Day tinue in session for them until achlev:ed the magic spell whldh - Wednesd87, June 14. They will charmed the capacity audience The 1949 Alnsworth-Wernher have the usual vacations at and was a sad loss to tht> overflow Post American Legion baseball Thanksgiving, Christmas and Holy crowd which could not get tickets team will give local fans a. preview Week, with .Monday, February 13, at the Players Club house. of what promiSes to be a good sea- as a holiday on Lincoln's birthday. Last minute additions to the son when they take on the Upland "east were a broken leg, whose Legion Post team on the Riv~rview goblin-owner managed to hobhle Avenue' Field' at 2:30 p.m., Me-about the stage and a case of mea-' morlal Day. The Swm:thmore chapter of the sles which beset the Goblin King. After two Saturday workouts it Aquatic Scholarships Open Red Cross Is offering two scJ;1olar­In the lalter emergency Mrs. is reported the team is rounding ships to the Red Cross Aquatic Graves found herself a sudden Into excellent Shape and its hopes School. These will be for the gobHn king In part and costwne are high. The startln'g lineup is period June 15 to 25 and a choice and in the affection of the audl- still indefinite and will see a of the New York state and Con- The combined third grade pupils of the Rutgers and College Avenue schools, with their teachers and parents held a picnic In Smedley Park Monday evening. Mrs. J. F. Mc~an is chairman of the Rutgers avenue parents and Mm. Riohard Brandt head of the Col-lege avenue group. Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead and Mrs. Theodore Purnell were In charge of games. The sons gave the fathers a rongh time In a father­son, baseball game. Mrs. Palmer Skogland and Mrs. D. D. Dickinson were in charge JOHN BAILEY John Bailey, retired Bell Tele­phone Company official, died Wednesday morning at his hornet 611 Ogden avenue. Born in Milton, Pa., ·he had lived In Swartbmore for the past 10 years. He was an active member of the Swartiunore Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his wife, Susan B., a daughter Celeste, and a sister Celeste S. Bailey. Funeral services Will be held this afternoon at Oliver H. Bair's, ence. number of shifts during the game. necticut schools will be given. Make-up under the direction of but it is llke17 that Tarr, Poole and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9 France11a Waterbury (Mrs. Rich- Gibson will take turns on the The course rovers first ald, life fi -- ard) Willis of Hanrard avenue mound with McKenzie behind the safety, water safety, Swimming was excellently handled.- The ~ hat. The starting infield will prob- and diving, boat and canoe op­Bults were heautiful and ,Mrs. Wll- ably find Poole or Kluka at third, eration 8I\d accident prevention. li!l and her committee, Mrs. Joseph Crowther or KIuka at short, Barr Men and women 18 years' of age O'Donahue, of Minneapolis, MInn.: at second and Laws and Van Win- or older, who are "at home In the Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, Jr., and kle at first. Outfield posts will bci water", hear health certificates Mrs. Edward Allen, are due p.:.u... manned by Tart' Dalton, Brad- from their phySiclsns, and plan for their efficient work with so ford, Froebel amq others. IIarr7 to teach water satet:Y, first aid or of food for the event. Philadelphia. large and ll1l'el7 a cast. Warren will'be absent due to final accident prevention are eligible. Perhaps the greatest praise Is exams at Penn. Any .~warth!Wl~" Interested the wide anticipation for the next A return game Is scheduled at In' appI\YHQ! rot" Jibl,v licholarshlps Production for which two perfDrm- Upland for the -following Satur- should telephone Vll'ginta Bath, ances will be planned day, June 4. Swarthmore 2534-W. , TIllS WEEK'S CALENDAR FBIDAY, MAY 27 9.00 P.M,-Annual Field Day .................... College Aveuue Field Saturday, May 28 3:00 P.M.-Hornets vs. Hornets ............................ College Field 8:00 P.M'"""fOmmunlty ~.:t:,.: .• ;.29 .......... High School Gym 11:00 A.M.-Moming. Worship' ........................... . Local Churches Monday"Ma7 3& 10:00 A.M.-Memlirlal Da}' Ceremony arid Parade Borough Hall 2:30 P.M.-Legion vs. Upland .~ .......... ~ ..... ....... Riverview Field . ,

---------- Page 16 ----------

z THE SWARTBMOREAN MAY·Z7,ll11. Scouts And Brownies The annual Girl Scout Court of Awards and Brownie Fly-Up cere­mony held last. Monday evening, May 23, at the Woman's Club formally brought the 1948-49 Girl Scout season to a close. In past years Ibis important event in the scouting calendar has taken place in the fall, but this year it was decided to climax the year's work with Ibe ceremony so Ibat the fly-up Brownies who form the new intermediate Scout Troop might be registered and ready to start their troop program early in tbe fall, and also so that Ibe Scouts receiving their merit badges might have the fun ,rnd opportun­ity of wearing the badges on their uniforms at camp during the sum­mer. Nine of the 7th grade Scouts of Troop 83 were eligible for their 5-year pins, while 16 members of the Troop were awarded the Troop Dramatics badge. Molly Banks received her 5-year pin, and both the pin and badge were presented to Sally Bates. Alice DeCaindry, PatSy Jones, Nancy Lees, Joan Narbelb, Nancy Newnam, Patty Stuart, Peggy Schumacher. Olber girls receiving the Troop Dra­matics badge were: Joanne Allen, Sally Jacob, Judy Ammerman, Donna Crosset.' Janeth Thomson, Mary Bunker t Virginia Magee, Susan Hansell. Special recogni­tion should be shown Joanne Al­len, Judy Ammerman and Janeth Thonlson for ·the SQuirrel-like dili­gence which won for them a total each of 6 badges. The 61b grade Troop i6 girls were presented with their I-year membership stars as full-fledged Scouts. Eight of the troop mem­bers, by dint of hard work, won for themselves proficiency badges for their sleeves as well as the stars. Virginia Bullitt topped the list by earning six badges; Mary LOu Pierce and Anna Woodward spirit in the setting up of Ibe Scout House, two Camperships this summer for the Scout and the Brownie considered' by Ibe Com­mittee to be the most worlby alI­around girl. These Camperships were presented Jby Mrs. Peter E. Told to Susan Hansell of Troop 83 mId to Gail Gallagher of Tropp 16. . NEWS NOTES Miss Jean Huey of Dickinson avenue, who will be married July 2, was guest of honor at a miscel­laneous shower given by Mrs. C. Russell De Burla, Jr., and Mrs. Chris Petersen at. the latter's home on Hal·vard avenue last Wednes­da;% evening. Mrs. Warren M. Foote of Ogden avenue has returned from a lO-day visit with her daughter Mrs. D. D. Hand of Geneva, ·N.Y .. Mrs. Hand spent a recent week-e.nd in Swarthmore visiting her daughter Sylvia a freshman at the college. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ashton who have been spending the win­ter with Dr. Dorothy Ashton of Cedar lane, have left for their home in Reading, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Brown of North Chester road spent a few days of last week' at Hot Springs, Va. The were accompanied home by their daughter-in-law Mrs. ,H. F. Brmvn, Jr., of Lexington, Va., who visited here for a week. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Cedar lane. Will entertain in honor of their week-end guests Dr. and Mrs. Clifford F. Raosweller of Short Hills, N.J., formerly of Swarthmore, before the Series Dance in the Woman's Club tomor­row evening. Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenue entertained at a tea Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Bancroft Trainer·of Toron­to .. Canada who has been the house guest of her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. were second with four; Betsy Garrett of Princeton avenue the B11inkman, Nancy Carroll and past week. Virginia DeCaindry earned three Beth Jones, daughter of Mr. and each; Jane MacAlpine received Mrs. Donald P. Jones of North two and Debby I'hompson one. Swarthmore avenue entertained 19 Girls receiving only membership of her young friends at a supper stars included: Martha Calhoun, party and hayride on SatW'day J3arbara Harlow, Laura Hobbs, evening in honor of ·her eleventh Kathleen Jessup, Sandra Milne. birthday anniversary. " Beatrice Schoenberg, Emily Terry, Johny McCahan of Strath Haven Joan Thomson and Judy \Vitham. avenue returned home Tuesday Second .. Class badges' fOr com- afternoon following an appendec­pletion of work in the 11 Girl tomy performed in the Graduate Scout fields of activities were Hospital, Philadelphia last Thurs. presenfed to the following mem- day. bers of Troop 269: Anna Allison Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bas­Judy Abbey, Susan Braun, Evelyn sett, Mrs. J. E. Ramsay and Miss Bullitt, Nancy Bunker, Anne Drie- Nettie Alexander of North Chester haus, Wendy Ford, Mary Lou road will spend'Decoration Day in Friend, Ann Hay, Leigh Hollis, Oxford visiting an old friend Miss North Chester road entertained at Mrs. Charles Davis Wtlson, Jr.' were Mr. Percy Neel RittenbouBe, a small lunch\!On on Thursday. as matron of honor and only at-I brolber ot the bride, and Mr. Carl­Among