Tampons are having a moment.
The so-called tampon tax is being debated in states around the country as lawmakers consider whether levying sales tax on feminine hygiene products placesan unfair burden on women, essentiallya penalty women pay for menstruating.
Change.org has started a global online petition to repeal policies in countries around the world that tax sanitary products for women. Canada ditched its tampon tax in July, and “free-bleed” protesters in London stood outside Parliament in November wearing white pants while menstruating, calling for a repeal of the European Union’s tax.
In New York, five women sued the state tax department earlier this month, alleging the sales tax on feminine hygiene products violates the equal protection clauses of the U.S. and N.Y. constitutions. Five states have eliminated the tax, and five more have no state sales tax at all.
Michigan-made sanitary pads keep girls around the world in school
Here in Michigan, two bills have been introduced by state Rep. Sarah Roberts, D., St. Clair Shores. One would eliminate the 6% state sales tax on feminine hygiene products, and the other would provide free sanitary napkins and tampons to girls and women in restrooms at public schools and in state buildings.
“I just think it’s time to stop taxing women for being women,” Roberts said. “Since the dawn of time, women and girls have been menstruating. It’s not a secret. It’s not a surprise to any adult. It’s part of what happens biologically with women.
“This is a medically necessary item that women have to have, and it can be expensive. I think eliminating it from the sales tax really has a minimal impact on the overall sales tax collection in the state of Michigan, and it makes it more affordable for women and young girls.”
A box of tampons or pack of maxi padscosts about $7 a month.When you multiply that cost by 12 months a year for about40 years of a woman's life, it adds up. Women who can least afford them need to cut corners wherever they can.
And in a state that has seen a surge in toxic shock syndrome—five cases since December 2015 —the conversation couldn't be more timely.
Toxic shock syndrome is a rare bacterial infection thatcan be caused by using a high-absorbency tampon or bywearing a tampon for too long. If women are trying to save money, they might be more likely to wear a tampon longer than advisable, or buy only the super absorbency and use that even when their flow is light, putting them at higher risk for TSS.
5 confirmed toxic shock cases in Michigan
The infection causes sudden fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, muscle aches, lowblood pressure, rash, and shock with multi-organ dysfunction, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. It can be fatal.
"I just thought this is an issue that we should be talking about," Roberts said."Feminine hygiene products are really different from any product out there, and there isn’t a comparable male product that is necessary. Women have to have feminine hygiene products to deal with their menstruation. It’s something they have to deal with every month, and they don’t have a choice."
Plenty of other things in Michigan are tax exemptbecause they are considered necessary — groceries, for instance, and prescription drugs— but there are other items, like farm equipment and newspapers, that also are exempt.
"Although I’m very supportive of the newspaper industry, I just feel like this is a medically necessary item that women have to have," she said.
And when you consider the gender paygap—the fact that women in Michigan earn 77.1 cents for every dollar a man earns, according totheInstitute for Women's Policy Research—the cost of being femaleis high.
Roberts says she has some bipartisan support for the legislation to eliminate the tampon tax, but that it's made little headway. She hasyet to get support from Republicans on her bill to provide tampons and maxi pads free in public schools and state buildings.
What's been off-putting to Roberts is the lack of discourse about this issue among male colleagues.
"It’s so interesting to me to talk about this need, and honestly the majority of men just kind of cringe, and they’re like, 'Uh! I can’t even talk about the word tampon.'What a lot of men don’t understand is what it’s like to be a 13-year-old girl, and to get your period and not have a quarter (to buy a maxi pad from the bathroom vending machine). Right? They’ve never experienced that.
"Why would we continue to perpetuate shame and embarrassment for young girls for something that happens, that is not their fault, and that is just a natural part of being female? Why would we make it difficult, and particularly for young girls, to have to go through that? It’s not a choice. You cannot not have a feminine hygiene product when you’re on your period and continue going to school or going to work."
Sometimes, being a woman isn't all sunshine and roses. It isn't easy, and it definitely isn't pretty. But now is thetime to do the messy and uncomfortable job of making change. If not for ourselves, then for our daughters.
Contact Kristen Jordan Shamus: 313-222-5997 or kshamus@freepress.com. Follow her on Twitter@freepress.com.
How to be heard
If you have an opinion on the so-called tampon tax, call your state lawmakers.
State representatives: Go to house.michigan.gov or call517-373-6339.
State senators: Go to senate.michigan.gov or call517-373-2400.
And check out the global campaign on Change.org.