the guests were Mrs. Ad- tendant for her sister, wore a, ton L. Suplee. dison S. Wickham wilo Is en route dress of gray organdy wilb a head-I A reception for I>he lminedlate from Winter Park, Fla., to her dress to match her bouquet of i families and a few close friends summer' home in Eagles Mere. coral geraniums. '. I f"llowed the ceremony.' . , Jane,penfield of Riverview road Mr. Ellis Samuel Rump, Jr., I Mr. and Mrs. Parry will live in arrives home next week from served as best man, and the ushers: Madryn, West Chestet. Stevens College; Mo., after com­pleting her freshman year. Mr. Paul Blessing of Hindman, Ky., Is visiting his nephew Mr. Peter E. Told, and family of Park avenue for two weeks. Professor and Mrs. E. O. Lange of "Lange\vood'.', Baltimore Pike will entertain as Ibeir week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. H. A. ~right of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Walter F. Battershall and her daughter Janet will 'arrive today from Oxford, Ohio to visit the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger of Philadel­phi~, formerly of Swarthmore. Mrs. Battershall will be joined by her husband June 7 when they will sail for Europe. Mrs. Batter­shall is going abroad on her Cres­son Traveling Scholarship from bIte Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Her­schel of "Calico Cottage/' Balti­more pike spent Ibe week-end on an automobile trip through Lan­caster County. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Disque of Strath Haven avenue~ and profes­sor and Mrs. E. O. Lange of Balti­more pike recently attended a meeting of the American 'Society for Engineering Education at West Point, N.Y .. PARRY -IUTl'ENHOUSE Miss Sally Shoch Rittenhouse, daughter of Mrs. ThOlDas Soulbard Ellis: 4th of "Stomally", West Chester, and Ibe late MT. Alfred 'raylor Rittenhouse, 2nd of Wash­ington, D.C. and Mr. Richard Mc­Lean Parry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Parry of West Chester, formerly of Swartbmore, were married Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at !>he home ~. and r,irs. Ellis. The Rev. Jacob Asht!>n Winterstein, rector of Ibe Church of ihe Holy Trinity, West Chester, officiated. . The bride, given in marriage by her uncle Mr. Henry Shoch Neel of Merion, wore her god­mother's gown of ivory satin made with a standing collar of embroid­ered seed pearls, long leg-of-mut­tOn sleeves and a full Bkirt. Her maternal grandmother's rose point lace was used as a bertha on the bodice and to make a mantilla arrangement for iher veil. She car~ ried a bouquet of IIlieS-of-the­valley and stephanotis. SAVE TIMEl LET· US SERVICE YOUR .CAR WHILE YOU SHOP The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON As poised as a peony Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road ORANGE CLEANERS 405 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. "UB' S'l'OBJJI1B $2.00 min. SAFE, GUARANTEED, INSURED CLOTH STORAGE $1.50 miD. • STORE WITH US WITH CONFIDENCE Saturday Is "dJ.G/,,4 .2.a," BASEBALL AT 3 P.M.-COLLEGE FJElD ADMISSION FREE HORNETS·vs. HORNETS DANCE AND snow - 8 P.M. -. mGH SCHOOL GYM SPECIAL'I.'¥ ACTS MUSIC BY GARNET SERENADERS ADMISSION Joan ~arrar.·· Joan Hemenway, Nell~ D. Smith. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Lanie Hopper, Louise J ahnson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant Beth Jones, Carol Lincoln, Bon- of South Chester road entertained nie Moxey, Patsy McGonigle, a group of fr:iends at an informal Nancy Neuweiler, Mary Phillips, supper party Sunday evening. Sally Reaser, Nancy Reese, Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christian­anne Shearer I and Mimi Wisdom. sen of Riverview road are ~nter- ADULTS 75c FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN 25c MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Mrs, Lloyd E. Kaidfman Swarthmore 2080 The Brownies highlighted the taining the latter's cousin Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ evening, for when these girls Andrew Petersort and children of stepped up on the'stage to receive South Amboy, 'N.J., for a few their wings and thus "fly-up" to be ,weeks. MEDIA Scouts, Ibey infected Ibe whole Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., audience with the thrilling excite- of North Chester road spent four ment which they felt. Brownies days of'last week in Hershey, Pa. from Rutgers Avenue School who Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of flew up were: Gail Hanna, Ellis ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii I Plowman, Randa Roess, Karen Rogers, .Jean Schloesser, Carol Seymoure. Brenda vonGrabill, Helen Warren, Vicky Willis and Barbara Ziegenfus. The girls from College! Avenue School who re­ceived their wings were: Bobbie Garrahan, Kalberine Shepherd, Marianne Musser, Jewel Tucker, Eleanor Moore, June Hay, Alice Carroll, Rosemary Cox, Mary Lee Elmore, Nancy Gowing, and Merle Balsley. The Woman's Club .has financed, in memory of Mrs. George Zim­mer. for many years the beloved . leader of Troop 16 and Ibe moving Following our usual practice The Shop WILL BE CLOSED Wednesday Afternoons imtU September 28 alice bariCt t 5 90ld bank buildlnq • College Theatre Air Conditioned Friday and Saturday Myrna Loy· Robed Milebum John Steinbeck's classic ''THE RED PONY" in techru.color Sat. I P. M. Children's Special Matin-ee Roy Rogers in 4'EYES OF TEXASu . Cartoons - Serial Laurel and Hardy Comedy Monday and Tuesday .Joel McCrea - Alexis Smith "sourn OF ST. LOUIS" in technicolor Wednesday and Thursday ''THE PEARL" based on John Steinbeck's famous story. Film<$l in English in an 1111 Mexican background. Starling Friday "DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS" AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday Richard Wldmark Dean Stockwell Lionel Barrymore "DOWN TO TIlE SEA IN SHIPS" This feature will' not be shown Saturday Matinee OK KIDDIE SHOW! Saturday Afternoon at 1:15 Dennis Morgan .Tane Wyman "CHEYENNE" 7 Cartoons 7 Congo Bill No. 10 All Children 20 Cents Sunday' Only! Roy Rogers "SUSANNA PASS" in color and Gene Autry "THE STRAWBERRY ROAN" in color Monday and Tuesday William Bolden Nina Fooh Lee J. Cobb "THE DARK PAST" Wednesday and Thursday Ann Bly&h Geor&,e _t, Boward D\IIl RED ·CANYON In teclmicolorl Sponsored by THE SWARTHMORE RECREATION ASSOCIATION . 'There Can Be No Suhstitute for Experience • nil t : K1ip L .M 11 DO cba&t's job. '!be . !be patH' in tile h A. of Ilia hmvL Be IDlIIt be .. T r :.-1 ~ aaate. n.. 13 DIIIIIt gc e UD bill eftS)' opel aI •• ... .......... .D _L· .. ' .r--..... 01 eapea.'" 'i far wbkb there c.. be DO 'aiL • Cellege.· '.armacy ON THE CORNER I. MAYZ7;ltD \ THE 8WARTHMOREAK ~====~====~==~~~~~~~~- 3 ... 'R . Aud· Mrs. Cecil D. Howard of Rutgers Mrs. I. D. Webster, now visiting esponsl~ . ze1lCe avenue left today for a visit of a her daughter Mrs. Walter H. Rob- THE'SWARTHMO~AN PUBLISHED BVDY FRIDAY AT SWABTBlIIOBB, PA TIlE SWARTHlIIOUAN. INO •• PUBLlSBBR Hears Fellowship Chorus few weeks wllb her sister Mrs. inson of Wallingford, entertained . Pboae Swarthmore ... Many Swartbmoreans swelled Ibe responsive audience vMich . heard the Media Fellowship 'Chorus under Ibe direction of 'AlIce E. Blodgett in' its second Fred . A. Puller, and her brolber a few intiJpate Swartbmore friends Mr: Walter A. Conover of Erie, Pa. 'at tea last week. PETER E. TOLD, BdItor . MAlUOm TOLD, BARBARA KENT,'AasocIate BdItors Rosalie P.elrsol LoreneMcCarter. EdlIb Whitaker Entered 88 Second CIaaa Matter, January 24, 11129, at the Post . Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ~\vARTBMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 19~ annual concert May 18. FiftY Delaware Countians from eight communities compose Ibe mixed chorus whlch was accompanied in its final number, "All Creatures of our God and King", by AlIce Baughn local resident and student Presbyterian' Notes Newtown Square. Box lunch of the Philadelphia Conservatory should be brought. Coffee will be of music. Sunday morning at Ibe 11 served. Tenor soloist Nahhaniel Dick-o'clock service M. Marvel Prader- The W or:nan' SA ssOC'l at ·I on S. ew- erson of Ibe Mariners' Quartet de-vand, General Secretary of Ibe Alr ing Day. will be held on Wednes- lighted Ibe audience In three lIance of all Churches in the world day, June I, from 10 to 4 o'clock. groups of songs and generously holding a Presbyterian form of Members shOuld bring Sandwiches. sang "IJndy Lou" as an enc"Ore. government, will be guest speaker. Beverage and dessert will be His accompanist was Florence M. Pradervand, who has been served. Kelly of Ibe Juillard School of brought to this country by Ibe The Chapel Ohoir will rehearse Music staff. Presbyterian Church of the U.S., Is at 7:45 on Thursday evening' and Miss Blodgett' director of vocal unquestionably one of the out- the JuniOr Choir will rehearse at mUllic in the Swarthmore· Schools standing leaders In World Chris- 3:30 on Thursday afternoon. Is a contagious, persuasive, _skilled tianity.. Mr. Bishop will conduct director whose sensitively balanc-the service. ed programs have drawing power Methodist Notes All departments of the Church throughout !>he county. School meet at 9:~5 o'clock and The Sunday School meets at The Fellowship Ohorus distin-the Adult Bible classes meet at 9:45 with classes for children of' guished itself by clearness in at- 9 : 45 ,o'cIo ck. all ages and for adults . tack and its fine tenot section. Mr. and Mrs. Stanrey ,L. Mac- The Young Adults meet at 10 Millan at the Harvard avenue) o'clock in the Ladies' Parlors. entrance and Mr. and .Mrs. Harlan This is. Tharik~offering Sunday, R. Jessup at the driveway-tran- and .the speaker at t~e 11 o'clock sept entrance will assjst Mr. servIce will be Euruce Britt, a Bishop in greeting the congrega- member of our deaconess family lion after the service Sunday who has recently returned from The Chorus Will resume activities in September. Any Delaware County resident who enjoys group Singing can enroll in Ibe .. Chorus at Fellowship House, Media. GIVE A TREE morning. Europe. The youth Fellowshlp n,ee!s ir.. In conjunction with the nation­wide movement to plant dogwood trees along Route u.s.' 22 as a National Memorial to veterans of Mrs. Owen Gay and Mrs. the evening at 6:30. George Tucker will be in charge The ushers for the day are D. of the Church Hour Nursery which ' . th D. Dickinson, G. Alston, D. W. World' War II, Pennsylvania cit­izens are striving to landscape their link of the 'highway, from Easton to Harrisburg,· and Pennsylvmlia Turnpike west to Ibe Ohio line. meets Sunday mornil'g for . e Dickinson, ·C. Grier and R. M. Sny­children ages 1 to 7 during Ibe Church Hour 11 to 12 o'Clock. de~e Church NurSery is open The Hl~ School'Fellowship will .during the morning service and hold the picnic, postponed from Mrs.. Grace Lovekin and. Mrs. last Sunday beCljuse of rain, this Edith Glaesser will ,be in charge. Sunday evening at 4 o'clock. 'l1he annual dinner for Ibe choir Picnickers should ,bring sandwich­es and. hot dogs. The picnic will will be given on' Thursday eve-ning at 6:30 at Ibe home of Mrs. be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Earl KisUer, 144 Park The Legion Auxiliary. contribut­ed 30 trees to Ibe. cause. . The Garden Section of the Woman's Club has also appropriated money for Ibis project..and tIie Providence G. G. Savelli in Elwyn. Garden Club of Wallingford col- The Young Adult's Group meets at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening for a' light . supper followed by meeting. June 3, from i1 to 3 o'clock Ibe Spring Executive Meeting of Dis­trict 1 of the ·Philadelphia Pres­. byterial will be held at the home of Mrs. Erskine on Line road, Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph .P. - Bishop; MInIster , Sunday, May 39 . 9:45 A. M. - Church School, Women's and Men's Bible Classes. 11 :00 A. M.-M. Marvel Prada'- vand will give the sermon. 4:00 P. M.-Sr. High Fellowship 6:00 P. M.-Young Adults' Clul!. 8:00 P. M.-College Age Group will meet; . . METHODIST CHURCH Roy N, Keiller, D.D., MinIster • . Sunday, May·39 9:45 A. M.-Church School 10:00 A. M.-. Young Adult Fel-lowship . 11:00 A. M.-Thank Offering Sun­day Eunice Britt will be the speaker .. 6:30 P. M.-Youth Fellowshlp. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector Sunday, .May 29 . 8:00 A. M.-HolY Communion. 9:45 A. M.-Church School 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer, Ibe Rector will preach. THE RELIGIOUS SOClErl( OF FRIENDS Sunday, May 29 9:45 A. M.-First Day School 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum. 11 :00 A. M.-Meeting for worship. (Children cared for in Whit­tier House.) . Wednesday, .Tone 1 9:30 to 3:30-0Sewing and Quilt­ing in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordlalJy in­vited. FIRSTC~g~F CfDKlST T avenue. lected enough for almost 50 trees The Official Board holds Its during Ibe past year.' Many meeting on Friday at 8 o'clock. The social hall is open for supervised recreation under Theo­dore L. Purnell on Friday at 7 o'clock. Trinity Notes Swartbmoreans, through Mrs. Philip Snow' Wlho is heading Ibe movement in this area, have al­re~ ady given trees. Three to five dollars will pur­chase one tree. and with the pur­chase of 100 trees, Ibe buyer may choose Ibe location, and a ptacard Holy Communion will be cele- naming the group who gave 'will 'brated at 8 a.m. Church School be posted. Each donor, and the Wi~ mee~ at 9:45., a:n. At tihe 11 name Of the one for. whom Ibe a.m. serVIce of monung prayer, the tree was given is inscribed in· a Rector will preach. Ushers for large, white lealber book at Har­the' 11 a.m. service are: A. E. risburg. Pritchard, head usher, A.. Smith; Cw. . W. Randall, F. W. LuehriI,lg, Annual Field Day H. Randall, R. Newlin, J. E. Belland E. Cramp. At SCMol May 27 Choir school will meet on Tues- Friday, May 27, will be elemim-day and Vlednesday at 4:30 p.m. tary school Field Day at the Col- The congregation has been in- lege Avenue grounds. The boys vited for dinner at 6:45 p.m. on and girls. of the Rutgers Avenue Tuesday to hear Ibe proposed plans and College Avenue 'grade schools for the CQIllpletion of dhancel and will have Ibeir Garnet and White Ibe 'construction of additional athletic' contests during the morn­Church School space. The Rector, mg. They will be assisted and di­George Christian Anderson, is rected by a numb!,r of pupils of chairman of Ibe campaign and Ibe high school, working With Ibe George W.. Casey is' honorary four gymnasium teachers .. chairman. Vice chairmen include This Field Day has always been a W· Charles Hogg, ~r., Andrew A. big event and is Ibe crowning event Smilih and Elbel Stiltz, president ~f the acoumulation of honor of thl!' Women's Council. Draw- points throughout the year. In ings of Ibe proposed additions are each class the pupils are divided on exhibition in the parish hous~. into Garnets and Whites, so that The Women's Auxiliary of Ibe the pupils within Ibe classes com­parish will have Ibeir final m~t- pete and Iben at Ibe end of the ing of the year on Thursday at Ibe year the points for all classes are home of Mrs. Clarence W. Worst, totalled for a grand team score. 73.0 Harvard. aven,:,e .. Tbe affair Many parents will be in atlen­WIll be a plClllc begmnmg at lla.m. dance and all are invited to the and members are asked tp br~g' field.' Becaus.e of Ibe exitement a boxed. lunch. Coffee and Ice I' and strain of Ibe morning there cream will be served. will be no .chool in 1II1e afternoon Choir rehears~ will be held on' for the elementary school pupils Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. of the grades Ibat participate in Christian Science Notes Ibe Field Day. "Ancient And Modem Necro- OF SWARTHlIlORE Park Avenue belOw Harvard • mancy, Allas Mesmerism And In case of·rain there will be classes all day on May 27 and Ibe Field Day will be held on the post­poned date of Tuesday, -May 31. . SmidaY,May III 11:00 A. M.--&mda7 SchooL 1l:00.A. M.-Lesson - SermOD "Ancient and Modern Necro­mancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced-" Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p.rn. Realiin& room open dally except Sunday and Holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday . ev""inp 7 to 7;jj0 p.m. and a to 8:a0. , - Hypnotism, DenoUnced" is Ibe sub­ject of Ibe I,esson-5ermon in all Churches of Christ, ScIentist, on Jean Brown of North Chester Sunday, May 29. The Golden road arrives home today from Tem is: "The Lord God will belp Washlpgton College following the me; Iberefore shall I not be con- . completion of her sophomore year. founded: therefore hav!, I set my She will be accompanied by her face like a flint, and I know·that roommate Gretchen Anderson of I shall not be ashamed". .' Charl"'llon, W.Va., who will be (Isaiah 50:7). here for a week's visit. • A WIDE PRICE RANG~ We have over 70 different price ranges. Consult us-then compare. Our estimate will prove that we are deflnitely not high priced. THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. _IClon o •• UNIIlALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET ' II, 6-1581 I TO THE BALTIMOU' l'IKE SPRINGFIELD This Is your day • • • Your Wedding day! A day you've dreamed of • • • planned for. We know you'll want everything perfect plII'­Ucularly the flowers. We'll be delighted to talk over all yoar plans and help you In every possible way. "WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS" PHONE SWARTHMORE 0450 - NOVELTY aud DECORA.TIVE CANDLE We aim to takeC~RE of our own ••• ••• the way any proud parent does. And we _ 10 It that our arvic:o fa ono of tho extza .aIIaIactIoDa 01 owalnq a beautiful CbryBl.: We train QOOd men 10 put as much pride and czaf! wanablp lido BOrVicInlI your car as tho baI1dm PIlI lido buIldlnlI U. Wo, usa only faclorJ' enQlro.9CI and inapectad r9p1ac_t parta. that are ~antlfiad by tho trade narne MOPCii. JUtar a\l. as we see U. U's our bwdn088 10 keep yaa:r CbIya1er as swoot-nmn;ng, excl" IDQ and wond.rful as on tho day you bouqht U. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -'Hannum and Waite Yale Avenue and Chester Road SWARTHMORE 1:t50 -w ....... lob .... of __ witt. CIII'/SlEIl.J'I.YMOUTH _ that _ ...... CHRVSLa .... YMOUTH _1_"11 • , ..

---------- Page 17 ----------

'. , ·THE SWABTBMOBEAN MAY 2'1, 1l1li9 NEWS NOTQS Neurosurgery at the University of Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robll1BOn Dr. James R. Gay, son of Minnesota. Dr. and Mrs. Gay will of Westdale avenue attended the Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of move to Columbus, Ohio on Aug- opening tea and banquet of the Wallingford HiUs, will receive his I uat I after four years at Rochester, National' Office Managers Assocl­Master's Degree this week In , MInn. • ation ConveDilon In Philadelphta Williams College. Dr. Crawford FRIENDLY CIRCLE MEET.S Is acting as external examiner In The recuJar monthly meetlJig of Physics at Swarthmore College. the Friendly Circle was held Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright of Thursday afternoon, May 19, at W~e avenue will entertain the home of Mrs: Arthur R. O. ,--.. at·a dessert-bridge this evening. Redgrave on Vassar avenue, with WATER. Clear, eoaat.., water II __ rol' dem.inl rap. Why be .. 'iofl" with 1_1 110ft fOar rup demecl with Sprinpiol. w.lerat PaulJoa·. 9x12 Domestic, $6.00 (p~"JSOl1lt ComPt~!!'-' 100 Parle Av •. , Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 0730 or 0529 - a.arhrook 4646 Sunday. Mrs. Robinson was one of a group who presided at the tea table at the Benjamin Franklin Sunday afternoon. Mr. Robinson is president of the Philadelphta Chapter which was convention host from Sunday through Thurs­day this year., Mr. and Mrs.' Burton Cox of Baltmore, Md., will spend' the week-end with Mrs. Cox's parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Schoff of Riverview road. Shirley. Smith of Copples lane, Wallingford w!ll entertaIn at open house this evening. Mrs. David Shaw of Mt. Holy­oke place Is entertaining Mrs. Tom Richert of Essex-FeUs, N. J., who is here Cor a short visit. Mr. and Mrs". ·Arthur C. Jack- Mrs. John H. Pitman as co-hostess. son of· North Chester· road will The President, Mrs. EdIth 1I. spend the week-end at their cot- Black, presided. tage at Buck HIll Falls. . Following the usual buslnl¥lS Dicky Jackson qf Vassar avenue reports it was voted to give $150 who broke his leg above the .knee to Camp Sunshine, with an ad­three weeko ago is Convalescing ditioJ\a1 gift for a new recreational at his home after being a patient hall if the profits from the bridge in Chester Hospital for two weeko. party given yesterday at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of . Woman's Club are large enough. Walll",gfOrd Hills will entertain Mrs. W. Mark Bittle was author­informally before the Series Dance ized by the members to buy and in the Woman's Club tomorrow deliver three pairs of summer evening. pajamas for a ten year old girl Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin Galbreath confined to the Children's Heart of Benjamin West avenue will at- Hospi~al with rheumatic fever. tend the Series Dance. with ·theIr GALA DAY.PLANNED ~Rugl Need Cleaning EVERY Year I Dr. and Mrs. Milan W. Garrett of Princeton avenue will entertain as their week-end guest Dr. Franzo Crawford, professor of Physics at week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Evans of Severna Park, Md. Mrs. Walter H. Robinson spent the week-end Visiting friends in The annual Rose VtlIley Round­Up will be held on Saturday, June 4 from 12 to 6 p.m. rain-date June 5 at the Old Mill In Rose Valley. Under executive co-chairmen WU-· MEMORIAL" DAY America is always proud That she has men who see the right; And then, no matter what the cost, Believe in it enough to fight. For Freedom would not live today If it were but a lowly prize; Instead it is the beacon bright • For which a free lllan lives or dies. Swarthmore Natienal Bank & Trast Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insuran~ Corporation Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically through the new Bond-a-Month Plan. AsII; at this 8ank • BANKING HOURS Unto SEPT. 25, 1949 _ Monday through FrIday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. FrIday Evening 7 to 8 p.m. Daylight Savin&" TIme Washington, D.C. '---------------------=-------;:.Iliam D. Shay and C. Walter Ran- Stand-out new trucks in low-eost mileage! ~¥9"" • Hu.kY, hand.ome, powerful naw Studeliaker trucks-with new engln.erlng that yield. _ marfcable gas and oil mileage I • Brilliant-parforrning new Studebakertruck._wIth wear-reslsting craftsmanship that keep. repair bill. oH your books for month.1 • Stop In and .ee these revolutionary Studebaker "49.r trucks-their .tand-oot value II one of the rea.on. a Studebaker buying wove I •• weeplng . the nation I FUSCO and ALSTON dall, Jr., and a large competent staff, preparations have alrelldy begun for the big event. SWings, slides, a grab-bag booth,. pony rides ~nd~ a carousel are on the entertainment list for the children; two clowns have been lined up and there is a possibility of a puppy raffie. For the adults there will be all kinds of tables ranging from cake, to pottery, with an antique sale, an auction, and a raffle that faces the winner with a choice of a television set, dishwashing ma­chine or home ·!reezer. A rifle range, disc' dropping game and basketball throw are also being sct up; refreshments wi1l be sold ' throughout the afternoon. Auxiliary Notes Members of the Legion Auxil­iary are urged to be at Borough Hall on May 30, Decoration Day, at 9:30 a.m. where transportation will be provlde<j to and from the cemetery. NEWS NOTES Cpl. Tom Maher of Rutgers ave­nue who has been' stationed In Guam tor the past 17 months is home on furlough before reporttng to Olmstead Field, Middletown, Harrisburg for a new assignment. ~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ ~CHESTER and FAIRVnrnw ROADS Sally James of P'lrk avenue has completed her second year at New­comb College of Tulane University, New Orleans, La., and Is returntng home Memorial Day for the sum­mer months. Sally has been elect­ed president of her sorolity Theta Tau Alpha for her junior year. Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge of Strath Haven avenue will enter­tain at a dinner-dance at the Sprtnghaven Country Club Tues­day evening, May 31. • • PHILADELPHIA , . • FOOL'S SILVER ON PICKERING CREEK No.4 in the serie. "You,. RisttPical He,.itQRe:' Watch for the nut in an early iuue of this paper_ Like many early New World arrivals, Charles Pickering un­doubtedly had heard tales of this being a fabulous land rich with precious minerals. gleam of that worthless sand. for the luster of silver! Hurrying back to Philadel­phia, Pickering obtained I.and­rights along the stream from Wi1!jam Penn. Months later­after digging and shipping his "silver" to Europe-he learned the disappointing truth. Yet the creek which still. • Mrs, C. E. Nelson' of _'l.nnapolis, · Md., spent a recent week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph · S, Hayes of Oberlin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Jr .. of Westdale avenue entertained !II a buffet supper before t:he Duck Club <! .. nce Satuorday eve­ning. Patsy Blake of Amherst avenue entertained a group of friends at her home Saturday evening. The grOUP had atiended the Rose Tree RaC"li. and later enjoyed a hay­ride at the home of Betty Musante of Rose Tree road. So it is easy to understand how Pickering was fooled one sunny day while wandering far from Philadelphia. Easing himself down beside a pleasant stream to rest, he looked about, amazed, 80 the story goes .•• then scooped the sand of the -creek bank between his hands, letting it sift through excited, trembling fingers. There"in the bright sun, hI' ~ ,;o~nnk the bears Pickering's name offered ----------­mankind a greater gift than silver: • the gift of untainted, SUB\lRBAN . wholesome water. Today this sparkling, 'coU$y stream is one of the sources supplying YO" Pure Springfield Wqter. SPRINGFIELD W--A-T-ER -'""-- WATER COMPANY. • • nSfdI,,.,,.t ,flY " • unyllll C/l4TgtS. "'~ .. ........... , ...t.'. .•..•.. n....a.a...., .... .., .......... CIMP ....................... y .. .. e • ~_.Ic_ .... ... W ... ~h ........ .... .... , .. ........ : .. ....... ... CMIfMt willa .. ....................... c..e. CALl E' pc;' 61$00 (m. , .. plio. $enbJ.. ...... t I ..aGO or)'a. .... ALAN WOOD STEEL COIIPAIY Cob:'::- ~5:.. {ftb.l ....... ~ I LBOAL NOTICE ----l'U"WC NO"!'iC/!:;,----­UJLln'l'k' W"M'I)NUldUUi' ~ u1o' dA,'nw .... AfHJS . in 8CU)a u.nce WtW UW Al.:w 01 AueiD­bJI' In IlUW eaaes lIUM1e aua prUVlded. IUd u.aPlW .... u.ucrs of JJelaware Couuty will u ... .:,· 1&6. "ulhlC bill" W L1h= Wuuu' UWl. .w~U"'t;r.:f MeelWK JUHJuJ. Uu U1e UCk .. INI Ut wu l,;OU .... dU~ W &he no.u .... u u, olll;:tUM. 1'eUllHY,vWl1al.. uu ~uuday • .luue J."~ "' .... tlt .lu o'c.o..:.c. A. 61 •• ~U.s"1 .• we J.ouUWJlll' dt8C1'j~ IH~ ot Uwu iu ZIoIid.l LUlLlIty, owned. Or .c~uted to be Uwh~ oy "'" ~tiyt: ,""U,U.ll8 ooted. uVlwu4..iH UiI- lttuJ..1U' 1'AllK. \ a::tJ-u. u. ~ «. Mo. L liu,tJ-wa:a .. -"'''ot .Iuu.:il I.'. wuwy r' i:.aIUlIAS. I>~ • .4_' uuuw. ",,'.-WUII H-l-IS hUJ.· • .;y ru.,rit ~ ... w. .\I--A. A. eo:. Lot 1:1. UruQU-LUltI JO t.u ~v ,u .• I..JllW. ..... yuut;:: ~UUAl. oakJaDd rark. TO Samllel B. Woocfeork Lob: ", .... Sectloo 8 Oakland Park. 'I-LlYln«ston Realty Co.-Lob ..., ~ lion 18, Oakland Park. IT15-I' .Thanks Community Norman Hulme, Mrs. Louis Hus­ton, Mrs. John Jeffords, PrIscilla The Legion Auxiliary wishes to Rogers, Diana Tucker, Mrs. Robert. thank the Swarthmore Community I Thorpe, Mrs. George P. Warren. .J.-41AJ.)' ., • .awuo.:MJ.-Lou. U,I to lIu for its generous offer of the $103.331 . u.Ol!.It Y. aUw\1)' .I:..,IC ~1.Utt... • I ut: lwU "J'O~.I. U.:.. 1.lUJuOO~tely tUlIOW­Jug Llw cm~ llbt uWUbers·.~ ~ •• WUI ut;: JUt=tt:ti lUi' .!MIt: WI II. Will ur lJ,oc.k. 'd-\"t:nJou t1eu~kr-LolS ... ~ V JUd.. I")' J"1U.k &a.aLe blo. 1. dl-~ .N. J..auJW-wt. "7 v Ruase.ll "tit:el • .K1u..:y .l"4uk a::state NO.1. ",.-Watwu liuuter-LvI.8 lij-1U AUc:1Iell ,:, .. r'-"l;'l1. W(ht:)' .t'adr; &ita'e .No. I. ,)\Io-..01lU blu.UWi-LulB_ 40-7 .aslOCk U uU"xcr ~ueet.. Miss Anoe Whiteman of New .fOf poppies. The poppies were Mrs. Passmore' Elkington • of York City Is spending the Week offered to Swarthmoreans by Harvard avenue entertained Ii with her moliler Mrs. J.' Harvey chairman Mrs. Alban Rogers, Mrs. grouP. of classmates of the Friends Whiteman of the Swarthmore Robert T. Bair, Mrs. John Chi- Central School, Philadelphia at a Apartments. quoine, Mrs. Howard Hopson, Mrs. I luncheon at her home Monday. ·u:ili T&iJuci Ui" 'j ti.t: ,)AJ...I:tr W JLJ.. UHr C~t! Til" pur~ 01 we lia!'" ~ LU reallJe the • ... vIUU uU.t:tIi Llue UU ~ 01 IAI.uJ 'UU~ .... -' ullu II. Doherty VIN ~. IJuke Albt::rt J • ..:mwford. Jr. C·omml .... ODera of De.laware, County. Media. Pa .. )JOROUU,H 01" .tU:WOKliA YEN ." !-.101m M. MaruU-Lot Greenwood .,tt~t 6: 1f.roolWaven Road. C1l'Y OF CIlliS'l'l<Il 6. 6: LilUan ::imedley-House &: Lots JOI-1U~HU6-IU'1·108 Central Avenue. "IDth Ward. OF CL11t~rON H~IOHTS if--.Iu1W MOlJ{an-Lot lIear ~tUU10re AVlillU~ ~. Penn Street. 'lOWl'tbHU> Ul" UPPER CHICHESTER -&--P. A. JIoyer-Lots 50-51 SecUOD. K. Worth Citr. S-KusseJJ F. Hohn.-Lota II-II Block D. SouLh at lhoadway. WOlth !lty. G--.... ·rank IL Lord-Lobi 'H' Wharton Street. . 1-HallY Wallack-Lots 16-16 Block F. Linwood Park. 'IUWNSHIP OF UPPER DARBY &-James Kane-Lots '.51-165 .Secane Highlands. tt-Mr8. Jennie KelJy-Lot aSl South s1 Woodside Avenue. IP-UnknowD. uwner-Lot rear of lots 61-j.1-4o North sf Garrett Road lJO' East .t1 ~hadelaDd Avenue no fronlaffe. Irr. lexlOO. BOROUGH OF DARBY U--8arah E. Davi&-IIT Marks Avenue. ll--Sarah·E. Dav~l. Marks Avenue. ll--SaJ'ah J. Woo-House & Lot 100' School SUeeL TOWNSHIP OF DARBY 14-Jame& &: Isabella BIlllna'u-Lot !I South 81 Bayard Avenue. a-Bertha FIenOI'Y-Lots 14-17 North sf Forrester West from Howard StreeL BOROUGH OF EAST LANSOOWNB 16-Lewia Krumboldt Est.-Bonae &: Ground u Oak AVeDue. TOWNSHIP OF MARPLB O/Ij-.l"lau.y Ab,'f,;loskey-Lotli 474t\ JJJOCk I). twc~rll .,u", utl!",y Park Hlrtate No: 1. 'I'UW .N~H.lP 01" l'lNICU.M Itf-Juues I'. .1Surn&-Lot 15/4U Later. U-A!es.. 6: Ka.&emer JSUhWf.-Lota 17. its ~tlou It ~toD. "u-Jo.uu J. t.:ouller-Lot 7/U Lester. "l-Thulll~ Crescock-Lot 1./"0 ~. ""be four properties lnunedlately tallow. inl' tWa Clause. Llst nwuber ... 1-4 ...... " wHl- be offered for sale as a UDJt OJ' block. "i-Jolin J. Conner-Lot 2/IIG Lester. "I-Mary Kerner-Lot '/'G Lester • "~1bere&l. i"owdeuy-Lot "/ISO Later. "~!'etcr );CUlCer-Lot 1/16 Lester. TOW N .:JHI!' OJ/' JUllLBr -The two properties immed1a.telv tollow. Jug Uti3 e1ause, Hat numbers '" & 6' wul be otrered for sale ail a un1t OJ' block. 'tJ-WU1(!'ughby Clark-Lot GO ·Locksle:v. oil-L. It. Ureeuwood-Lot'G5 LocksJey. oitf-tieorge 0. JJrJentne1l-Lota 4:W25 Fairview.' ·'.l·he two propertlea Immediately follow­ing'tlI! s clause. list numbers 4" &: 4U will be oft'cred for sale as a unit or bloclt. "9--Joseph Brobston--Lots 87H7" Fair-I vIew. r DtJ-WlUlam Resson-Lots .. U+NI &. 080 Falrvlew.· i .51-W. B. Elliston-Lou 1071·1 Foleom., U CAsper &:: Anna: Bltel-Lota "8-49 Holmes Tract. . 4IS-EUJott J. Goldman-Lot 1081 Sec-; liOll 62 .Yolsom Hl«blands. : 'fOWNSHIP OF ~J;iBY , ·The two properties Imm telv follow~! lD&' thiJ clause. ll8t numbers " &; U will 1 be olfered for sale as a unit or block.: 54-Herbert Greenwood-Lot 81 Lock&- i le7. , 5li-L. H. Greenwood-Lot 85 LockaIe:v. i · .56-Girard. Real Estate IlDDrovement I Co.-Lot ITl to 118 SectlOD 15 Ridley t Park Helch"'.· Gas Water Heating means /I ~ it '. NUJOIHadC' -" ,, ,,- -, Let this automatic RUUD Gas Water Heater provide you with Instant Hot Water · . • "eat£, ~ (,,,,,, /'0"'" • • • fUUJlUj" /04 aIL II •• Jef. -' " *The two propertfes immediately told>w'­IDJ' thJs cln.use list nwnben 17 &: 18 wlU be olfered tor sale as a unIt or block. l1-Alfred B. BaUey~Lots 11-1.· Sec-tion G. Broomall SQuare Ind Avenue. Is--James ,& Nary Guinan-Lots 10-11 Sectloo p. Broomall SQuare. IS-DOlores P. Burley-Lots SHII Sec­Uon A. Broomall SQuare. ' ·The two properties luunedlalelJ' tollow· i log tbJs clause, llst numberJI 61 & 58 will : be offered for sale as a uolt, or block. 57-L. H. Greenwood-Lot I" Lockaley. 5s-Paul F. Jann-Lot 8' Lockaley. r · 59-Mary, Hawthorn-Lot 1114 Holmes~ i *The two properties lnuuedlately loHow· I log this chiuse, list nUmbers GO &: 01 Willi' be otfered for sale as a nnlt or block. 60-Frederlck J. McGOVern-Lots 2D-8o- ;1 ~ • •• ",liluJut ~ M alienilolt! IO-Josepb &: Aanes Maker-Lots 1-1-1, SecUon J. Broomall Square .rd Avenue. II-Andrew & Ruth Quinn-Lota III-U· 18 SectJon J. *The two properties Immedlatel,. follow. Jog' th18 clause list nUIDben II &: .1 wiD be offered for sale 88 a unit or blot:k, II-Martha M. Slewart.....:..Lols .. u' Sec-lion M. Broomall Square 4th Avenue. . II-Marpret Whalen-Lots IO-U Sec­tion M. ~rpomall SQuare. TOWNSHIP OF NBWTOWN U--Nosle Sbamlranla-Lots aua Flori. da Park • TOWNSWP OF NBTHBR PROVIDI!NCB U--James Pa Smith-Lot !So BlOCk X. Garden Cit)'. 11 Block D. Berkley. , 61-James McLean-Lots I!-as Block D. I Berkley. • . dl--C.--A. McKinney-Lot (11 Lock8leY.1 6S-John &: Mary Mont«omen-Lot 171 : West Ridley. 64--Mal'Y A. Smith-Lots 178 to 117; Section A. Farada,.. I I15--A. G. Wallrer-Lots 16-18. Ridley Park HeiJthts SectIon II. . 66-Altred G. Walker-Lot 4' Ridley I Park HelJthts No.1. " TOWNSHIP OF :RIDLEY , *The two properties Immediately tallow.: ,. This RUUD Automatic Gas Water Heater, one of the Ten Hundred Series, offers maximum value in design, material, and workmanship. Full-view controls mean ac­cessibility and ease of operation. -See 'he - Automatic Ga. Water Heat .... today, III-Barry Wilson-Lot 81 SectIon C. PIne Rid". 1!:7-WUllnm J. Weigh-Lot 58 Block X •. InR' this c1ause~ list numbers 61 & 18 wilt l be offered tor sale as a unit or·block. r 67-Alfred O. Walker-Lot tliDS Ridley Park HefJrhts. dS-Jsaac Kennn-Port of Lot No. 5 Section. '1 Ridley Park Heia'hts. d9-Charles Co. Willis-Lot 0 Sectfon II PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC ceMPANY Garden Cit.,.. e , " \ .. '.' ~ .. ~/ ... JHE"ROCK THE POWER R- U GGED AND RELIABLE, SENSATION' OF THE YEAR! .. " Practical-t>owedul-p.......u That's Oldsmobile's revolutio~ new "Rooket" Enginel Thousand. of test-driving mil .. on the world's touj!hest provmg ground bave shown the "Rocket" to be mecbanieally right, S/TUCIUTally right! And Oldsmobile's ~utation ~ dependability stends behind every "Rocket" produced. You can be sure that ita Futor~ aetion will last! YoU'll enjoy this _e high-cOmpTeS$wn power 80 long as YOD own a new "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile. You'll know your car has performance to match those Futoramic lines. You'D marvel at the teamwork of the "Rocket" and Hydra.Matic Drive. And you'll discover the "New Thrill" of "Rocket" smoothncss-eiJence-:-and eensatio?al response-----all over again every day YOIl drive! So see your Oldsmobtle dealer. Dnve either 'the luxurious "98" or the spirited fP88"-101oost .. priced "Roc:1rd" Engine carl . \\ \ ,\\\ ,,\ t. . "0 L D SM 0 B I L E A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER WHITAKER --BARRETT INC. -- Media, Pa. 340-46 lVmT BALTIMORE AVENUE (pennanent Address) MEDIA 6-0100 • • '.

---------- Page 18 ----------

8 , , THIl SWABl'HMOBB.AN • ROSE VALLEY ROUND-UP SATURDAY, JUN}!! II, 1949 . (RAIN DATE, SUNDAY, JUNE 5) 12 NOON to 6:00 P. M-AT OLD MILL ON BOSE VALLEY ROAD ,.ad Agcin with MEMORIAL DAY FOOD VAJ,UES You'" ftnd your convenient A [ 'N chock.full of attractive foacI value. for thl. long weekend. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAy'Me:::ol Girard, Felln or Lancaster Brand L_iJ, Smoked, Skinned SMALL HAMS .=~Iy. .- :, ( No •• ) Ib 5 7e ... " ....... H ...... 1.,.1. lb. .... ,.. R_"-1It CANNED BAMS • 7ge All Skin. bceu fat and 80M lemrted Marked Weight. 8-10 Ibs Girard, Felln Or Lancaster Brand Rpcady-taoEat SMOKED PICNICS (=~)Ib 3ge Short Sloan'" W.II Td ....... .u 11.0 -'>. . VI,..",. Lee _ ...... IIe<ID-BAR CAKE V..,1I1a I.... t:!!= ... 3ge DUGrtllu HalfMoon POUNDcm !:I. 39c WlIhout ~·37c • Plaln or Marbr. '"49. '"Uc '"49c .ia~~C1~"U~ 240 Baby Gouda. -45c Gruy .... Zl........... .. ... 59c Margarine "'= 2·'· .. ·41c Prince .. Mu.tard .. '" 13c Lemon Juice 2 ...... ~ 19c . Grape Juice -. .. .... 33c lala elu," BEVERAGES '=-10c: Plu. cIepollt .., '-no. Tax In . '.nna.Ma ........ famous Cannontiall Sweet Red . WATERMELONS 11.5e 1'I'IIb Ca'ilond. Green Pe .. ..:::. a .. aso .laiC)' Le....,._ 01' LImes Irand C:I.';' as. Ma .... Your Bell Salad. ralle Better Hom-cfe..Llte Criia .. y ....... '" 19c I ...... S9c MAYONNAISE I: 33c: S.'ad DI'.II' •• " ... D. el Moat. P ...b .. Hsal..r... .....No_..214,o ,.._.. O .... dde I'l'eeatoae P....... N~w.. Z3C tfYaJ I'l'1IIt Cocktail = ~I!o 3'. UII.,.'_ Fruit Cocktail ':;.1 a~o 9D61:rMII CAKE MIXES 2~t;:45c: Wbl... Spl,., Dovll', food or Chlffoft 4 Thoy .. lllt ........ 1Mm Ite .' -117 I.'t. Y..,11 this MW ..., .. ,.-= Ideal Crushed LPINEAPPLE :P: -1I27e Nr+1 - I.'. -I!i!i!d! l r-____ ---=~~., y..." _ All Ix'ra Seppi" Inrlched lupre_ BREAD ':.'::14c Stock Up W the long Week·end frankfurtw 01' k-B-Que FRaa ROLloS 2 ~ 29c Wilson'. Mor I ...... 39c '.1IIt --- •• .. -37c Sardln. .........: .. 2=27c II$tD Catsup 2'-- 2Sc Neclar == 2':;:21c ManhmalloWi • ....... 17c 01 ..... 01-- _ ... . 011".. ,-- -"'37_ Plck ... ·=..":_ ":1 .. Polalo QI,.~ """27_ , , C~Peeg::';:t G.:~~a!:!ss2~ .' DEW DRO. P INN Swarthmore College history. will , . be graduated at Commencemen~ ....." ,. ., • £.,.eb _ .'aner exercises Monday, June 6, at 11 Closed Every Sunday' a.m. Over 200 students 'will be present 'to receive diplomas and Monday Thru Saturd8y hear Victor L. Butterfield, presi- Open 7 A. M· to 8 p. M. dent of Wesleyan University, de- OUTSIDE. C' Jl'TERING SERVICE liver the Commencement ad~. on. . Ceremonies of the 87th annual DAILY DDtIlCRS 85clo 'LeO Commencement weekend. will be- Spi,cial Children'. Platten gJuinn eo n5 .B aIncc tahlaeu mteoartne iDnga.y ,t hseu Bnacd- aY'I;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~_~. _:_ :~~ caJaureate address will be de­livered by Ricjlard H. McFeely, principal of George. School Blld a member of Swarthmore's Board of Managers. The traditional "Lasl Collecllon" at 7:30 in Cloth­ier Memorial will feature a lec­ture by Dr. Wolfgang Kohler, re­search profeSsor of psychology and philosophy. at Swarthmore. A Phi Beta ~appa address ,will be given by Henry Nobel MacChacken, former president of V~ssar Col­lege, at 8:30 p.m. in Friends Meet­ing House. The Monday exercises are sched­i uled for Scott Outdoor Auditorium, I and the public is invited to attend. I In the event of rairi, the Com­. mencement will be held in Clothier Memorial, where only.those hold-ing invitations can be s~ated. Holds Luncheon The annual luncheon of the Writers Club of Delaware County was held Tuesday afternoon. . The ·birthday anniversary of Mrs. Robert L. Coates, of Harvard avenue, ~o fonned· the poetry branch of the club, was observed by the reading of an original poem by one of th!, members. Jane Bennett Weldensaul of Wynnew.ood, 13 year-old harpist, presented numbers, a1)d Hamilton Cochran, author, of Wallingford spoke on V{riting and writers. Virginia Hamilton Borinet, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. E. A; Bonnet of Amsteldam, . Holland, formerly of Yale avenue will be a candidate for· the bachelor of arts degree during the commelire­ment exercises to be held at Hol­lins College, Va., in June. Vir­ginia has been a member of the Y.W.C.A-, the Dramatic Board, the Camera Club, and the chapel choir. She is a major in Spanish. SAFETY FIRST TIRES!· rlaat You (:a .. r ..... '· SEIBERLING "SAFETY" TIRES • Safety-protected. by patented Heat-Vents I< USaf-Fl.'" Pre­Btretehed cordi. • M_ lIeagteo·upgroht ecled by "AlIIDIte" tread. You Get These Extras' • Sell your tire troubles to us. • Yon get SEmERLING'SstarI­Hng Hfe·tIm .. aU-hazards war­ranty ••• not jllSt 18 months or 25,000 miles, but forever - so long as tread remains. • On.lh .. spot mDeage adjwot­menl- by any Seiberling dealer at any time-no _11-<10 t ..... • You dOD" bave to pay eash­terms to 'Bult yoar Deeds. • Free mounting ana free mDe­oce ",, _ to Insare mad-mom tire Ufe.· . . • Freedom from ""1T1 about "old-tire" danpn. DON'T DELAY - BE SAFE TODAY , Come to JissuP .. COMPANY "Opporite 'l'lIe (:eRr''' ..... ' moNT .... OBANGE STREETS PRONE MI!oJIa 84111 BTVDEBAKBa Sales .. _ce BRING TBIS ADV. Wliii YOU ITI8WO&TB $1M , UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT nt the former Locust Knoll Farms Turn right at U.s: Route 1 Cloverleaf (beyond Media) onto Roule 352. Continue for 3 mUes and STOPI. . CmCK'N THE BASKET. SANDWICHES, COLD PLA'l'TERS AT OUR DAIRY BAR 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.III._amdaY. 11:00 AJ\L to MilInI«ht' Sunday. 1:00 P.M. 10 9:00 P.lIIo Serving in our cool,· all slone, Open Rafter Dining Rooms Saturday and Sunday Only Dining Room.. .avalJable ,or ':Inb Reservations Weekdays . , ...,Ht=. lHr=s. .... est=lH. .... ....,.Hese""t""'t"1t1bt=SMt::Il"'1t"1-!""1t:1 .... HHHes' , n Chuck Roast FR~G Chickens Rib Roast SLICED Bacon , ", - I _a __ _ Ib 49c Ib 49c Ib 59c pkg 29c Fruits and Vegetables' - _.- . NO.1 NEW 'Potatoes Sibs 29c NEW TEXAS Onions 3, Ibs 19.c. Celery Hearts~bch 19c The Swarth ore Co-op WHEN CO-OP S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ARE DOWN FOR i\iIiIUORIAL DAY WEEK-END· FRENCH ApplQ Pie TRY IT WUH BREYERS' Ice Cream a la mode MEATS ARIIIOUH STAR SKINLESS F~ankfurters SUGAR CURED Sliced Bacon SWIF'l"S SELECT ··49c PINT 28c 1·2 GAL 1.05- Rib Roast C~8~~E Ib45c Ib 49c' Ib 59c GROCERIES SAVE! - BUY co-op Bleach gal45c NOW IN STOCK BLUE LABEL Grapefruit Sections 2 ~:N: 29C EXTRA SPBClAL BLUE LABEL Peas 2 cans 23c PRODUCE' No.8 NEW 'Potatoes Sibs only 25c String Beans Ib 15c LOOAL Rhubarb bu 7cI g ~lKA:~·Y ~H;;~i~M9~·=======;~~",, ___ -=~==-F!~B~E~S~W~A~B~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~==-===~'====~==~,~========~ __= -_T . "PRWE"-Fftsh LeaD Meat C'TASSIF1ED NEW'S NOTES treasurer on the World Student' ·Ll. Col. Leonard Frescoln of For Your Pets.l..l Joan Faulkner of Dickinson Service F'llnd Drive and has been Denver, Colo., spent a few days GroDDd.J= ~E::;!' _.A IIo PERSONAL avenue arrives home Tuesday from elected. co-chairinan for next year.' with ·his mother, Mrs. Lovett !'res- Cubed and Cooked Tusculum College, Tenn., :follow- She also will be lib~~ian for her. coin of Harvard avenue. ReIrular DeUverles PEiRroS ONAtoLa' st vaCUUdD I Cldlean~, ing completion of her sophomore junior year. Joan had a part in,' Mrs. Doald P. Jones of North Swarthmore 2302-R DB, erfao r aann d rade li0v8e rreed-. year. J oan was one 0 f the fl'V e the college play "Pinafore" which Swarthmore avenue entertained at jail Brooks, Swarlhmore girls on the campus to be chosen was presented at the college and a bridge-luncheon at her home Remember Father's J)a:r TIME H wks. .......... $3.87 LlPE-39 wks. ............ $3.90 FORTUNE-9 mos. .. .. $6.75 cau SWarUlmore 2951-R VATIIARINE B. SIMMONS A. Mercer Quinby FUNEJI.AL DRECTOR Fonnerly 0% Media 1125 W. Lebigb Ave., Phlla. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for suburban calls ~ '. on lhe Co-Ed Council, which on lwo exlension trips through the on Thursday of last week. - J!d' handles discipline problems and a'llillilllUWlllllllilUUllUlUIWUnnmWlll1 -=- ~ state. and Spencer Carroll of North Chester Of 1'i!R- conducts dances and ol>her' activ- road will relurn in June. from i ' .... ilies. For' two years . sqe w.. _ .;::.>.. -, A-"-work .. _- Redfield, S.D .. wbere she has been Ii ,on vacuum _,"!d one High School age Mrs. F. H. Packard since March. ELEC;TRICAL ~~1 ~. • done to house or apartment. Three viSiting .ber grandparents Mr. and REPAIRS I laml.'s: • C .ll H. Hausen, . Dickinson avenue are leaving 10- WIRING NEW aDd OLD ~~. toasters "~~'I~ Reply Box V, Dr. and M ... Arthur J. Jones of I ~ ~s~artJunore F,mn to O'A.~~;~.'~?_ . su-~ day to drive to Boulder, Colo., ! HOMES I~ , =~PaIJe.~: - ::_-- ,.~. ~-=c stopping en roule at Oberlin, a Shaenrdw uowda ll_.. 1~;!n~Y'~"~.,n" ~-.v'~-'~ ~E~:'2~.· ~~~'!..i]~'oWc!'~ Ohio and Grinnell, Iowa. Dr. Ii! ,< '.T, will leach in summer school I Samuel M. HarbisoD I'" • A ",y!!~~ Em.-. I OTt.:; day or so~ect"ril Swarthmore at the University of Colorado. = Swarthmore 0740 •P ho ne 1808. Their son . Burton is head of the iE!! WANTED-Two college students Mathematics Department at lhe "llIIlIIlIIlIIllllllllllll1l11ll11l1mmllllll1l1ln'lnm~ ~12 want one or two roo. ms, October UniverSity of Colorado and lives ~~~~~I#d TREE SURGERY PRUNING, LIMB AND 'l'REE REMOVAL'. Ie Corseliere, Mrs. Elsie : ~ 10 June. Reply Box W, The lat Boulder. They will be gone Phone, Swarthmore . " ~ about three monlhs. Mr. and ror ~ '-= w,n .- ';~b;ih,_~d: ;;;~;:~.. Mrs. J. E. Hankinson will occupy ther : ;~J- "<-~.':. ~r- Park" their House during Iheir. absence. , 1 more • _!~::~~i~dt)II~~"ri ~~ SPRING ~=~====~ . FOR RENT WAi ROBERT BASTINGS· call Swarthmore OZ65-W ROOFS GU'I'I'EB8 IFqR !""".u· . for 2 months, . ' :- ~ ... ," When ail things in my slghl . RRPAI1lED AND June 23. possibly two I wHh "It. "'~ are sweel with Spring. . INSTALLED Phone Swarthmore ;:,;;::. ~n~ on":"ba;''t." anN dO When feathered friends again Furnace Repairs & Cleaning ~ A "::.~',":'. .;;::~ •• _-:-• ., tb . Call . 'III~~~~~~~, T~; ~~~~~-,~ ~ or _5~0 Ch0e1s9te3r. are on e wmg, GEORGElIIYERS ','~' When over night trees Inose 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2288 screene~e~.%:', ;~en. .. ;.:Fis~, !"'Re~i:~;-t~~,.3fJ~ their wintry dress, ~~~lE§st~~lE:8ist3Ei9~I~swarthmore 1~472-W. . '~c Trained. Phone And every hill and dale i/' , 2122. is loveliness, U' , •• ;.:.. : +n T. nov Il~~r~~~:~;~'" ... ,-~.I "ffigh SChool.§oi. .Od, ~J0!:>s Then, then my heart is full DAVE WOOD ,-;;:: 2268. after school and '.~-:::. of glad surprise, -roR' :if ---'-'" Swarthmore 1984. , WANTED-Swarllimore- engineer, SALE'-Maglc Chef gas range wife and child, need unfurnished Phone Swarthmore apartment or house by July 1. ~ -= Excel. ref. Call Swarthmore ~ un -1<, 3203-R between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. size, $25;. lhree ~d-~~ne- WANTED Small apartment, three li~~~acr~.~,a .,; '~.~~~~so~m~e.~lDl~p~r~ov~e;.- Threq oSrnws aratnhdm obraetahn. . Reply Box Y, ~ l~UTn mowers. LOST d FOUND ~1~". and 30",-~25' ';;;ii'$60; Thor an 1I~liinore $18. Phone .. -b,".ll r!,! ~n,!"~a>;. . II~ ~.:'~~,: liund-' 46. *~~"::. .-~ ! ,,!,d ."'-!~~ needlepoint; I w ;. ___ - Reply Box X, The I Call ""~ Ne ...... GI'OWII Old~ . Painting and Paperhanging PHONE Skog- Media 6·0755 moring. Re!~~d. if re-ave. Swarth- Yet, I have fear t'will vanish. Should' I close my eyes. So sweet is Spring So sweet is Spring , M.G.F. SHERU'F SALES of RCld Estate SHI<RIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE. MEDI4. PA. Friday, June 10, 1949 U :80 ·A.M. Eastern Daylight Time Cont1itJulIs: 12:50.(10 casb or' certified check at HOle of sale (uuless otherwise slaled in ndverUsemellt) balance In ten days. other r;:ondItfona 011 day of sale. Leval"l .lo'ucillS M.L.D. (Alias) No. 243 611lcc!t 'l'enu. 19'&8 Iii Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. Serving Swarthmore, Mor­ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1918 PHONE: Swarthmore "" Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS. Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Av. Morton, Pa. WlII . • •• OH'.II1(.'.' • WAU .... fLoOI COy ...... ;.;;;nlOOKiN6~ i:;r:- -~~';~ "'", .,-,i" •.", Wnn C,,," .".'I.IC..'.I" u. r, ... YOUIURO'PERTV 1:i~~:~1 Try-Cob's S~~~~~ I~~' -;.:" o!:. near I"""". months old .Phone Swarth- ~ : w~~rernoon Club. 0475-M. UeglIlDihg at '0. point Oll the North­wcstl! cly side of Ouview Road (fonuerly Oak Avenue) (forty feet wide) at the UiS[3Jlce of four hundred twenty feet measured Korth thlrty-sb:: degrees., Forty­Dine minutes East alonK the said side of Oakvlcw Road from' Its intersection with the Northwesterly side ot Humphreys' !Jtl'eet (formerly Florence Road) (forty teet Wide) which pOint Is at the distance • -T'"'18 .BAIII.IIS, .... Of two. hundred sev,enly·thrce teet lLnd AA_ EI ..... two one-hul1dr~ths of 11 foot measured C (£... 0359, 1\OJtIlCUStWUnlIY' along tlIe sald side of ail, ."' ..... It '''SII Humphreys Street from Its Intersection ~~" 1~~~~W~7~A~~~~~1 HYPER HUMl.!S ' . with Ule Northeasterly side .'of BewIDJIt ... ,... ...... • ... ... Avenue (fifty feet wide) i ContaIning in I ~T~" rent 3. or 4. bed- (nature's'. own soil builder) front or breudth· along the said North- Phone: Media 6.4281 - twheirsttye-rsliylt aiddeeg roeefs . Oakfovriteyw- niRneo adm Nlonrtuh t~es~_~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hust thIrty feet and extending of tbat WE CAN I=IND H-IM FOR YOU LIst Your Real Eidate . . With BAmD &~~i~~~ __ Old Bank_! Swarthmore 0108, -~ Veteran will give four pints of blood for information leading to modern unfurn­ished 1 or, 2~bedroom apt. convenient to PRR. Mature, educated. responsible, mar­ried, no' children, no pets • Box 5, The SwartJunorean. :lR Available by bushel or toD Write for pamphlet to NORMAN A. CHRIS.TIANSEN - 205 Rlv.ervlew A ... enne SwartbDlore 0572-~ \ -~~~~S SAND, (''lNDElIS, STONES IF TOPSOIL GOOD FOR DRIVEWAYS Driveway ComRrucUOD Asphalt or CoDCrtlte PETER DI NICOLA II~ PIANO TUNING ALBAN PARKER Phone lIIedla 6-3555 New and Rebuilt PIanos and Repairing Since 1908 Phone Swarthmore 2526 . VAN ALEN BROS. width In length or depth North filly-three degrees, eleven minutes West., be­tween parallel lines at right nDlC'les to said.. Oakvlew Road One hundred teet the Northeasterly lIne thereot passilll: through the, center ot ille party wall between tbese premises and the premises adjoining to the Northeast (beIng prem-' ~c.g No. 760 Oakvlcw Road) In Haver­ford Twp. Improvements consist of concrete foundation 10 " 38 feet. Sold ns the property of Albert Hobbs & Leonard Dlalr. t/n AI-Len Construction Co. AUy: Stephen J. McEwen, Esq. 3T-5-20 Robert J. MacBrIde. Sheri&'. ADVERTISEMENT The School District or Swnrthmore will receive bids at the office of the School District in the High School Building, cor­ner' ot College and Prlneetou Avenues, Swortlunore. Pennsylvaula. up to ... p.m •• Thun;doy. June 9. 1949, and open, the bids at 0 meetiDIC' ot the Board at the School DJstrlct office ou June 9. 1949, at 8 p.m., or Ilt an adjourned meeting ot the School Doard. tor acouStic bl0ck8, athletic supplies and equipment, chorus robes. and a, root tor the gymnasium. MORE HEAT FOR LESS MONEY PREMIUM: ANTIIRACITB 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarlhmore Swal'llunore 0345 Maaon Builders Supply Company MILLWORK - LUMBER BUILDING MATERIAL F. F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer "'Outstanding for Quallty" Media 8-0436 Coal and Fuel Oil Swarthmore Speclflcations can be secured between 9 . DI·sposal SerVl'ce Sh.umn daanyds, a'"n dp .mho. liddaalylsy. aetx ctehpet SScalltouorld aDyiss-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trict office. The Board reserves the rIght Rubbish ColJ--"'_.JI to reject any or aU bids In whole or in .... 1oCU part and to award contracts on any item. 8 E. Front SI. Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM Painters .. Paper liaJq'ers We shoDld Imow how Swa. ZZ88 MI""'I'BD. Ave Weekly or Monthly Or items making up any bid. Phone Swarthmore 3343 HSeilcdreat aLrayn g Denworth. 9 A. M. to 6.30 P.M, -=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~illi' CODstruction ••. Repairs I J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. DISPENSING OPTICIANS High Quality Craftsmanship Call us for an estimate , . Experts in the Making ~nd Fitting ~.~.~_ ~~~~~~~~~I of Spectacles and Eye Glasses PEl'EK Eo TOLD 1923 Chestnut Street .. - Phila. !Ho,ra(:e A,., . Reeves 3450 All Lines Of IDsurance 6913 Market Street Upper Darby 333 Dartmouth Avenue SWIII1Ipore 1833 ~27 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa: Builder CHARLES E •. FISCHER' 'SWARTHMORE 2253 RepairS and "A HOUSE wEU-MAINTAIIIEtJ IS THE WISE OWNER'S SAIN" . , A. WAYNE MOSTELLER ELECTRICAL CONTJlACTOR All Types of Electrical In­stallations and RepaIrs. Serving ·Swarthplore and VIcinity for past Twenty Years 1180 lIIableDberg A ...... 8wartlunore ~95 NIGHT or. DAY Painter Interior and Exterior \ . ,

---------- Page 19 ----------

8 THE ~WABTBMOBBAN MAYD, I •• t ________________ ~--~~--------~----------------~----------=---~~---------------- special committees: Charles Acker, ings, June 8 and 9, they will have Allyn, Marcus C. Burgett, Wilson I Stauffer, John H. Stokes, Jr., Louis SAFE'DRIVING WEEK AT H. S. .As a climax to their course in . , Safe-driving the boys of the jun­ior class of Swarthmore High School have been staging a Safe­driving Week which will end to.. day. Por the past few months they have been giving reports and listening to special speakers such as Chief Bateman of the local po­Hce force and Corporal Morris 9f the State Police safety department. The purpose of the program was to develop among the students an awareness of driver and pedestrian responsibilties. The national slo­gan for 1949: "The life you save may be your own," was adopted and printed on tags which were given. to every student. On the back a nUnlber was stamped for a lucky number prize. Shelby Martin is chairman of the program a·bly assisted by all mem­bers of the class. The following boys are acting as chairmen of PLAY fASr£ll LONtiERin B.F. Goodrieh 'P-F"* TENNIS SHOES "P-F" - POSTURE FOUNDATION • provides safe, comfortable, fool support. • keeps bones of the foot in normal position. • prevents tired strainad leg muscles. • helps you play better, faster, and longer. Come In - get y'&urs today. (~EI~Il' Shoe Shop Since 19M 102 PARK A VBN1JE Swarthmore 2350 PRICES $3.25 to 5.50 psycho-physical testing by which morning sessions only with special Burke, Paul D. Caldwell, Bruce C. J. Storck, William L. Thorpe, Wal­students are tested as to their re- classes, assemblies, and homeroom' Cook, George E. Davisson, Milton ter A. Wemher, and Joseph M. action time, glare acuity, breadth meetings. Friday will be devoted H. Fussell, III. I. John Haviland, YoUmans. perception, and depth-perception; to make-up examinations and on Vernon Henderson, Hugh A. H1l- At Eastlawn. Cemeteq the namea Raymond Denworth, in charge of Monday, June 13, the. sIXth grade ferty, Daniel P. Johnson, Louis J. are as follows: Isaac Johnston, fihns and tags; William McHenry, classes will visit the Junior high Koch, ~r., Alfred. W. Larson, Harry Louis Emmett Congdon, Edmund securing prizes, such as an oll school to ,become acquainted with S. MacMillan, Malcolm Main, M. Crenshaw, Walter G. Snyder, change and car wash, from local teachers and rooms. Winthrop W. Mellen, Jr •• Clarence Lewis D. Yerkes. Charles F. Dorey. garages who all enthusiastically In the elementary grade classes E. Meyers, H¥l"Y L. Mll1er. Jr., Samuel P. Bennett, and Charles contributed; Arnold Lampert, in will continue until May 31 and on John .M, Ogden, Jr., Boyd W. F. Seymour. charge of exhibits demonstratingWednesdaj-, June ·1, the co~er- r;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;!......;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j. various road and tire surfaces, ences will begin and continue until safety glass, and the da,ngers of until Tuesday, June 7. There will . PRONE 1984 alcohol and driving; Don Fether- be morning classes only in the PROMPT SERVICE oli, poster and bulletin board dis- grades, the afternoons being de- Wiring aiul Repairs plays; Fred Werner, essay and voted to conferences. Following slogan contest; Harold Ogram, the conferences the morning class- HARRY A. BREHL 111 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE SALES and SERVICE RADIOS " HOME APPLIANCES public address system, and short es will continue for the rest of the on the spot programs; Louis week and on Monday, :.June 13. The Sharpe, daily publicity; Fred Sales, closing day will be the 14th. demonstration of dual-driving cars. Special features of the program To Present "Reddigore" ~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i were: the assembly program held The Rose Valley Chorus will- nMNMesest=S ..... ~MMt:ft:(t::lt=S=~Mt"1t'1l'""c=se-: on Thursday during which Private present "Reddigore" or "The I J. Newcombe, state policeman in Witch's Curse" as their 1949 Gil- ~DAY, JUNE 2, 1949 charge of promoting safety in bert and Sullivan prodUction at the The ·$l.OO-Serve Yourself-All You Want schools in this area, spoke on Players Club on June 8. driver-safety, and the MGM film· II COMPLETE SUPPBR production "Traffic with the Dev- .Mrs. Luzerne Ljvin~on of· n". was shown; the wrecked car ~ghland ~venue, Morton, IS hav- Come and Enjoy Your Selection From placed in . the school parking lot mg as her ouae guests her mother as a constant reminder of conse- Mrs. Katherine Patrick and ~er HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS quences of driver carelessness' the Mrs. Norman Wagner of WlUte- AND DESSERTS , trW' h . ed to tt d essay contest on the topic "Sports- wa e , . lSC., w.o arnv a en STRATH H' manship and Driving" for which Memonal ServICes for Mrs. Pa- A VEN INN two prizes will be given' the slo- trick's son Sgt: Lionel Patrick held ~~ii~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gan contest for which t~ prizes May 13 at Arlington Cemetery, Va. will be given for the slogans that H~ was k~lled May 8 in an autom-present the best driver-safety oblle ~ aCCIdent, at Camp Go~on, thoughts, and the opportunity for Ga., whe~ ~wo others wt;re killed students to take ~sycho-physical and ~wo m~~ed. His wife I~olde tests will give them an insight into was 1D Belgium at the time visib"ng their qu~fication for driving. her parent-s. ----- All who visit the school exhibit Memorial D, nv Services will have the opportunity to take ""J the psycho-physical tests at the safe-driving display tOnight.. School Closes. June 14 (Continued from page 1) will return to BorpughHall by way of Park avenue to Harvard, left on Harvard to Rutgers. From Rutgers it will turn right 'on , ·ATrENTION LANDLORDS Con&aet me by maD or b, y phone (0678) any evening after sIX o'clock, If you are interested In endlng RENT CONTROL in SWARTHMORE ALLAN C. WOOD . 227 SWARTHMORE AVENUE With 'the approach of June days the special plans and calendar for the last weeks of school are announced. 'I1he seniors will be­gin their examinations, on Tues­day, May 31, to continue for the rest of the week. They will have their baccalaureate service at the Chester road down to Park avenue ~===~~~===~~~=~==~~=~=~~~=~~ and right on ~rk avenue to Bor- ": ough Hall. List of War Dead to be honored at Borough Hall are: Harold Ains­worth, Collins Chambers, .Fred­erick Hawthorn, M. C. Johnson, Maurice F. Witmer, Webster S. Methodi!lt Church on Sunday. June piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji 5, at 5 p.m. the services being con­ducted by the local ministers. Mon­day evening there will be the tra­ditional senior banquet at Whittier House, and on Tuesday evening, June 7, at Clothier Memorial at 8 o'clock the annual c'ommence­ment exercises will be held, with Professpr Patrick Murphy Malin as commencement speaker. Ad­missisn to commencement is by tickets only-. The Hoagie Hut 17* S. Chester Road , Swarthmore I 'l'REAT THE FAMILY TO HOAGIES, STEAK SAND­WICHES or HAMBURGERS ON MEMORIAL DAY Hours for May 30th 4:30 P. M. to l1:00·P.M. Phon,e 3216 The other high school classes will have regular class sessions up ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ to Wednesday, June 8, when the .~ ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades will begin their examinations, to continue for· the rest of the week. The' pupils will then return on Tuesday moriung, June 14, for the Moving-up Day exercises and to receive their reports, as will all the pupils of the school. Tuesday, J,me 14, is the la~t day of school. The pupils of the seventh and eighth grades will have classes up to Tuesday afternoon and then on WedDesday and Thursday morni Need that extra dress to complete you r 8u "mtCr wardrobe either in play or dressing up? , SHOP AT RtJTH IZUMI Dress Shop Theatre Square 631 South Chester Road t~~ -M1.=J /JJtW ..••.". " ... I must rush over to Joyce Lewis-where I'm sure to find all the smart clothes I need. for my country way of life ... and • COSTS H.D.SIPLER 11 80UTB CHESTER ROAD. SWARTHMORE make ,a bi,9 difference On party-line te'ephones, too, little courteSies make things Illuch smoother! • f) where I avoid th~t mad Dresses city-traffic scramble." Separates - • ~ .JI When you hang up gently on finding the line in use, you're being courteous to your party-line neighbor: You'reeourieous, too, when you keep calls reasonably brief .•• and when you space calls 80 that others can use the line in the intervals .. Accessories ~-:::::;:::;" • Lovely wearables for suburbia SWARTHMORE ,~ S. CHESTEI lOAD • The nice thing about party-line courtesy is that it's returned in kind. Thus, everyone o~ the line gets better telephone servicel the .e"Ielephone Company of PennlylYanla - I. •

The Swarthmorean, 1949-05 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2025)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.